A Dancer's Diary [RotRL IC diary]

Campaign Journals

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I couldn't resist doing this. It has been several months since I last roleplayed (my Age of Worms campaign being in full swing and all) so now my husband has started his Rise of the Ruin Lords campaign I feel the need to do as much as possible with my character as I've missed my roleplay!

Now onto some vague bits and bobs to make my character's diary make more sense:

Our Starting party;

  • Emyralda Mvashti (me!) - Human (Varisian) Battledancer. Aliases/Nicknames include; Emy, Emerald, Ember amongst others.
  • Esmerelda Mvashti - Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna. Emyralda's identical twin. Aliases/Nicknames include; Esme, Ruby, Amber amongst others.
  • Deivan Valdemar - Human (Mixed blood) Rogue. Aliases/Nicknames include; 'Fatty'.
  • Tammer - Human (Chelexian) Bard, Adoptive son of Headmaster Ilsoari Gandethus Aliases/Nicknames include; 'Emo Boy'.
  • Glorli - Dwarf Fighter

Character Background;

Born in a thorpe in the hills Emyralda Mvashti was quickly followed into the world by her identical twin Esmerelda. The birth of the beautiful babies was considered a gift from Desna as their birthdate fell on the festival of Swallowtail Release and their parents soon decided that their girls had a touch of destiny about them and quickly travelled to Sandpoint to consult with the ever-wise 'Grandmother' Mvashti. The elderly mystic quickly took a shine to the girls and took them in for training, with both her and at the nearby Turandarok Academy.

As they grew the mischievous twin girls took great delight in swapping places, playing tricks and skipping lessons at the academy; using their 'ailing' older relative as an excuse. Near impossible to tell appart the twins did most things together, including dancing on all Desnan festivals and celebrations. Both equally talented they were both taken in and trained by different sources as they started to approach their teenage years, their lives starting to branch onto different paths.

A little stronger than her younger sister Emyralda was chosen to be a student of a beautiful and intriguing woman who had been travelling through the town of Sandpoint. Under the tuition of the older woman Emyralda began to learn new and interesting dance steps and how dancing could be integrated into combat.

Esmerelda, the slightly brighter twin, was introduced to the priesthood of the Desnan church and was soon showing off her handful of spells to her sister.

Despite their different training and slowly developing independent personalities the twins are still prone to mischief and using the fact they appear identical fully to their advantage.

Starday 22nd Rova 4707

Dear Diary,

Today has been dull beyond the telling. Even more so considering tomorrow is going to be so much fun! Swallowtail Release, consecration of the new cathedral and our eighteenth birthday! Presents and drinks are in store! I'm sure Desna will grant good dreams tonight.


Sunday 23rd Rova 4707 - Swallowtail Festival

Dear Diary,

Well.. where to start? The day started well, who'd have thought it would all go so wrong?

The start of festivities were spectacular as expected and although nobody mentioned in their grand speeches that it was our birthday but at least the church gave Esme the day off so we could celebrate together. I think we got a lot more drinks brought for us than last year, Deivan being a big culprit for it. All Esme had to do was mention Gin and suddenly there was a whole bottle sat before us! Of course that disappeared into the folds of Esme's scarf to be argued over later!

I'm starting to think we're loosing our touch though, even Esme's pointed comments over our liking jewellery didn't yield gifts. I can't complain much though, the drinks and attention were gift enough on a very special Swallowtail, as much as we try we really can't compete with the gods just yet!

Glorli offered me a gift though, making him officially the sweetest dwarf alive in my books. All I'd said was that I envied Esme's starknives and the next thing I know I have another drink and an offer from Glorli to make me a weapon! Aww!

Tammer was in a dour mood, in hindsight I should have checked up on him but he's been quite dark and broody a lot lately. Maybe something reminded him of something from his past, that or his twin had annoyed him before disappearing off to celebrate elsewhere. Still, his mood at least brought out some dark wit that was worth giggling at.

So there's the good. Onto the bad. Festivities are in full swing as this awful, squeaky, bonechilling song starts to fill the air. Then came the screams, I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life! Tiny shadows scurried around the crowded square and the next thing I know young Kethri's dog is falling at my feet, slit across the throat.

It was then I spotted one of them, disgusting little goblinoid giggling at it's antics. Well, instinct and training took over I guess, I ran across the square and kicked it's little smug face. The cracking sound of his neck breaking was awful but at least it wasn't going to harm anyone else.

It got worse from there. Lots of fighting with disgusting little critters throughout the town's streets. Worst of all it was a festival day so I was barefoot for dancing - goblin brains on your foot is not nice!!

We scared them off though, and as an added bonus we saved a rather dashing stranger, Aldern Foxglove. One look from Esme told me she was thinking the same thing I was, I think we've found another one that may result in a few squabbles before one of us (probably me again!) takes a step back.

After that it was a few subdued drinks and Esme and I planning a second birthday this year as this one wasn't great..


