Dragon 100: The City Beyond the Gate?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

In reading Dragon 359, I came across a reference to a D&D adventure set in modern London. The heroes had to venture through a planar gateway to retrieve St. Cuthbert's mace from a museum.

As I'm running a couple of campaigns that merge the D&D realms with d20 Modern, I thought this adventure would provide me with some useful information, and perhaps an adventure to run. Alas, I cannot find it anywhere.

Before I hit e-bay, does anyone here have a copy and if so, is it a full-fledged adventure. Please, the more information the better.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Saurstalk wrote:
Before I hit e-bay, does anyone here have a copy and if so, is it a full-fledged adventure. Please, the more information the better.

It was a 24 page adventure back in the #100 issue of Dragon (August 1985). It set the characters on a search of the Mace of St. Cuthbert, to a small island and from there through a gate to London, right into Battersea Park. From there they must navigate their way through modern day London to the Victory and Albert Museum, where the Mace has been put on display.

The adventure was written by Robert Schroeck and designed for "high-level AD&D characters", which in the text is listed as "9th level and up". It features maps of the gate island, the gate house, London, a police station and the museum. Also, it contains rules and flowcharts for fantasy characters working technological stuff like weapons, TVs or cars.

Dragon #100 exists in PDF form, from the Dragon archive CDs.

Scarab Sages

Saurstalk wrote:

Before I hit e-bay, does anyone here have a copy and if so, is it a full-fledged adventure. Please, the more information the better.


I have both the Archive and the hard copy, email me, Temmogen@gmail.com, and I can send you a copy in either format. It is a fairly decent adventure.

Liberty's Edge

This sounds like an awesome adventure. I wish WotC could consider similar forays more often ... or perhaps gate the players into an alien jungle in a campaign arc that turns out to be the Congo or the Brazilian rainforest.

On a tangent, have you read Eyes of the Lich Queen? While it's set in Eberron, I couldn't get it out of my head that the adventure could be translated rather easily to a d20 Modern backdrop.


I remember being excited when I read this adventure at age 12. When I got the Dragon PDF CD-ROMs I looked at it again ... meh. I'm sure you could come up with something similar in a very short amount of time. Plus it was for 1e so the encounters aren't going to be CR-appropriate once you 3E-ify it.

OMG, I played that when I was 15 or 16. We has a gas. Nothing went as planned, though. My bro was DMing and we were all over the place.

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