Would a stellar campaign setting convince you to take up 4th Edition?

4th Edition

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magdalena thiriet wrote:
I would take the fluff and run.

Ditto. Run all the way to another system.

I'd stay for a faithfully-done GH setting -- in a heartbeat.

Faithful doesn't mean a slavish copy of what's come before, but neither does it allow for wholesale changes that sweep away defining elements and character of the setting.

That said, WotC's record isn't good here. Take the case of Dungeon magazine....

Andrew Turner wrote:

Would a great campaign setting draw you in when you would otherwise ignore 4e?

It might. I can be a sucker for good campaign settings.


Scarab Sages

Andrew Turner wrote:

Just a quick question--

I recognize that many of the frequent posters are anti-campaign setting, but...

If the Powers redeveloped FR or Eberron or GH, et al. (or created a whole new setting) into something absolutely stunning--highest production value, superior editing, rock-solid campaign-specific mechanics, fabulous art and art direction--all packaged by the very paragon of WotC's best writers, would you capitulate to 4th Edition?

Would a great campaign setting draw you in when you would otherwise ignore 4e?

I have several campaign settings, I currently run an Eberron game. BUT, a new campaign setting would NEVER make me switch to 4E! Eberron fits my ideal of a magic rich world.

Scarab Sages

Molech wrote:

You forgot one, Knight Errant,

Can we deal with the loss of the mags

This is the biggie, and when you add on all the other important ones, well, I hope WotC D&D fails.

-W. E. Ray

Hasbro D&D sucks, CD&D aka Corporate D&D

I agree that the loss of the mags is a blow to the entire industry. Nothing like sitting on the can reading Dragon...Especially after Paizo got a hold of it.

If 4E doesn't make money, Hasbro will sell it and hopefully leave the RPG industry 4Ever

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:

If 4E doesn't make money, Hasbro will sell it and hopefully leave the RPG industry 4Ever

Everyone should have dreams, pal.

Nope- a setting is just that- a stage for your friends to play on.
The system is the actual engine of a game experience, and to be honest, I'm happy enough with the systems I have. I'd be more likely to convert a setting to a different system then take up a new one- I just don't see a point and life is just too short to clutter it up with more ephemera.

no not a bit

Andrew Turner wrote:
Would a great campaign setting draw you in when you would otherwise ignore 4e?

Highly doubtful. How many campaign settings does one need anyway? It'd have to be incredibly stellar for me to look into it.

Dark Archive

Andrew Turner wrote:
Would a great campaign setting draw you in when you would otherwise ignore 4e?

No. I have Ptolus already. For 3.5.

Andrew Turner wrote:

Would a great campaign setting draw you in when you would otherwise ignore 4e?

Nay. But for a setting of the quality you describe, I might use it with 3.5.


I have to answer yes.

I've gone on record a couple times stating that if Pathfinder goes 4th Edition, I'll go with it.

(Likewise, if Pathfinder doesn't, then I won't.).

I know that might qualify me as an irrelevant Paizo fanboi, but that's my decision. I'd clarify that I've never actively encouraged or discouraged Paizo to switch to 4th edition.

Not directed at me, but I've seen summations that have read "Some people will follow Paizo anywhere." I suppose you could get that out of my stated position, but that's the most negative and minimalistic way to sum it up. My take is that I'll only buy one set of Core Books, but will in the end buy a lot more campaign resource material before I get tired of the setting. I'm protecting the initial investment- and I enjoy the Golarian setting more than I care about the rules. My free time is too limited to convert setting to a different system, but I bear no ill will against those who do have the time and means.

The OP's questioned seems skewed towards "if WOTC put out a stellar campaign would it convince me to take up 4th Edition)"...

...if that's the case..? Possibly not. Their settings aren't grabbing me particularly.


The changes they've announced already have caused major obstacles for my favorite existing campaign settings which I plan to continue using.

To that question I answer with a definite YES.

The name of the setting: PATHFINDER CHRONICLES.

They convinced me not to use the Realms Anymore, because they do re-invent the Realms for 4e.

Not unless they somehow came up with a better campaign setting than Golarion. Even then I would be held back by wondering if they were going to ever do enough to support the setting. With Paizo and Golarion, we already know, even should nothing else be done after the Gazeteer, 12 publications a year that include both adventures and world guide info.

I don't expect the same from WotC. Who knows what they are actually going to deliver. I give them the benefit of the doubt on that. I will wait and see. But I see right in front of me a wonderful setting that I plan on using for a good long time. Whether 4th or 3.5 really isn't that important to me. I'll admit its taken time to reach that point for me, at first I was die-hard no. Converting to 4th Edition will require having all the books I would conceivably need already out and available and those books having everything I want in it.

I know I certainly don't want to see a core PHB that is missing Druids or some other traditionally base class. I don't want to see a reduction in my options and then have to pay for another book later for what I see as Core material.

Shade wrote:


The changes they've announced already have caused major obstacles for my favorite existing campaign settings which I plan to continue using.

You aren't perchance talking about Midnight? That's one setting that can't be played with 4e's you-get-to-cast-magic-every-round philosophy.

Actually, it's hard to play anything where magic is something you can't do all day. I don't mean rare. I mean that if there's a spellcaster, he can't do magic all the time.

At this moment in time my answer would have to be "no, none at all."
PATHFINDER included in the consideration.

I still play AD&D settings with 3.5 rules and I can take a book describing a medieval city and use it to run a 3.5 campaign. If the setting is very very very good and original ("there is nothing new under the sun" claims wise Salomon) maybe I could take the campaign and leave the 4.0 rules.

Liberty's Edge

No, A setting wouldn't do it for me. I don't think anything could.

KaeYoss wrote:
Shade wrote:


The changes they've announced already have caused major obstacles for my favorite existing campaign settings which I plan to continue using.

You aren't perchance talking about Midnight? That's one setting that can't be played with 4e's you-get-to-cast-magic-every-round philosophy.

Actually, it's hard to play anything where magic is something you can't do all day. I don't mean rare. I mean that if there's a spellcaster, he can't do magic all the time.

Nope. I was referring to Planescape, Greyhawk, and traditional Forgotten Realms.

I've yet to try Midnight, but I've liked everything I've heard about it. :)

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