Moonday 24th Rova 4707

Dear Diary,

Today Esmerelda and I got to spend more time with Aldern, Deivan and Tammer in The Rusty Dragon which was fantastic fun, we even got belated birthday gifts from Deivan, beautiful silver brooches, looks like Esme's hint sunk in with someone afterall! Esme kept embaressing me though, now the town knows I can fight I get the feeling I'll get the reputation as the 'butch' one, something my lovely sister was all too ready to encourage. Tammer at least tells the story really nicely, I still sound like a dancer and not someone who caved in a goblin leader's skull with one kick! I really need to thank him for that!

Aldern invited us to hunt with him tomorrow too, so of course I leapt at the opportunity, a chance to get to know him more - how could I resist? He even bought us horses! Esme and I now have a beautiful pair of blacks with white manes and stars on their heads, almost as though they were destined for us - although Esme wants to paint the white star on hers a little so it will match mine exactly.

Of course it being Moonday Esme had to run off to work at Desna's temple which gave some some time alone with the boys, which was an amazing change! I feel a little guilty as ordinarily I'd be dancing in the celebrations alongside her but it's not my job and spending some time with the men back in the Dragon was a bit more appealing. The feeling was shortlived however as Esme arrived back in record time - I think maybe she didn't trust me with Aldern..

Oh well, huting tomorrow, I'll hopefully get to know Aldern a bit better then.


Toilday 25th Rova 4707

Dear Diary,

I think Aldern actually likes me! He had a bit of that look that men sometimes get around me and Esme and I can't help but be a little excited. The other boys seemed a little put out by our interest in Aldern, but really how often do we get to meet such new and interesting people?

The hunting itself was a little disappointing, I think Glorli and I were hoping for more of a challenge from the local boars, maybe we should hunt further afield next time.


Moonday 1st Lamashan 4707

Dear Diary,

It's been a little while since my last entry but I've been a little busy and I had to find a new hiding place for this book - I think Esme has been snooping and has found it again! So I had to put off writing as I'm sure she's watching me like a hawk to get the new location of my diary!

So, things I've been up to. Firstly I got my birthday gift from Glorli, it's a truly beautiful starknife - it's even more beautiful that he made it himself, I'm nowhere near as skilled with them as Esme but I still love it!

Tammer appears to have perked up over the past few days, I think getting out of town hunting did him the world of good, travelling always does wonders for the soul. Well it's that or all the female interest he's getting now he's a hero!

And speaking of interest Deivan asked me out! Esme almost died laughing when I told her but I don't care he was just so shy and sweet over it I couldn't say no. We had food, it was nice and we're much better friends now. So not for me but I'm sure he'd make a good boyfriend for someone - I'm really feeling the urge to play matchmaker on this one!

And then the bad news, Aldern has gone home. I gave him a hug goodbye and promised I'd keep in touch which I really will do. It's a shame I didn't have time to get to know him better, but who knows? Maybe in time I'll visit him if we manage to keep in contact and after that who knows? I'm especially optimistic as Esme appears to have lost interest, although I don't know if that should actually make me suspiscious rather than optimistic!


This is a novel mode of campaign journal--it is fun and shows the other side of adventuring. Interesting that your character is so much interested in what people (especially ones she finds attractive) think of her and in what's going on socially with her friends and so on. I understand how you feel about wanting some kind of involvement--one of my players, a very very good friend, almost expects extra writing projects. The other day at her place she was checking her email and said, "Huh...no writing from my DM." glancing over at me.

Thanks for the comment ^^ I had a lot of fun with this and can't wait to do more, although it may take a while for us to get fully into actual adventuring with all the time spent on social interactions! My husband and I are currently trying to conveince the player of Esmerelda that he should start a diary too to add to all the twin fun so that should hopefully make all of this an even more interesting read.. I'm half expecting notes from Esme appearing in Emy's diary, damn siblings!

Kayos wrote:
My husband and I are currently trying to conveince the player of Esmerelda that he should start a diary too to add to all the twin fun so that should hopefully make all of this an even more interesting read.. I'm half expecting notes from Esme appearing in Emy's diary, damn siblings!

Sneaking into each other's diaries, leaving nasty notes, stealing each other's men ... great stuff Kayos. Just hope the ladies don't wind up 'in the family way' half-way through the campaign...

I love the twisted fun that might ensue, considering that both seem interested in Aldern. Very nice diary Kayos. I look forward to reading more of it.

*waves* Hello Turin.

And don't worry about it being RP heavy. Some of us here are not on a regimen of Diet Roleplay like Turin, RPing has too many calories. I like heavy adventure, but heavy RP is more of what I do.

Hee! Thanks guys! I'm having so much fun with this campaign and I'm looking forward to doing and wrtiting more (I'm currently working on a new one too)and I'm especially looking forwad to more Esme/Emy crazy twin antics :)

Moonday 1st Lamashan 4707 (Evening)

Sorry for cutting that last entry short Esme and I had to run out to check on everyone after the drama of last night, which I wanted to put at the end of my last entry.. but I'm getting ahead of myself, first what happened on Starday.

