Legion of Super Heroes


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Liberty's Edge

I know. I'm just talking crazy smack.

This girl called me from Miami, trying to sell something. She asked me how Texas is, and I said it's hotter than hell and no place else. Then she tried to tell me that Miami (where I've been) is hotter.
I said come on out here, right?

Heathansson wrote:

I know. I'm just talking crazy smack.

This girl called me from Miami, trying to sell something. She asked me how Texas is, and I said it's hotter than hell and no place else. Then she tried to tell me that Miami (where I've been) is hotter.
I said come on out here, right?

So now your trying to pick up random telemarketers? So did she fall for it?

Heath, can you tell me how to post the covers for my Legion book? I don't know how to do pictures here on pazio.

Liberty's Edge

I think she was with the Science Police, trying to infiltrate my dastardly plans to destroy th Legion of Stuper Heroes.

Heathansson wrote:
I think she was with the Science Police, trying to infiltrate my dastardly plans to destroy th Legion of Stuper Heroes.

Wouldn't surprise me. I have a question for you!

Eileen, you've never been south of IOWA? Geeze, you must be quite resistant to cold. Is that where you're from? I have a good friend who lives somewhere out there. When I visited, it was sometime over the summer. I found Iowa beautiful, with the uninterrupted rows of corn and trees that towered everywhere I looked. I loved it.

I have been trying desperately to ignore the rumblings of Darth Didio, taking each issue of Legion with a grain of salt. So far, it seems to be a rollicking adventure, and I'm liking it on that alone. I know with DD at the helm it will turn into a bloodbath, with beloved characters buying it in every other panel. The fact that Superman/boy-Prime is going to be involved means that the deaths will be unusually gory. I read the "first issue" of Titans East and it turned my stomach. As I have said before, character death- whether it is in comics, games or movies- should be a moment of gravity that reminds everyone on both sides of the fourth wall of just how fragile life is. Blue Beetle's death was like this. Everyone else Didio has killed was not. It's almost as bad as what happened with the New Mutants/New X-Men...

And to answer your much earlier question Eileen, it seems I misunderstood you- you were referring to chapters of your Legion Of Super Heroes RPG, not individual books in a series. I think you have everything covered.

Well I have been around much of Greyhawk if that counts for anything. Actually, when I was 10, I visted my Aunt & Uncle & cousins in Oregon. We drove out and flew back. The trip took me through S. Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and northern California. I've also been to N. Dakota during college, and when I worked as a photographer in St. Paul I had a few jobs that took me to Iowa. My first photogaphy job was shooting students at public and private schools so I did a lot of driving. Later I moved on to studio photography, doing children photos, engagements, senior pictures, 3-4 generation familys, that sort of thing. So clearly I have led a sheltered life. I don't get out much either!

I'm so use to fields that it doesn't do that much for me, though the corn can be kinda nice when it reaches 6-7 feet high. I use to go frolicking in my grandparents corn field when I was little, that was fun.

Well this Dart Didio person I have never heard of nor am I familiar with Superboy Prime. I guess I missed to many comic years, so I'm about to get educated. Somehow I suspect you will hear me scream to the top of my lungs when he starts killing off Legionnaires. If he touches Phantom Girl I personally will scratch his eyes out (and you know he will because everytime I want something just so, it always goes wrong for me).

I'm polishing up the first real work with skills (areas of expertise). I don't have individual descriptions yet but do have about 90+ of them along with how they are acquired during character creation and later on in the game. Needs a bit more tinkering but is getting there. Covers turned out fantastic, they exceeded my expectations. Now I just need to find a way to spruce up the actual pages so that they are not so boring looking. Right now they are two columns with black and some red ink for text. Pictures will be added later when portions of the text are pretty solid. Page borders are lacking though, need something Legiony for the sides/top/bottom of the pages, any ideas Freehold DM?

