Speculative Fiction in Dragon

Dragon Magazine General Discussion


Looks like Dragon is looking for some speculative fiction:

Dark Archive Contributor

Can of worms? Check.
Can opener? Check.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Am I reading that right? Work for hire standards applied to fiction? I can see why they'd want that for their own worlds, but for original stuff?

Maybe this is just a cut and paste thing where they took the pre-existing notes for articles and applied them to their fiction guidelines. Anyone know how their novel line works?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

It is how it works, largely because (up until recently) all of their stuff has been in-world fiction based on their IP. Their new line (can't remember the name) features all creator-owned stuff, no doubt in an effort to attract a little credibility.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

hmm, anybody know how the SFWA handles work for hire credits for the purposes of eligibility? I'm pretty sure WotC pays enough to qualify as a professional market, but the surrendering of rights might make things a little hinky.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Dragon currently counts as a qualifying market for fiction. I suspect SFWA will revoke this status to punish Wizards for claiming all rights, but they change their qualifying markets either every 6 or every 12 months, meaning there will be an interregnum either way.

No response to queries. And they've taken down the fiction guidelines, and any reference to them on the news page. Doesn't look like they've incorporated them into the general submission guidelines, either. Retooling/response to criticism, or general change of mind about considering fiction subs? Time will tell.


Suppose there was a Wizard that had a Dragon. Lots of people loved the Dragon.

The Dragon was older than the Wizard, but the Wizard was crafty, and he grew more powerful than than the Dragon. But he made a friend for the Dragon. A benevolent, wonderful friend. It was a clay golem. They were wonderful for each other. The Golem made the Dragon happy and strong. In turn, the Dragon made many, many more people even happier. It was a match made in the heavens.

The Wizard grew jealous of their relationship. He took the Dragon away from the Golem. Lots of people were saddened by this. The Dragon hasn't been the same since...

What do you guys think? Should I pitch the idea for this stoy to them?

lol. to funny.

Mulban wrote:

Suppose there was a Wizard that had a Dragon. Lots of people loved the Dragon.

The Dragon was older than the Wizard, but the Wizard was crafty, and he grew more powerful than than the Dragon. But he made a friend for the Dragon. A benevolent, wonderful friend. It was a clay golem. They were wonderful for each other. The Golem made the Dragon happy and strong. In turn, the Dragon made many, many more people even happier. It was a match made in the heavens.

The Wizard grew jealous of their relationship. He took the Dragon away from the Golem. Lots of people were saddened by this. The Dragon hasn't been the same since...

What do you guys think? Should I pitch the idea for this stoy to them?

Didn't Burlew already do this or something similar? Good either way.

Yep. Completely removed even fron the News Archive section. That's a pretty drastic alteration for a website.

Something's changed, but what is still open to speculation.

Not having time to read the page while at work I saved it to my jump drive. If you want to see (and I have not since deleted it) give me you e-mail address. iirc submissions due by the 31st of this month (and mine might even have been proofed by then :)

Curaigh wrote:
iirc submissions due by the 31st of this month (and mine might even have been proofed by then :)

Curaigh, when did you save the page? I too saved a copy of the guidelines (on Nov 27) and I've got no deadline here. Seemed like a general, open call to me.


The Last Rogue wrote:
Didn't Burlew already do this or something similar? Good either way.

Yep, in penultimate issue of Dragon Order of the Stick told the history of Dragon magazine in this fashion...leaving the motives of the actions outside, so story concentrting on psychological drama might still be original :)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I think we had to ask Rich to take out a Mister Potato Head reference from the cartoon. Or did that make it in after all?

Mr Potato Head made an appearance, yes.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

There was something about that gag in particular we had to change. I can't remember what it was, exactly, but it was a pretty nasty swipe.

Liberty's Edge

The Last Rogue wrote:
Mulban wrote:

Suppose there was a Wizard that had a Dragon. Lots of people loved the Dragon.

The Dragon was older than the Wizard, but the Wizard was crafty, and he grew more powerful than than the Dragon. But he made a friend for the Dragon. A benevolent, wonderful friend. It was a clay golem. They were wonderful for each other. The Golem made the Dragon happy and strong. In turn, the Dragon made many, many more people even happier. It was a match made in the heavens.

The Wizard grew jealous of their relationship. He took the Dragon away from the Golem. Lots of people were saddened by this. The Dragon hasn't been the same since...

What do you guys think? Should I pitch the idea for this stoy to them?

Didn't Burlew already do this or something similar? Good either way.

Very similar in fact.

alex wrote:
Curaigh wrote:
iirc submissions due by the 31st of this month (and mine might even have been proofed by then :)

Curaigh, when did you save the page? I too saved a copy of the guidelines (on Nov 27) and I've got no deadline here. Seemed like a general, open call to me.


I forgot to check when I was home. iirc it sounded like something they plan to do one quarter each year. The deadline was the same as WoTF unless I am confusing one for the other. I will double check when I get back to my drive.

Curaigh wrote:
I forgot to check when I was home. iirc it sounded like something they plan to do one quarter each year. The deadline was the same as WoTF unless I am confusing one for the other. I will double check when I get back to my drive.

No worries. It's more a curiosity now anyway, whether the guidelines changed/evolved at all from the time they posted them to the time they pulled them.

Be careful about submitting fiction to the new Dragon, as their rates are low and their contract requires you to give up all rights to your work - see here for a fuller discussion: http://scalzi.com/whatever/?p=159

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