Deivan apparently bankrupted himself on that dinnerdate he insisted on taking me on, silly boy. If it weren't for the fact I'm currently relying on Grandmother Mvashti and Esme to get by I'd have lent him some silver at least. So, in an attempt to get some money for himself he joined the theatre group and got himself a walkon part in their latest production. 'Guest starring the Hero of Sandpoint' who'd have thought that would happen? And I must say he looked quite fetching in his big hero pants and other brightly coloured stage hero attire! Oh ok, I lie, Esme and I laughed a lot, but I didn't laugh directly at him. Big hero pants for him aren't a bad idea though, in fact we commissioned some in more sensible colours for him today, he is going to be the hero of Sandpoint and make something of himself, Esme and I have decided, and we all know, what Esme wants Desna wants (apparently!).

So, big heropants aside, I can finally write up the horrors of last night and believe me, no words do it justice. Esme, Tammer, Deivan, Glorli and I were all sat in the Rusty Dragon again having a few quiet drinks and congratulating Deivan on his theatrical debut when Mrs. Barratt rushed in with her two children in tow. She had terrible news. After the goblin attack one of the awful things hid in their older child's wardrobe.

The dog had been keeping it at bay but the goblin had managed to get it's hand on some jabby things and killed the poor dog and attacked the child, fortunately Alaghast Barratt came to his son's rescue and scared the goblin off, he stayed to try to find where the goblin was coming from while his family came to find us.

Deivan of course rushed off to be a big hero, Esme and I comforted the family as best we could and made sure they were left in Ameiko's expert hands while we went to investigate (make sure Deivan didn't get hurt).

Arriving at the house it was deathly quiet, in a bit of a hurry to find Alaghast we spread out, Devain and Glorli explored the downstairs of the home while Esme, Tammer and I took the upstairs. Opening a door each it was Tammer that found the right room, in the dim light the first noticable thing was poor Alaghast's limp form hanging into a hole in the floor of the wardrobe. Esme checked for a pulse, but nothing.

Tammer pulled the body from the hole, only to have a goblin launch itself at him. Acting on instinct and fear at the whole creepy situation I leapt up, grabbed the doorframe to pull myself up and ended up on Tammer's shoulders so I could kick at the wretched little murderer. One neck snap later and the goblin is dead and my thighs are either side of Tammer's face, now there's all pretence of being lady-like out of the window! Glorli helped me down quickly though so I could do my best to pretend it never happened as we searched the room.

Opening the shutters for better light we soon saw the poor dog, stabbed through the ear. Then I made the mistake of checking the body, he'd had his face eaten, eaten!! It was awful, so awful Deivan ended up really quite ill over it all. Glorli and I watched over the scene as Tammer went to get the watch and poor Esme as a cleric was given the sad duty of informing the widow. We sent Deivan downstairs to 'look for more clues', poor guy really did look pale.

Once everything was sorted out, the watch in place to see off curious neighbours and the family safely at the cathedral for the evening and given the news that before his tragic demise Alaghast killed the goblin (the watch are under strict instructions to not let them see the body and I'd rather he had the credit for killing the thing) we headed back to the Dragon. There was drunkeness, oh boy was there drunkeness. Ameiko gave us some wonderful whisky to drown our sorrows in, although I think she made the value of that drink and more back when men flooded to the bar when Esme and I both hugged Amei in thank you, at the same time.

Tammer snuck out later in the evening and Glorli escorted him, I guessed he didn't want to land in a drunken heap. If only Deivan had had the foresight. Passing out on the table Esme and I had to ask Amei nicely to put him up in a room for the night. With the help of a returning Glorli we got him upstairs and Esme prepared him for bed. I excused myself the second clothes started flying, sometimes there are some things you really don't want to know about your sibling. The fact she took a while before coming back downstairs, and that mischeivous smirk worried me more! She still won't tell me what she did, I need to find her diary.

Last night I dreamt of an amazing picnic in a beautiful forest clearing, fresh breads, good cheese and crisp ripe apples. I love dreamfeasting, as much as we argue I love Esme for things like that, she doesn't need to share experiences like that with me but she does. Also, the lack of hangover because of it was a wonderful bonus.

Today was a day of checking up on people. First Tammer, as he lives across the road. He was teaching a class at the time but we managed to drag him out for a brief chat. Good thing we did too, we managed to get him to admit that before I killed that goblin last night he'd been stabbed! It was a really nasty wound along his side as well! Esme healed it and between us we managed to get him to promise he wouldn't hide any more wounds from us. I persuaded him by telling him I'd always worry about him if he didn't, which I would.. Esme however, threatened to ruin his name amongst the female populace of Sandpoint by rumourmongering.

Next we swung by the forge to see Glorli, managing to catch him on his lunchbreak so we wouldn't disturb his work. He was doing fine after the goblin incident and the only thing really plaguing him is how to get the buckles on a piece of armour for a rather rotund customer to sit right and take the strain.

After that it was time to check on the 'hero', we caught him juggling, or at least that's what he insisted he was doing. It seemed to me he was more throwing rocks in the air only to have them land on his head. Strange. He seemed unwell and very confused about the night before, I need to have words with Esme, I really do.