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Well I have been around much of Greyhawk if that counts for anything. Actually, when I was 10, I visted my Aunt & Uncle & cousins in Oregon. We drove out and flew back. The trip took me through S. Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and northern California. I've also been to N. Dakota during college, and when I worked as a photographer in St. Paul I had a few jobs that took me to Iowa. My first photogaphy job was shooting students at public and private schools so I did a lot of driving. Later I moved on to studio photography, doing children photos, engagements, senior pictures, 3-4 generation familys, that sort of thing. So clearly I have led a sheltered life. I don't get out much either! I'm so use to fields that it doesn't do that much for me, though the corn can be kinda nice when it reaches 6-7 feet high. I use to go frolicking in my grandparents corn field when I was little, that was fun.

That's amazing! It stories like that that make me wonder what would have happened if I ever got serious about photography...

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Well this Dart Didio person I have never heard of nor am I familiar with Superboy Prime. I guess I missed to many comic years, so I'm about to get educated. Somehow I suspect you will hear me scream to the top of my lungs when he starts killing off Legionnaires. If he touches Phantom Girl I personally will scratch his eyes out (and you know he will because everytime I want something just so, it always goes wrong for me).

Hey, look on the bright side- if Phantom Girl dies, that means you get to come to NY and we can hang out! After I pay your bail, that is.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
I'm polishing up the first real work with skills (areas of expertise). I don't have individual descriptions yet but do have about 90+ of them along with how they are acquired during character creation and later on in the game. Needs a bit more tinkering but is getting there. Covers turned out fantastic, they exceeded my expectations. Now I just need to find a way to spruce up the actual pages so that they are not so boring looking. Right now they are two columns with black and some red ink for text. Pictures will be added later when portions of the text are pretty solid. Page borders are lacking though, need something Legiony for the sides/top/bottom of the pages, any ideas...

I love the way this sounds, but I am not a fan of unusual font and background combinations. If you are going to make the columns black, make the text white- it'll be easier to read that way. Then again, this is just me.

For the borders of the pages, I say go with the symbols of each character. That's what I loved the most about the Legion- everyone has a symbol, and they are referred to by it throughout their career.

I wrote:
Well this Dart Didio person I have never heard of nor am I familiar with Superboy Prime. I guess I missed to many comic years, so I'm about to get educated. Somehow I suspect you will hear me scream to the top of my lungs when he starts killing off Legionnaires. If he touches Phantom Girl I personally will scratch his eyes out (and you know he will because everytime I want something just so, it always goes wrong for me).

Freehold DM wrote:
Hey, look on the bright side- if Phantom Girl dies, that means you get to come to NY and we can hang out! After I pay your bail, that is.

Eileen Prophet of Istus wrote:
Well I guess I would be in the area since that is where DC is located. Nice to know you'd be willing to pay my bail. You didn't mention anything about an interest rate. I'm wondering how much I really need to save up. You might as well start making reservations for dinner and plan on giving me a tour of NYC. My Top Secret/S.I. campaign is headquartered in NYC so it would be kinda nice to see where my Tashiana Ling (Agent Emerald Dragon) has been.

Freehold DM stated:
I love the way this sounds, but I am not a fan of unusual font and background combinations. If you are going to make the columns black, make the text white- it'll be easier to read that way. Then again, this is just me.

For the borders of the pages, I say go with the symbols of each character. That's what I loved the most about the Legion- everyone has a symbol, and they are referred to by it throughout their career.

Eileen said:
I think you misunderstood. The text is black with some red to highlight what I am calling quick rules. The page background is standard white. I really like your idea of the borders having the symbols. Any idea where I can download good copies of them? I would really like to try this idea. The only other thing I could come up with is some sort of black outerspace design with white stars (that would match part of the covers.

Oh, and I have been to Wisconsin as well. Yawn!

I have been there too; I thought it was nice. Of course, I have been a lot of places; most were nice. It always seems bit bleak here in my home state, but some people like it; guess that is why several supers started there careers here.

Valegrim wrote:
I have been there too; I thought it was nice. Of course, I have been a lot of places; most were nice. It always seems bit bleak here in my home state, but some people like it; guess that is why several supers started there careers here.

What is your home state? Is it your current state? What is your state of mind? Just state the facts please!

