Rise of the Runelords by Cry Havoc! - Part One: Burnt Offerings


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Male Human Cleric 1

As the group makes its way to the factory Coppertop steals a look at Vraelyn. As he walks he considers the mysterious elf. Coppertop can remember seeing her at Madame Mvashti from time to time. She always seemed so mysterious, so otherworldly. Once he saw her walking in the woods while he was gathering wood for old man Reeder. She moved through the forest with the ease of a wild animal. When she refused to sign the Brother-Initiate’s pact Coppertop was at first totally surprised. But then he secretly smiled. “She lives by her own code,” he muses, “but I trust her.”

A thought occurs to Coppertop, “I wonder if Vraelyn has ever been to Shank Woods. She might know Caerival. I miss him and Gloam.” When things settle down he intends to get the courage up to have an actual conversation her.

Liberty's Edge

Your group moves out back to the Glassworks to rest and get ready for your delve in to its bowels. Everyone is pretty quite, lost in their own thoughts and tired from the days action. Ameiko who has been walking next to Coppertop gives him an look as he is checking out the elven female. She marches ahead to walk next to Etienne, she smiles at him and asks him, So a blood oath huh, do you think that will help our town? looking a bit sceptical. You arrive and see most of the clean up is done, some towns folk are helping with the destruction the goblins created. Its sometime past dinner and your stomachs start to warn you that they have been forgotten about.....

"Ok, it seems we have all forgotten about dinner."

<Turns to Coppertop and Talam>

"You think you can rustle up some food from the Rusty Dragon? Ask for help bringing it here. That way we don't let this avenue of attack unguarded."

Liberty's Edge

Ameiko stares at the snobish paladin for not answering her question but says anyway in an annoyed voice, Well...I AM the owner of the Rusty Dragon if you have forgotten and I GUESS..I could have some food brought over to you since you are helping the town and saved my life and all..... She stands there with her fists on her hips waiting.............

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Talam begins to chuckle as Ameiko places her hands on her hips.

"If it's all right I'll give ya hand bringing up the food." He glances over to Etienne and back to Ameiko, "Don't worry about him not answerin', I guess the current situation with what's ever down there has him frazzled."

Female Elf Druid 2

"I'll survive without a meal" Vraelyn answers certainly "Lightning and I can scout ahead if you'd like"

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Ah, stay and eat. We'll need to be at strength if we run into anything down there. And there's nothin' like a good meal to help with that", Talam turns to Vraelyn and gives a smile.

"Plus it would be a lot safer if we all went together"

Female Elf Druid 2

Vraelyn gives a slight sigh as she looks over the others her expression one of deep thought. "I am used to working alone" She replies, giving a small smile as her storm roc companion nips at her ear "Mostly."

"I'm strong enough to continue, but if my leaving would simply worry you and cause you all to leave without food then I will stay and eat with you. I am not here to hinder you."

Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
Ameiko stares at the snobish paladin for not answering her question but says anyway in an annoyed voice, Well...I AM the owner of the Rusty Dragon if you have forgotten and I GUESS..I could have some food brought over to you since you are helping the town and saved my life and all..... She stands there with her fists on her hips waiting.............

"Please accept my sincere apologies, milady. Any slight is not intended. There are a lot of things on my mind presently. Iomedae knows that it is not my intent to ignore you. What was it you wish to know?"

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf is silent till the paper is passed around. He slices his palm with his ax and places a patten of lines upon it in his blood. " I will give my mark for this task." He looks to the other elf "It is a powerful oth to give ones blood and swear to do such a thing. I t binds all who swear such and shows one's commitment to the task. I am honored to shed my blood with thee Etienne." He wraps his hand and is silent after that untill food is spoken of.

"Gods yes!! Food would be much welcomed lady as well as ale. It is good to go into battle sated for it may be ones last.

Liberty's Edge

Ameiko looks at the paladin and gives him a snif, nevermind! I'll go and get you heroes some food, come along Talam, your very thoughtful! She gives him a smile, a last look in Coppertop's direction and leaves for her place. She turns back, and I won't forget the ale master Blackleaf! She heads off expecting Talam to follow.......

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"YAY, GRUB", he thinks to himself as he follows behind Ameiko.

Greeeeer, the sound erupts from the halflings stomach. "Looks like I'm hungrier than I thought.

"Ameiko, what's the deal with you and Coppertop?" He looks up at her, his smile never fading. "I see you both looking at each other, are you married or somthin?"

As he brings up the subject he remembers about Skillata. A chill runs down his spin. But he keeps up the smile.

"Um...Ameiko? Do you know what happened to the goblin that was with us earlier?"

Female Elf Druid 2

Vraelyn looks thoughtful for a moment before speaking up. "I am going to check to ensure I am not needed at the academy before joining you" She states plainly before turning and leaving without waiting for a response, quite clearly finding it strange being around the group.