From there it was onto the Dragon, Esme and I need more money so we sweettalked Amei into hiring us to occasionally work behind the bar and dance so that should be fun! In fact we're going to be doing some working there tomorrow so I should get some rest..


Toilday 2nd Lamashan 4707

Well, today was interesting. We, the 'heroes of Sandpoint' were invited into a meeting with the Mayor, Sherrif Hemlock and the lovely Shaylu Andestanna. It was odd seeing Shaylu, she wasn't due back in town for a month or so yet. Needless to say our ragtag group, including Esme and I who had spent the morning testing drinks in the Dragon to 'better advise customers', made a dire impression on the highups as we got a little babbly. Still, Shaylu seemed amused and the other two weren't too put off and asked us to patrol Sandpoint and make ourselves prominent local figures as Mr Hemlock is travelling to Magnimar and the citizens need to be kept feeling safe.

Magnimar, it was almost as though Desna had sent me a way to get a message to Aldern quickly. A nice quick note to let him know I meant it when i said I'd stay in touch.. but of course that was dashed by our making a poor impression. I could just kick myself for it!

After a little patrolling with Esme we settled back in the Dragon. We even got to spend the evening with the lovely Shaylu, having food and drink and discussing the goblin problem. We learnt a lot, the names of the tribes and their 'heroes'. Then there's the fact that they don't appear to be infighting any more, that all tribes were involved in the raid on Sandpoint. Worrying. And then how does all of this relate to the graverobbery that occured? It all makes so little sense..


Again Kayos, awesome job. This thread is proving to be the most entertaining RotRL journal on the board.
I can't wait until things really get going, and I'm sorry but I am very much looking forward to the girls going through the Skinsaw Murders. THAT is going to be a blast to read your journals from.

Yasha0006 wrote:

Again Kayos, awesome job. This thread is proving to be the most entertaining RotRL journal on the board.

I can't wait until things really get going, and I'm sorry but I am very much looking forward to the girls going through the Skinsaw Murders. THAT is going to be a blast to read your journals from.

I think the highlight especially relates - this should be ... entertaining to read ... although I suppose we might be reading your ghost diary should things not go so well as planned ...

I still can't believe that you got Esme's player to write a diary too. Seeing the interplay between the characters of this campaign from two different perspectives. I'm just waiting for a spat between the two, THAT will be fun!
Keep it going!

I'm going through Ladies of Hack withdrawal ...whimpers

Same here...keep on it Kayos! Turin and I are rooting for the twins. Hmm...that just sounds bad. We are awaiting another set of interesting updates. This campaign is going to be a classic.

Hehehe, I'm going through withdrawal too. Alas the player of Deivan has been really busy lately and as such this game has had to keep waiting *kicks him for having a social life* ..well I say social life, he's at a LARP this weekend.

Kayos wrote:
*kicks him for having a social life*

LARPing? Over this game!? That fool! Add my boot to the mix of butt-kicking! And I wear an 18, it will hurt bad...

Either way Kayos we'll be here waiting for the Diary.

The Exchange

Tsk I run a game for them and two days afterwards they still haven't updated their journals... For shame. The game was kinda fun tho.

The Exchange

Paul T wrote:
Tsk I run a game for them and two days afterwards they still haven't updated their journals... For shame. The game was kinda fun tho.

Did you really expect anything differant?

Goes off to debate inflicting some sort of "research" journal on the paizo populace.

I am not letting this journal fall by the wayside Kayos! You still have people that want to see just where this set of Diaries will take us...

The Exchange

Apparently this is going to be done tomorrow! She's promised and everything... I might even refuse to run a game for her till she does and i know she want's the next pathfinder session at the weekend :)

See i'm trying to get this done for you guys!
Kayos' ever helpful DM and Husband.

Paul T wrote:

Apparently this is going to be done tomorrow! She's promised and everything... I might even refuse to run a game for her till she does and i know she want's the next pathfinder session at the weekend :)

See i'm trying to get this done for you guys!
Kayos' ever helpful DM and Husband.

He really is trying to get this done for you guys! Between him and the other players there has been a lot of nagging done for me to write a new post! So, I'm working on it, I have the notepad open and you can expect it in the next hour or two... or three if Emy gets really babbly!

Still interested as well. Somehow I just can't write one as smoothly as this.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Random lurker post. Just wanted to add my compliments on an excellent journal - you certainly have infused the characters with a great deal of interest. Reminds me of one my players from a few years back when I DM'd a lot.

Wealsday 3rd Lamashan

Dear Diary,

Ow! So much ow! Today was one of the most taxing days both physically and emotionally. I find it hard working out where to start! I guess I should start at the start - Es and I got up and decided to start our day with some patrolling, we promised we would afterall and a morning stroll is always good. We only made it two steps though, as no sooner had we stepped foot outside the door were we approached by a distressed Bethana Corwyn. She had arrived at the Dragon only to find Ameiko wasn't there, usually the lovely Ami would be starting breakfast. More than a little worried the Beth explored and brought the sole clue she found straight to us.