Uhm; Michigan, New Mexico, humorously longing for true love, uhm; red light is 6328 Angstrom, light wavelength or the more you know; the more you realize you dont know.

do I win a prize; can you make my Dream Girl or the Phantom Girl of my sorta dreams come to life and be mine?

What is your home state? Is it your current state? What is your state of mind? Just state the facts please!

Valegrim wrote:

Uhm; Michigan, New Mexico, humorously longing for true love, uhm; red light is 6328 Angstrom, light wavelength or the more you know; the more you realize you dont know.

do I win a prize; can you make my Dream Girl or the Phantom Girl of my sorta dreams come to life and be mine?

I don't know about winning a prize. Sounds more like a job to me. How much does it pay? Do I need to send a resume or have previous experience? What are the responsibilities involved? Do you provide insurance and vacation time?

Liberty's Edge

i.e.: no.

Heathansson wrote:
i.e.: no.

How come? Sounds like a lot of work for no benefits.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, and I suppose we should pay the LoSH a pension just like congress and all those goons. You self-righteous do gooders! You make enough bread off of speaking engagements to run the economy of an outer rim colony planet for 500 zignarks!
Jive-ass earthling superheroes, with your arbitrary "human" labels of "good," and "evil." I see what you're really up to.

Heathansson wrote:

Oh, and I suppose we should pay the LoSH a pension just like congress and all those goons. You self-righteous do gooders! You make enough bread off of speaking engagements to run the economy of an outer rim colony planet for 500 zignarks!

Jive-ass earthling superheroes, with your arbitrary "human" labels of "good," and "evil." I see what you're really up to.

No Heath you don't need to pay the LSH anything, though some respect would be nice (but not mandatory). You see we are funded by RJ Brande, one of the richest men in the universe. He pays the Legions bills as well as giving each of us a certain amount of expense money in order to get by on. I understand that Matter-Eater Lad is often bothered by his alcoholic father to give him his Legion paycheck so he can drink and gamble (there was an actual story about this in the 70's). The spaceships are paid by Brande, the headquarters, all of it.

Any money earned from speaking engagements is strictly donations offered by the attendees. Such gifts are turned over to assist the living conditions of the needy, further health needs of society, provided to the science police in order to better capture and reabilitate criminals, that sort of thing.

If you are interested in mailing a donation towards the Legion please send it to the following address....


She will properly distribute donations as indicated above. If you would like to benefit from these donations, please state your situation, acceptible proof that you are not a super criminal (or even a minor criminal, or has been criminal, or criminal want-to-be) as well as means of being contacted and the amount necessary for your cause and she will try to help you out.

Liberty's Edge

I'll donate something to the Legion, but it won't be money.

Heathansson wrote:
I'll donate something to the Legion, but it won't be money.

Very well, your time and community service is acceptable as well. Do you do windows?

Liberty's Edge

Uh....if by "do windows" you mean wipe my wet nose and greasy tongue all over them, yes....yes I do.

Heathansson wrote:
Uh....if by "do windows" you mean wipe my wet nose and greasy tongue all over them, yes....yes I do.


Do you know how many bottles of windex I would have to go through to clean up your mess? I suppose you could take out the trash, that would give you the opportunity to rumage through it. I tell you what, I will let you make an offer for how you would like to donate your time, how's that sound?


Valegrim wrote:


Back at ya!

Liberty's Edge

I could scratch the carpets.

Heathansson wrote:
I could scratch the carpets.

Not in my room you don't, you already pooped in my slipper remember. I think we need to get you a chew toy. You got to much energy. How about sweeping the Nolan Plaza (dedicated to the loss of Ferro Lad), with your tail at Legion Headquarters, will that work for you?

ok; so are we done with my injection of some hero vs villan story thread combined with the time slip; do we just want to drop it; what goes; are we back to housebreaking Heathyboywonder?

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I could scratch the carpets.
Not in my room you don't, you already pooped in my slipper remember. I think we need to get you a chew toy. You got to much energy. How about sweeping the Nolan Plaza (dedicated to the loss of Ferro Lad), with your tail at Legion Headquarters, will that work for you?

