Giant Sea Scorpion

Off-Topic Discussions

Sovereign Court Contributor

This ones dedicated to James Jacobs.


I'm sure some of you have already seen this article.

What interests me is how close its scientific name is to Jackalope. Makes me wonder if it's a fraud. Freaky nevertheless.

~laughter~ Oh! I did not catch that part of the name. Thanks for pointing it out. I doubt it is a fake, but you never know.

That's pretty freakin' cool. I might have to stat that up.

Liberty's Edge

Arctaris wrote:
That's pretty freakin' cool. I might have to stat that up.

You could probably use a large (or maybe huge) monstrous scorpion and give it a swim speed.

Probably. Then I could increase it a few size catagories. Then make it Fiendish. I hope someone in my group doesn't like scorpions...

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