The clue? A letter from Tsuto. Ami's half brother, I had no idea he was even anywhere near Sandpoint after his falling out with his remaining family. In his letter he asked her to meet him at the glassworks so of course without delay we gathered our fellow 'heroes' and made our way to the glassworks. Excited over maybe meeting Tsuto - half-elven male Ameiko? He was bound to be attractive! - and hoping that maybe Ami and he were just catching up and had completely lost track of time I made took one delivery door with Tammer for backup whilst Es took the other with Deivon and Glorli.

I tried the secret knock Tsuto had mentioned in his letter, but no luck. It was then an idea struck Tam and I, the roof! Looking in the skylights would help us work out what was going on. Nothing could have prepared us for what we were about to see though. More goblins, laughing, dancing and playing with the remains of the glassworkers all around Ameiko's father, sat watching them.. covered entirely in glass. Not wanting to endure the horrific sight any longer we broke through the skylights, landing on those foul little creatures and made quick work of ending all of their lives, awful things they are.

My excitement at the notion of meeting Tsuto quickly became dread - who else would or could have done this? I know he had a hard life, but covering a family member in molten glass? They may not be related by blood, or saw eye to eye but still - yikes!

So then we started exploring. As always when we got to a turning with two doors Es and I took one each. I found a strange tunnel and of course the Desnan curiousity took hold and I just had to start exploring. I was only part way down the tunnel when I heard it, poor Es had walked into trouble with her door and I heard her crying out in pain. Running, tumbling and leaping past all of my friends who had gotten themselves between me and her I got to the other door only to be faced with Tsuto. I kicked him as hard as I could but the next thing I knew he'd punched me in the face and was making a run for it. What kind of man punches girls just for opening a door? I'm so glad we knocked him unconscious - he deserved it, boy did he hit hard.

So, while the boys secured him and set about contacting what remains of the watch in the city, I can't wait until Sheriff Hemlock is back I get the feeling that we're going to need as many watchpersons around as we can get our grubby little hands on, Es and I searched the remains of the downstairs storerooms and found poor Ami tied up on the floor. So we took her back to the Dragon for drinks, Deivan and Glorli dealt with Tsuto whilst Tammer set about translating Tsuto's journal for further clues.

Ugh. That journal. It was awful! Sketches of Nualia, some with demonic features, plans for goblin raids and other awful, terrible things that sickened me. How are there people like that in a town without us ever realising? It chills the blood.

So after making sure Ami was alright and having to deliver the awful news over her father it was back to our heroing, we had a tunnel to explore afterall.

Down the tunnel... I think 'creepy' easily sums it all up. Weird monstery things with oddly hinged jaws that were overly bitey and slobbery, the undead and then there was Coruvus, or what was once Coruvus hero of the Seven Tooth tribe of goblins that had gone missing. When Shaylu had told us about Coruvus I'd been eager to find him, to take his magical sword as a trophy but I hadn't expected what he'd become. Huge, deformed, extra limbs (including an extra little leg on his head) spewing acidic blood and weilding 3 impressive looking weopns. of course being overenthusiastic I dived in to fight him and the next thing I know I'm hit by several weapons and everything goes black. I almost died at the hands of a monsterous deformed goblin-thing! As adventurers deaths go it would have been a bit lame wouldn't it, if I have to have a heroes death I'd rather it be an ancient dragon or something after I've beat it up a lot!

Of course after being healed from that everyone started treating me as though I was a really fragile, delicate little incompetant. I was forced to the middle of the group for exploring and wasn't allowed to open any more doors. It was humiliating. I hate that it's known that I'm so strong now, but I think I hate being treated as a frail little flower more.

So, more exploring, weird starshaped emblems, a flying head thing, a rather cool room you could go floating in and a weird red statue later we found the temple to Lamashtu and the cleric that maintained it. The strange floaty thing in a gown and tiara that Tam tells us was a quasit or something. it was an interesting fight, she was a pain to hit but I was just about damaging her and then she went and decided to fly up high, cheating little wench. So, with a little help from me Tam decided to be all heroic and launch himself up at the quasit and wrapped it up in his scarf. How are we ever going to conveince the world that Deivan is the hero if Tam keeps doing all the impressive things? From then on it got a lot easier, well it got easier after I came back into the fight after being forced to run by some weird fear mind effect thing. After stamping on the bag it stopped moving, thank Desna, I'm glad we're rid of the strange creature.

Then, starting to feel a little dizzy from exertion we started to investigate the weird pool in the temple. The quasit had dropped some blood in it so of course Tam just had to cut himself and drop blood in it to see what would happen. He really needs to stop putting himself in danger! Next thing we know there's another one of the weird jawed bitey things crawling out of the pool which we dealt with and the pool started to glow less. So, we repeated the process a coule more times to be sure we rid that pool of it's dark magic.

...and I think that's it. Weird day huh? From there it was time for drinks, despite everyone's insistance I should lie down instead. Which was silly. I'm fine, really.

So now Tsuto's diary is deceiphered we know the next thing we have to do is head to Thistletop, we need to nip the potential problem of another goblin invasion in the bud before we lose Sandpoint to goblins and flame. If someone told me a little over a week ago that my life would get this exciting, complex and dangerous I'd never have believed them! I'm sure I'd have been excited and optimistic though so I need to stick with those feelings! This is going to be fun if a little crazy, but what's life without a few risks?