If you're from Minnesota, does that make you Loon Lass?

Valegrim wrote:
ok; so are we done with my injection of some hero vs villan story thread combined with the time slip; do we just want to drop it; what goes; are we back to housebreaking Heathyboywonder?


Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I could scratch the carpets.
Not in my room you don't, you already pooped in my slipper remember. I think we need to get you a chew toy. You got to much energy. How about sweeping the Nolan Plaza (dedicated to the loss of Ferro Lad), with your tail at Legion Headquarters, will that work for you?
If you're from Minnesota, does that make you Loon Lass?

And NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valegrim wrote:
ok; so are we done with my injection of some hero vs villan story thread combined with the time slip; do we just want to drop it; what goes; are we back to housebreaking Heathyboywonder?

We continue our efforts for several reasons....

1. I'm still off in some other dimension and you haven't bothered to come find me yet!

2. The Fatal Five is still out there and I highly doubt the Ahem....justice league of little boys can do anything about it. In other words its up to us.

3. Were trying to invite others to jump in and roleplay with us.

4. Housebreaking the dog is impossible.

So you start, I can keep up with both you and Heath. Give me your worse...both of you! I dare you Valegrim, I double dog dare Heath!

Liberty's Edge

The fatal five is a bad joke, compared to my crew of do-badders.

We're so mean, we blew up a planet just for snoring.

Heathansson wrote:

The fatal five is a bad joke, compared to my crew of do-badders.

We're so mean, we blew up a planet just for snoring.

Yes, you are infamous for the poop in the slipper crime, everyone in the universe is still talking about it. As for your lackey wanna-bees, well, I heard they are rejects from the 1960's Batman series, you know the gang members who would all wear the same shirts with their names on the back.

The planet you blew up, was it Krypton? So basically you took credit for blowing up a planet that was suffering from geological turbulance. Oh well, at least blowing up a planet will look good on your resume for trying to get a job as a lackey for a real villain.

Liberty's Edge

Well, yes and no,....
Mad Science Nerd Kid kinda did that as his science fair experiment, but that was before he joined up. Or after, sorta; he does a lot of temperospatial this-and-that now and again. I don't understand none of it.

To recap:
As last we left off our story; the Fatal Five had attacked the Legion headquarters sending it into a spiral spin through time. Legionaires where caught unawares and were slow to respond or even recongize the threat giving the Fatal Five the upper hand early in the stuggle. Brainaic made a valiant effort to active the headquarters auto defenses and stabilied the HQ in the year 1995; which once online began to respond but would only be a slowing measure against the powerful Fatal Five; with a quick probability calculation; Brainac 5 actived several prototype drones and is remotely activating more via his Battle Armor mark VI remote interface; though they have yet to attack as Brainiac 5's megamultitasking consciousness has done this in attoseconds; he has also sent a distress call that to this years JLA; but it was incercepted by the Legion of Doom; matter are grim; another blip on the long range sensors is the real JLA comming to assist; will they get here in time to save the beleagured heroes of our year, or is it the END OF THE LEGION?

let us take another look at Brainiac 5; who under constant attack had been blown into space; he had regained control of his enviroment and begain a firing sequence against the aggressser; boom, boom, boom his autocannon roars silently from the depths of space; zatzatzatzatzatzatzat is the silent by awesome visual spectical of his turbolaser, and the clink and smack of jaring impacts into his sheild drones; but alas, it is all a feight; a deadly one, but a super advanced intelligence never does the expected in battle; Brainiac has transfered part of his consciousness into millions of heat seaking drone spiders; the spiders, driven by Brainiac 5; sense the heat eminating from and Power Princess; they attack in swarms convering her in a swath of heat draining, jet propelled spiders; smash one; smash more the Powerprinces does, but it seems hopeless; these spiders are self replicating; the heat they drain from the Power Princess fuels their strength; slower she fights, slower and slower as she is encased in spiders that drop her temperature to a cyronic hybernation temperature of two degrees Kelvin where even the power of the Princess cannot help her overcome the laws of physics.

