Contest Concern

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

Grand Lodge Star Voter Season 8

I've an idea I'd like to submit for Superstar but have a concern about one of the submission conditions.

I would prefer, if my Wondrous Item is accepted among the top thirty-two, that my name be listed as W. E. Ray instead of my full name. As you can see on My Account, the name on my credit card is slightly different from the name you address my orders to and my signature here is slightly different, still. Now, as you can see, W. E. Ray is not terribly different from the shipping name you address my orders to and neither is that too different from my name, on my credit card which you have on file. This does not seem too outlandish an exception to request.

Because of my type of employment, I prefer not to have my full name listed on the internet. It is a professional and to some degree personal consideration on my part. Certainly, your business department has my name on record (my credit card) and you can use that to check whether or not I've published RPGA material before, if that is a concern.

Thank you for consideration, please e-mail me your feedback.

-W. E. Ray

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

No worries—when we say that you're required to provide your "real name," we don't necessarily mean your full legal name. "Molech" would not be acceptable, but "W. E. Ray" is just fine. (I've adjusted the display name on your account to match.)

Grand Lodge Star Voter Season 8

Ah, well with one day left before revealing the final 32 brilliancies I got a little worried again, just in case I make it, and wanted to revisit this concern and its answer.

Thanks Vic, your resonse in parentheses sounds like you've taken care of me. Whether mine is "in" or "out," its well appreciated!

-W. E. Ray

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