Ta da! Et Voila! One post for you guys, it was fun to write and oh so babble filled poor Em's memory of everything is a little shot after the near death! It really was a fun game, I have never had a character taking down to -9 HP before, and then running into a final on 1HP is an utter rush, I thought for sure you guys would never be getting a new entry! So much fun!

*Many hugs to my hubby for running this for us* ...now he needs to run a new session for us so I can write more!

The Exchange

"How are we ever going to conveince the world that Deivan is the hero if Tam keeps doing all the impressive things?"...

You havn't heard the "official" version of the story yet, he he.

WannabeIndy wrote:

"How are we ever going to conveince the world that Deivan is the hero if Tam keeps doing all the impressive things?"...

You havn't heard the "official" version of the story yet, he he.

Haha, fantastic! I can't wait! I'm sure the outright lies Tammer weaves will be very impressive ;)


Thank you again Kayos for another awesome entry.

Especially with you writing this journal Kayos....this entire AP is going to be so extremely entertaining.

Did her other half post?

Lets see...

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Probably too soon to ask; and with holidays fast approaching, just wondering if we'll get to see more of Emyralda's entries soon?

Some nice work there, Kayos.

Liberty's Edge

Wow, I for one will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter. My new favorite soap opera/war journal :)

We are still clamoring Kayos! This is one of a few great journals that have come here in the last few months, so realize that I count on you for some degree of my entertainment Kayos.

The Exchange

Depending on our group there might be another game or possibly two before Christmas. The player of Deivon isn't around during the holidays and well it's Kayos's birthday too in that time so there might be a small break but never fear these guys are enjoying it so there should be regular updates.

Their might be a little delay in the next entry as our dancer probably isn't in too much of a writing mood after the last game.

*nods* Flamey hands and flamey swords hurts us! They hurts us so much!Em is quickly learning that just diving into fights results in pain and anther one of those fun near death experiences!

Hopefully there will be more before xmas :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Why do I get the feeling your next journal entry won't have a lot of these ---> :-)

And a large number of these ---> :-( or maybe these ---> >:-(

And when I say that, I envision her actually drawing frowns instead of little smiley faces in her journal. LOL

Whatever the case, I'm sure it will be interesting.

Lifting the Journal to the top of the section...

There. Everyone can see it better now that its on the top shelf.

The Exchange

Wow it's been a long time since this has been looked at... Still we finally got round to finishing off Burnt Offerings last night so the wife should be able to actually post the latest entry. Damn those players and not being able to get together for so long.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well..had been waiting to see what happens...but figured you folks hadn't played much since the holidays.

So...what happened!?

Finally burnt offerings is all finished! Yay! *happy dance*

I'm working on a journal entry or two - it may take a while though my notes are largely incomprehensible and I need to stop giggling at the term 'pickle theft'

Oathday 4th Lamashan

Dear Diary,

Today was long, so very long. Es and I spent the day investigating things to do with the big temple of evil under the town, we thought it best to be all prepared for whatever may be waiting for us at Thistletop. After arguments over how to break up the day we decided we should start by seeking Father Zanthus' advice, evil temples need cleansing as soon as possible after all! I think we worried him. At least the church is aware now and the cleaning of the strange place can begin.

Next came the pre-lunch interrogation. This had been the main sticking point of our making plans for the day. I had really wanted to have words with Tsuto – we needed more information out of him and he so needed to be taught that you don’t hit girls, especially not the Mvashti sisters! So after much pouting I got Es to agree to make sure this happened earlier in the day rather than later.

Not early enough. It turns out he hung himself during the night. Apparently he’d seemed fine last night and then this morning the poor young watchman on duty found him. It was all sorts of shocking really, needless to say the guy on watch was shaken and upset, even hugs from Es and I weren’t enough of a distraction! We promised him drinks at The Dragon once his shift was over and soon left, it was pointless us getting in the way and making things worse for the poor watch, right?

So as it was too early for lunch as a chunk of our morning plans had, quite literally, died we decided to move ahead our visit to see the sage. Mr. Quink, he may be a little on the stuffy side but as we walked through town I realised how perfect he’d be for grandmother! They both love knowledge and her free spirit would balance out his stuffy nature! Es didn’t see it that way though, maybe the notion of old-people sex freaked her out, or maybe it was because it was my idea and not hers she seemed hellbent on ruining it before I even started trying to set them up.

So instead we got to talk about the matter at hand – the weird underground caverns, the statue of the angry red-skinned lady and that seven-pointed star. There was a lot of talk about his research, most of which passed me straight by and then something to do with a possible device and the important bit (I remember the important bits!) the symbol is ancient – possibly millennia old, that can’t be good!

Our worry only grew when we went home for lunch. Grandmother Mvashti thinks that the symbol is ‘wrong’, she really doesn’t like it, it feels unnatural to her. So not good. Then came the conversation about things that are wrong and the fact there are seven points. Of course it didn’t take long for the subject of sins to come up. We briefly discussed virtues and the schools of magic in the hopes that maybe it wasn’t so bad, but from what we’ve seen so far it seems sins would be a good guess.