Valegrim,if you haven't, please check your PBP discussion thread. Thanks. Legion post coming soon.

:) will do with lightening speed o purverer of all things energized; am gonna have to see how you can be rescued in this thread if I can get this battle going :)

Valegrim wrote:
:) will do with lightening speed o purverer of all things energized; am gonna have to see how you can be rescued in this thread if I can get this battle going :)

I'll be back tomorrow. I decided to work the extra day to get more spending money for comics over the upcoming weekend. Tomorrow the fight ensues. (temporary time stasis issue I'm afraid). We will correct it on Tues. Please try and send fey information over on the discussion thread it will work better for me here at home, had lot of uneccessay drama. Okee Dokey! Thanks again for the campaign invite, hope it is still valid.

absolutely girl; sheesh;
<= writes down on a piece of paper; Eileen, I want you to play in my PBP game and maybe one more player! puts the note in the blender with some high energy drink; blends it to a pulp; gets a hammer and chisel and a straw; opens a hole in Eileentheprophetwhodoesntbelievehehe's cartoon head; pours in the message; seals with a big ace bandage.

hehe, believe me now

<we return now to your regularly scheduled program>

Lex Luthos directs Bizarro to play hide and seek; and jump out and tag the incoming JLA craft; he directs Sinestro and Captain Cold to cover his ploy and with Giaganta and whoever that smart ape is; enters the Legions Headquarters seeking high tech plunder.

<hmm would right more; need to know who is in the battle; heck; I dont know these guys; are the Fatal Five the Emerald Empress, Mano, The Persuader, and Validus, led by Tharok, or a Fatal Five comprising Tharok, Mano, the Persuader, a new Emerald Empress and a monstous being called Mordecai. Also; Role call; which legionaires are here? and who is fighing who?

Brainiac, takes stock of the situation and runs several thousand simulations to determine the best course of action; but the sensor information is still under nano repair and data gathering is slow; after firing a full salvo of weapons, directing the inboard legion defenses; rousing members from sleep, and rescueing members from lack of air with the legions robots; Brainiac remotely deploys many seeker drones to enhance his own sensors.

Facts do not lie; the Legion is greatly out numbered and out powered; Fact; 20th century supervillians have entered Legionheadquarters to plunder and superscience advantage; Fact Legion headquarters is comprimised; Unknown; JLA members coming to assist; Unknown; are they strong enough in this environment to assist. Fact; current tradjectory of legion headquarters is in alignment between earth and the sun; detonating the HQ self destruct would be hidden from earthlings as a solar flare; Fact; current legion members would be stuck on earth in the 20th century; fact; this has happened many times before; Fact; Brainiac can build a machine to alter time to reset this battle and preserve the future; decision; best recourse; enact and execute.

(broadcast on all comm frequencies by Legion HQ.)
!! Warning; self destruct in 15 seconds, clear all bays and compartments of Legion Headquarters!!
!! Warning; Self destruct in 14 seconds, do not enter 1 mile radius of Legion Headquarters!!

The Gorilla your thinking of is Gorilla Grodd. The Fatal Five has undergone some roster changes over the years. I'm honestly only familiar with the original individauls. Have yet to read most of the changes from re-boots and later original series comics. This is the Fatal Five as they originated as........

Tharok: Half-man, half-computer, and leader of the Fatal Five. Small time crook who was fleeing the law. He was stopped but half his body was disintigrated. It was rebuilt as a computer. His right side is bald humanoid, his left side is a machine. He is super smart, but not comparible to Brainac 5.

Validus: Huge, 40-60+ feet high maybe, big purple guy with a giant brain that shoots electrical bolts, dumber than a ox, and under Tharok's control, super strong, nearly invulnerable and can fly. Becomes docile once Tharok loses control of him. Is actually the most powerful being in the known universe.

Emerald Empress: Green haired beauty who controls the emerald eye. It seems to be able to do anything but she needs to commands it to do. Take out the eye and she's harmless.