Male Human Cleric 1

Coppertop finds himself feeling suddenly confused and embarrassed. It seems that Ameiko is mad at him for some reason. He is still quite young and does not understand the social morays that go on between men and women. Coppertop stands in embarrassed silence nervously fiddling with his gear. He is so befuddled that Talam and Ameiko leave to get the food without him even noticing. He hurries to catch up with them. He is almost caught up when he hears Talam’s question to Ameiko about Coppertop and her being married. They both hear a strangled squawking sound behind them. As they turn and look they see a very red faced Coppertop heading back toward the glassworks.

"Don't worry, Coppertop. We'll get through this."

Male Human Cleric 1

Coppertop smiles weakly at the Brother-Initiates’ encouraging words. He decides to stick close to the holy warrior. “Fighting goblins is easy compared to trying to figure out Ameiko,” he thinks.

Liberty's Edge

Ameiko smiles at Talam, No I am not married yet, Coppertop might make a good husband some day if we are ment to be and all, he has trouble expressing himself to me. I think he likes me but I am unsure, I catch him looking at me but I can't tell if it because he likes me or he's just looking down at me like most of the folks here in town and my family.... She sighs and keeps walking to the inn.....

Male Halfling Rogue/3
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
Ameiko smiles at Talam, No I am not married yet, Coppertop might make a good husband some day if we are ment to be and all, he has trouble expressing himself to me. I think he likes me but I am unsure, I catch him looking at me but I can't tell if it because he likes me or he's just looking down at me like most of the folks here in town and my family.... She sighs and keeps walking to the inn.....

Talam wants to say something, but thinks it best to remain quiet for now.

"Why would any look down at Ameiko for? I'll just ask Coopertop and the others when I get back", he thinks to himself as he walks along Ameiko smiling the whole way.

Liberty's Edge

Vraelyn wrote:
Vraelyn looks thoughtful for a moment before speaking up. "I am going to check to ensure I am not needed at the academy before joining you" She states plainly before turning and leaving without waiting for a response, quite clearly finding it strange being around the group.

Vraelyn makes her way over to the Turandarok Academy which is a short walk from the Glassworks. You enter and run into Ilsoari Gandethus, the academy's headmaster, he is standing just inside talking to some of the teacher's, he sees you and smiles as you enter....

Female Elf Druid 2
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
Vraelyn makes her way over to the Turandarok Academy which is a short walk from the Glassworks. You enter and run into Ilsoari Gandethus, the academy's headmaster, he is standing just inside talking to some of the teacher's, he sees you and smiles as you enter....

Vraelyn gives a slight smile and a respectful nod to the headmaster and patiently awaits Ilsoari to finish speaking with the teachers before approachinghim to ask if she's needed at the academy today.

Liberty's Edge

Ameiko and Talam grab a bunch of food out of the kitchen at the Rusty Dragon, she stops and talks to her staff and thanks them for their concerns and that she is well. She smiles at her staff and tells them she must be off to feed the heroes of Sandpoint, she'll be back soon to help out with the dinner rush. Her and Talam return to the group as they rest at the Glassworks dinning room. The next room over the group found the servants quarters with eight beds and have stored their stuff there. Ameiko and Talam unload all of food and lets the group dig into it. Ameiko smiles at everyone, enjoy the food and good luck tomorrow. I will stop by with breakfast before you head out, you don't know when you'll get to eat again and your going to need your strength. She hesitates a moment before leaving.......

Vraelyn waits as the headmaster instructs his teachers on what needs done today. Once he finishes he smiles at her, Its a pleasure to see you my dear and I am so glad you are ok. You are doing a great thing for this town and this school, the children and I are very proud of you. Whats that? Ah no no no my dear we will not be needing you, this town is still in danger from all that I have heard from the gossips so keep doing what needs done and be safe, ok? Is there anything I can do for you before you go though?

I will be out of town attending Gen Con the rest of this week, my plane leaves in 3 hours WOOT! I am going to try my hardest to keep up with the game, I will have my laptop with me and the hotel is supposed to have free wi-fi so keep checking here.

Male Human Sorcerer /1
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:

I will be out of town attending Gen Con the rest of this week, my plane leaves in 3 hours WOOT! I am going to try my hardest to keep up with the game, I will have my laptop with me and the hotel is supposed to have free wi-fi so keep checking here.

Have fun Zoo

Have fun Zoo. :D

Female Elf Druid 2

Vraelyn shakes her head a little at the headmaster's words "You have been more than kind enough to me over the years" She informs him certainly with a faint smile, again finding it strange seeing him so much older than when she first met him and briefly she feels a lurch in her eart at the idea of seeing him die as well. "Just take care of the children as you always do and I will hopefully return with interesting stories to tell"

Have fun Zoom

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Digging into the provided food with a wild glee rarely seen in civilized dinning blackleaf piles his plate high and often just pulls off limbs and helping of food with his hands. He stops and makes a gesture to Ameiko " Many thanks lady for the meal." He scoops up a tanked of ale to wash the food down his throat as he savagely attacks the meal.