And now I can’t help but try to work out what, if any, sins I’m guilty of. Will they be used against me? ..and what are my friends sins? Will I need to be aware of them if we’re going to look into this even more?

With this in mind we decided to see what Tammer had found out. We really didn’t spend enough time in the Academy growing up, it took us much too long to find the library again. Still, we eventually found the room full of books and a rather engrossed bard. He puts my and Es’ interest to shame! Eventually tearing his attention away from his research into ancient cultures and the like we got to share all of our news with him. It seems he’s harbouring the idea, and the hope that the seven-pointed star has something to do with the schools of magic as well. Maybe it’s because I don’t do magic that I just can’t see it being that. Or maybe I’m too dark for my own good sometimes!

Next, something we’d been putting off all day – visiting Ameiko. Poor Ami, first her father and now this with her brother. By the time we arrived at the Kaijitsu manor of course the watch had already told her but at least we were there to offer our condolences and to give her hugs and offers of shoulder to cry on, ears to listen.. for today at least and then when we get back from Thistletop.

Other than that there was the visiting of Deivan (who got to work a full day on his family’s market for a change) and Glorli (who got to do a full day in his forge without us interrupting!), making plans for leaving for Thistletop tomorrow and spending some time in the Rusty Dragon.

The watchman who found Tsuto did indeed turn up so there were a lot of hugs and drinks bought for him. Then having finished work Deivan showed up, but wow did he smell! He’s a nice guy but he really, he needs to learn that a gallon of cologne will not remove the scent of fishmarket, it’ll just make him smell like a teenage fish that’s getting geared up for it’s first big date. Things got worse.

I don’t know what I did to Deivan on our ‘date’ or since but he seemed to be out to upset me tonight. First he tells everyone in the inn that he thinks I’m scary – ouch! Then he starts complaining about his family and wishing he was a Scarnetti!! Did he just entirely miss the fact sis and I are Varisian, does he know nothing about the town’s history or did he just want to upset and annoy me again? I’m really not sure.


Maybe I should stop kicking monsters so forcibly in the head, even my friends are starting to think of me as weird for it. The more I do this the less likely it seems that people will see me as woman, more that indeterminate generic fighter. You know the sort that has a reputation as a warrior so nobody is interested in getting close to them because they’ll just die on you.

Oh well, I should sleep, I need to be up early for this Thistletop thing tomorrow.


That took longer than expected - haha! Now I need to work on the entry for the actual plot - I have all of the stuff at thistletop to work through and such haphazartd notes it's untrue so it may be tomorrow by teh time I'm done!

The Exchange

Kayos wrote:
That took longer than expected - haha! Now I need to work on the entry for the actual plot - I have all of the stuff at thistletop to work through and such haphazartd notes it's untrue so it may be tomorrow by teh time I'm done!

Well if you need another memory brain you can just give a bell.

WannabeIndy wrote:
Well if you need another memory brain you can just give a bell.

Thanks hun! But I'm sure I'll eventually remember ~ I just need to stop giggling at pickle theft and scary fish - which, by the way, Em still wants to drop a rock on just so she can see it!

Don't be so concerned with my diary and go work on Tammer's :P


An Update!

Thank you Kayos for getting that one up there. Please continue your wonderful entries as time permits. Holiday madness hasn't completely left here at my house either, things are only just now settling back to normal, so I certainly understand the situation.

That said, I am looking forward to more great adventures of yours.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just wanted to chime in and give kudos for a great entry! I hadn't caught it until today, so I sat down and read through them all again.

Great fun! Great development in telling the story. I'm excited to see your take on Thistletop and that adventure. Good luck!

Wonderful! :D

I love not only how you've tied your characters together (twin siblings is something I've never seen before) but how deeply you've woven your characters into the setting. This is truly exceptional RP and I'm reminded too often just how rare it is.

I hope you all are having as much fun playing as I am reading these. Can anyone point me to the other journals from this campaign?

Thanks and keep up the great RP,

Sorry I never got around to the second post - damn getting ill!! But, we played again tonight so I have a lot to add to what I've already written up - it'll be fun to say the least (especially with where we stopped play tonight!)

Also, for those of you who're interested in a quick link to Em's twin's journal: clicky!

The player is promising to write up more soon he's just all sorts of busy!

Toilday 9th Lamashan

The Return!

Dear Diary,

We made it. Just about. When you pray for excitement and adventure Desna provides in great quantities! I have a few hectic days to recap so this may get a little disjointed and odd. Then again from what I know of real adventures hectic and mad seems to be a staple.

We set out early on Fireday, but it didn't take long for us to encounter problems. While Es and I are quite used to travelling and exploring outside the town this was entirely different. The wild woods and then an insane thorn maze. Deivan made his way through first, finding a lot of secret passages hidden amongst the brambles. Unfortunately his being in the front meant he was first to walk into a bunch of goblins, as usual this didn't turn out so well. Deivan really doesn't appear to be any good at fighting in enclosed spaces, especially when there are thorns to get caught on!