Mano: Has a helmet which only allows viewers to see the shadowy shape of his head. His hand has the ability to disintegrate anything he touches. He once destroyed an entire planet merely by activating his power while touching it. Often wears a protective glove when not using hand. Excellent martial artist.

Persuader: Bald asian looking fellow who carries a big two handed battle axe. Served as a enforcer in his early crime days. The axe is made of atomic energy and can slice through anything. Take away his axe and he's toast. Excellent martial artist/brawler.

I'll check on the Legion roll call and post some basic information on them as well. Be back for more later today. Your going to blow up the HG? Wow, here we go again. This is like the 3rd or 4th time. Oh, well, we don't have to pay for it. That's what RJ Brande is for.

just thought it was in line with Brainiac 5's character; cold, calculation; brash and impudent; deciding and enacting courses of actions without asking for the group leader's input. Tends to enact plans without thinking about consequences and relying on his abilities to overcome the outcome.

Valegrim wrote:
just thought it was in line with Brainiac 5's character; cold, calculation; brash and impudent; deciding and enacting courses of actions without asking for the group leader's input. Tends to enact plans without thinking about consequences and relying on his abilities to overcome the outcome.

You mistake me sir, no criticism given. Feel free to extend your roleplaying possibilities, besides it is all in fun. Heck, we can always rebuild it in 1 simple post. Legion secrets must be kept..just that, secret. Besides,were also talking about time travel, so just because it was built in the 30th century, then taken to the 20th century, it may or may not be gone when (if) we get back. And we might be able to return right before we left so we can better defend ourselves to avoid the loss. No concerns, here! I just hope we have some time to hit the local comic shops here in the 20th century before we return. These old comic books are a lot cheaper and easier to find here than they are in the 30th century. It will be a great opportunity to build up a collection before going back to the future, errr present, errr, something like that. I can't believe the clothes these people wear, and those hair styles, geeez, what were they thinking? And don't get me even started on the pollution. It's amazing anyone can breathe here. Oh, wait, I'm not here, I'm lost somewhere in some sort of time/dimensial spacious transition of some sort of another, sorry I forgot, ignore this post.

I believe we have the following Legionnaires present:

Star Boy: Has the ability to increase the effects of gravity.

Light Lass: Has the oppostite power of Star Boy.

Bouncing Boy: Super bouncing, tends to knock people over with it. Best spaceship flyer in the Legion.

Cosmic Boy: Ability to generate super magnetism.

Saturn Girl: Incredibly powerful telepath.

Dream Girl: Ability to foresee the future. Always 100% accurate though dreams can be misinterpreted.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Here is pretty much where the other Legionnaires left off at....

With Brainiac 5 out of action, Saturn Girl takes command of the situation. She immediately mentally commands the upcoming intruders who are Bizzaro Superman, Sinestro, and Reverse Flash to attack the Fatal Five.

Meanwhile, Light Lass flies out of HG and gently starts lowering it to the ground.

Star Boy uses his gravitational increase power to send Validus screaming to the earth.

Dream Girl decides to activate her flight ring and go after Brainiac 5.

Working together like a well oiled machine, the Legionnaires take command of their perilous situation and turn the tide of battle to their advantage.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Of coarse as things moved along a bit, Brainiac 5 has recovered and taken the offensive as well as set the HQ for self-destruction mode. Lex Luthor, Giganta, and Gorilla Grodd have entered the Legion headquarters. Emerald Empress has been eliminated from battle by Brainiac 5, so we now have the Fatal Four left along with the Legion of Doom. The Justice League's ship is under attack by Bizarro, Sinestro and Captain Cold. With the self-destruction mode of the Legion Headquarters down to less than 15 seconds, all the Legionnaires are able to utilize their flight rings and escape. However, that leaves the three Legion of Doom members within the complex and killing them in such an explosion is a direct violation of the Legion Constitution, as it states.....

Article 4.0 RESIGNATIONS OR EXPULSIONS FROM MEMBERSHIP, Subsection: (viii) reads:

"knowingly taking the life of a sentient being in other than a provable situation of self-defense or as a provable only available alternative to the death of sentient beings."