Soon he looks to the group of people around him some staring as he sucks the marrow from a bone. licking his fingers he speaks." Well war breathen it seems in the morn. we shed blood together once more. By the gods! it will be a wondrous day of death.So tell me of yourselves it is good to know ones blood breathen." Wiping the crumbs from his face the elf drinks deep from a tankard then smiles a savage smile. " I am from the To'rk Tribe of the Mierani forest This" He lifts his ax from his side " Is blooddrinker.I carry it as a reminder of the great circle that is life and as a trophy of my warrior stasis . I come to this city because my ruja brings me here my path. And I hear the ale is good" At his own joke Blackleaf breaks out in thunderous laughter as he pounds the table at his own amusement.

Have fun man

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Well I'm from Korvosa," the smile on his face dims a bit. "I came here to start a new life."

"This wasn't the start I was looking for. Atleast I can say I'm not bored."

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for the delay, I was totally wiped out after Gen Con! I had a blast! Back to the game!

The headmaster smiles and saysI will dear, worry not about the children they will be taken good care of here. Be safe and stop in when you can, the children miss you greatly! He gives a wave and moves off towards his office, you can tell his eyes are misty and begining to turn red.......

After much banter and eatting your group beds down for the night and gets a good rest. Ameiko shows up in the morning with breakfast and some other supplies you might need. You are all getting ready to set out and waiting for Vraelyn to return............

Female Elf Druid 2

Caught in her own thoughts over the academy and the headmaster Vraelyn never managed to make it to the Rusty Dragon the night before and was now wondering if she should feel guilty over it. Shrugging it off she silently enters the inn as the others finsish their breakfast and look set to leave. Her expression unreadable she gives a small nod of greeting to the others.

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Seeing Vraelyn, Talam grrets her with a smile and a wave. "You missed dinner, but why don't cha have a seat and I'm sure Amieko will bring ya some breakfast."

Liberty's Edge

The group prepares itself for the up coming delve. Ameiko grabs all of the dirty dishes and leaves back to the inn wishing you all good luck. When everyone is ready you decend back into the underground of the Glassworks. Some of the guards and helpers worked through the night to move all of the dirt away from the blocked passage ways for you. They greet you and wish you luck as you pass......

Etienne salutes as he passes.

Female Elf Druid 2

Vraelyn gives a simple smile and shake of her head at Talam's offer before silently finishing her preperations for departure, her time with the headmaster the night before still plaguing a little on her mind. Following the group quietly she nods in greeting to the guards before refocusing on the group. "Would you like me to scout ahead?" She offers.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf nods to the gaurds as he passes. "today " he thinks to himself "today I will face the evils below this place and see who is stronger..and there will be gold" gold was always good it brought things fine food good ale and woman yes gold was good indeed.and Vraelyn there was a fine looking elf shes just seemed a bit uptight more like a human then an elf in may ways still she might be great fun sometime, and another elf to spend time with was now days worth more then gold.

Liberty's Edge

Your group approaches the two doors you saw earlier, both are open, the one room is where you battled Tsuto and the other leads off into a long tunnel. The tunnel looks to be stable and serviceable as it winds on a lazy northeasterly route. Your travel about 1,750 feet along the tunnel until you reach a dead end.........

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Etienne...umm...are you sure about this?" Talam looks at the dead end.

Search 1d20+2=16

Liberty's Edge

After searching around for awhile Talam notices an out line of what might be a hidden doorway....

Talam Shaleif wrote:

"Etienne...umm...are you sure about this?" Talam looks at the dead end.

Search 1d20+2=16

"Iomedae is with us. We have nothing to fear."

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Think we may have something here" Talam stares at the outline. Taking his dagger he carefully scrapes the wall, trying to make the outline more defined.

"This may be our way in. Step back a moment while I check the area." With a smile he takes a few tools from his pouch.

[ooc]Detect traps 1d20+2=7...yuck; If there are Disable 1d20+6=18

Liberty's Edge

After a bit of work you find no traps present and you can see the doorway clearly now....

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Hehe...I think we're good", Talam pushes on the door.

Liberty's Edge

You open the door into a 30 foot diameter cave on the side of the cliff overlooking Varisian Bay. The cave mouth slopes down to a narrow beach. Strewn about the cave are the remnants of goblin beds and there meals. On the southern side of the cave you notice two side tunnels that branch off......

"Be ready for anything."

<Etienne draws his sword and readies his shield.>

Who's holding the torch?

Male Halfling Rogue/3

No torch here

Female Elf Druid 2

"Would you like me to go first?" Vraelyn offers calmly "I can see well in quite dark conditions and with Lightning's help I may be able to scout along the beach also."

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

"blackleaf will lead" with that Blackleaf moves toward the tunnel he listens at the mouth them silently moves into the darkness.

move silently 18 that was untrained at at a -3 ..good roll and listien 9

Female Elf Druid 2

Not one to be left behind Vraelyn follows her fellow elf as quietly as she can, also keeping an ear out for anything approaching.

Move Silently (1d20+1=19)
Listen (1d20+7=24)

Etienne brings up the rear knowing that his upfront style is no good for stealth.

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Placing himself behind the elves, and Etienne. Talam makes behind his way down the tunnel.

Did we ever figure who had the torch?

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf needs no touch!or not much...in other words ya non elves are on your own my guess would be someone close to the back

The ones up front I guess. Low-light vision can't be much use underground.

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