Confess: What Job Did You Want as a Kid?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Tobus Neth wrote:
I forgot Pornstar!

QFT. I thought this would be a fun gig.

Eyebite wrote:


1) Mortician or crime photographer

2) Artist (a paid one)

3) Special FX tech for movies

mwbeeler wrote:
dngnb8 wrote:
until a back injury made me change careers
Sucks. :( The leading cause of ousted FF/EMT's. There is a serious upside to the bariatric surgery fad.

While the person was indeed large (250) that wasnt the cause. He stroked out and slipped off the pot between the wall and commode. The irony of the whole situation was that I got to lift the shoulders because I lost a coin flip. I knew I should have rolled a D20!

I wanted to be a garbage man. I used to watch the truck come to my house and thought it would be cool to get to ride on the back of that big ol' truck. It just seemde like the most awesome job in the world.

Then I turned six.

dngnb8 wrote:
slipped off the pot between the wall and commode

I swear, every time someone falls off the freaking toilet, blamo, right into that crevice they go. It's almost a requirement for dying on the toilet. If anyone reads this, please, stuff something large in there (NOT YOU!).

1) Muppeteer / Puppeteer (preferably the former, chosen around 5 years old)
2) Stunt Man (also around 5 or 6)
3) Comic book artist (didn't come up with that until 11 or 12)

- Chris Shadowens (who's been slinging espresso for the last 14 years)

Wanted to to write comics ( Teen Titan's to be exact), Or a FX's artist for movies.

1: A zoo-keeper.
2: A second in command to a megalomaniac.
3: A news reporter.

1: pilot (anything that flew) thanks Commando comics. Then I got really short-sighted...
2: architect, but too arty, designery waffle...
3. scientist/explorer, thanks Julian May's Saga of the Exiles.

1. architect
2. movie star (or at least a movie maker)
3. geneticist

I left off Tomato, which was an answer I am told I once gave (mom likes to repeat often).

1) Truck driver (as in 18 wheelers) from age 4-13
2) Veterinarian for livestock. (REALLY wanted to work on a ranch & then found out I really hated school) from age 14-19.

Train driver. (Okay, engineer.) Or teacher.

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