Therefore, the Legion will have to either save the fated members of the Legion of Doom or end the self-destruction sequence countdown. It might be possible that the members could save themselves, but are members of the current Legion roster willing to take that chance?

So Lex Luther, Gorilla Grodd, and Giganta are raiding the Legion HG. That leaves the Legionnaires, Cosmic Boy, Light Lass, Dream Girl, Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy, and Star Boy who have just exited the HQ via flight rings.

Star Boy elects to turn around and attempt to enclose the gravitational field of the forthcoming debri of Legion Headquarters, knowing full well he will be killed in the explosion. Dream Girl halts and scream at him not to do it because well....it's her boyfriend and the Legion is an overly romantic comic book.

Saturn Girl has just taken over the minds of Bizzaro Superman, Sinestro, and Reverse Flash to attack the Fatal Five (now the Fatal Four) which includes Tharok, Validus, Mano, and Persuader. Assuming that Saturn Girl is successful in her mental commands, though attempting to control Bizarro Superman, Sinestro, and reverse Flash all at once is greatly taxing her powers of concentration and she is starting to black out. If she does, the members of the Legion of Doom will be of their own free will once again.

This also leaves only Captain Cold left to face the JLA spaceship.

That leaves Cosmic Boy, Light Lass and Bouncing Boy free to act by either entering the battle between the Legion of Doom and the Fatal Four, or they can attempt to save Lex Luthor, Gorilla Grodd, and Giganta from the explosion to come, or whatever other action they deem necessary.

Radiation contamination is still a signficant source of danger when the energy sustaining equipment explodes.

Complicated? Not at all, only took me a little over an hour to sort out!

Heathansson wrote:

The fatal five is a bad joke, compared to my crew of do-badders.

We're so mean, we blew up a planet just for snoring.

Now by do-badders do you mean they do-bad or they are bad at what they do?

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

I believe we have the following Legionnaires present:

And me without a DXZ-66 quantum warpedo.

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

The fatal five is a bad joke, compared to my crew of do-badders.

We're so mean, we blew up a planet just for snoring.

Now by do-badders do you mean they do-bad or they are bad at what they do?

Mad Science Nerd Kid hit Minnesota with a humidity ray from his asteroid laboratory.

Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

The fatal five is a bad joke, compared to my crew of do-badders.

We're so mean, we blew up a planet just for snoring.

Now by do-badders do you mean they do-bad or they are bad at what they do?
Mad Science Nerd Kid hit Minnesota with a humidity ray from his asteroid laboratory.

Apparently it worked pretty well as you can attest. Although it is a bit early for it to kick in being it is still spring. So tell me, is Mad Science Nerd Kid going to turn it on high or super high this year? I'm just wondering about my air conditioning bill and what I should plan on wearing this summer.

Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

I believe we have the following Legionnaires present:

And me without a DXZ-66 quantum warpedo.

I hadn't forgotten about Mr. Haig, I just didn't think you were going to participate. Will you play nice with all the other boys and girls and not muck it up?

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

The fatal five is a bad joke, compared to my crew of do-badders.

We're so mean, we blew up a planet just for snoring.

Now by do-badders do you mean they do-bad or they are bad at what they do?
Mad Science Nerd Kid hit Minnesota with a humidity ray from his asteroid laboratory.
Apparently it worked pretty well as you can attest. Although it is a bit early for it to kick in being it is still spring. So tell me, is Mad Science Nerd Kid going to turn it on high or super high this year? I'm just wondering about my air conditioning bill and what I should plan on wearing this summer.

Everybody in Minnesota send us 50 earth credits and he'll call off the humidiray.

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

I believe we have the following Legionnaires present:

And me without a DXZ-66 quantum warpedo.
I hadn't forgotten about Mr. Haig, I just didn't think you were going to participate. Will you play nice with all the other boys and girls and not muck it up?

I'm in control here.

Heathansson wrote:

I'm in control here.

And so the mysterious Mr. Haig awakens from his time travel journey. His stomach doing flip flops as he once again insists on delusions of grandeur.

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