We survived that though. A little cut and bruised we eventually got quite a way through the twists and turns of the goblins little labyrinth. Unfortunately that's whenone of them started throwing fire at me. Yes, one of the little monsters wasn't only thowing fire but used a firesword on me! and fighting something that can walk through thorns is just hard! I'm just so glad a lot of my friends are good with healing, I'm sure I would have died serveral times over this weekend if it weren't for them.

Injured by the guardians of the maze we decided we should camp before progressing onwards, but I couldn't stay still. I wanted to investigate more, to be doing something but everyone made me stay still and rest, something about me being 'too' injured. I eventually got some sleep and was up early, ready and willing to explore more. My explorations lead me to a deep drop in the floor of the maze, opening out to a sea cave. Thinking I saw something I dropped a rock into the water. There was definately something down there as it let out a strange noise, unfortunately I had Deivan with me and something about the sound set him off. It's hard to explore safely when you're accompanied by someone shouting about 'yelling scary fish!' and running in circles. I had to restrain him, which was suprisingly easy - no wonder he thinks of me as scary.

So then it was across the rickity bridge (which of course collapsed, how did we not see that happening?) and to the goblin lair. So many goblins, so many goblins killed. Deivan went a little crazy and killed a lot of them who were still asleep, it was at this point we started to worry about him, with each new challenge or fight he seems to break a little more, he claimed that they all deserved to die, even the women and children, he started to scare me a lot.

On a slightly odder, lighter, note we found something surreal in our exploring. Hidden, half eaten pickles! Then there was the discovery of the broken pickle barrel. It turns out some of the goblin guards were also pickle thieves. It's almost cute. I have to keep reminding myself of the monsterous acts they've commited to stop myself feeling guilty for fighting and killing them. It's at times like this I worry that I might not be cut out for adventuring either - I shouldn't be so soft!

Speaking of goblins and monsterous acts; Ripnugget and his flunkies were using a spell to replay the attack on Sandpoint when we found them, it was all kinds of creepy and sickening really. Fortunately Tammer being his usual self retold the way things really were as we waded in to deal with the runts. Despite the morale boost from having Tammer and the others nearby Ripnugget was a truly irritating foe to fight. Mounts should not be giant lizards and they really shouldn't walk up walls! I hate not being a ranged combatant sometimes, it gets frustrating! But we succeeded, one more goblin hero down!

Then there was under the goblin lair, that's where things started getting weird. First there was the surreal, floaty octopus thing with a stinger - I should have paid more attention in school and then maybe I would know what these oogy things are. After that the creepy temple to Lamashtu with the weird evil dogs that made the goblin dogs look cute and cuddly and of course the customary dungeon torture chamber. Ick.

Then the pleasant suprise Lyri, a wizard lady studying the ruins under Thistletop. She was intelligent and easy to talk to and while I worry a little about some of her past and outlooks she really wasn't doing anything wrong, she was paid to research, paid well for her passion. Glorli of course grumbled and insisted she should face justice. I can't help but ask for what? She took a job and had nothing to do with the attack on Sandpoint. I wonder if he'd have reacted the same way if Tammer was down there - it's a contract he'd possibly take; money to explore a truly unique historical find. Our dwarf really wouldn't listen to sense though and he insisted that Lyri should be put away in the cells in the torture chamber - yuck!

Tired of arguing I left them to it, becoming quite sure that Lyri could probably look after herself, I had a mercenary, a goblin hero and Nualia to find and deal with afterall. Turns out I wasn't wrong, we were barely down the corridor as we heard the clang of Glorli hitting the floor and swearing loudly. 'Accidentally' not hearing her getaway Es and I continued onwards with Tammer in tow, picking a door at random. Oh boy was it the wrong door at the wrong time:

1) Goblin wives 'servicing' a Bugbear should not be a scene witness by the human eye
2) Bugbears should never have nipple piercings - ever!
3) Having to fight a Bugbear wearing that little clothing is disturbing

To try to dull the mental trauma of all of that Tammer gave Es and me an unbearingly dull lesson in reproductive habits of gobinoids. While it helped quite a bit in calming my mind (thank the dietites for letting my brain shut down during lectures) I can't help but hope he didn't put me off sex for good though!

Next was the merc, Orik. He seemed like an ok guy who just took the wrong contract. So after a brief chat we told him that Lyri had left and he seemed more than eager to follow, so we let him and thankfully Glorli

didn;t spot his exit, I doubt we'd hear the end of it if our dwarf knew we'd let two of the people working in Thistletop, regardless of the fact they did nothing wrong.All that done, all was left wassearching a couple more rooms and finding Nualia. Before we found the crazy demon lady we found her bedroom and Es and I fell in love! Nualia had a huge King Size bed that appeared to be collapsable. That so came home with us! To save on arguements we're sharing it.

Descending another layer into the older parts of Thistletop we found no end of interesting things, walls you need to pay to bypass, scary traps and of course Nualia and her scary, painful sword. I'm sure I caused her quite a lot of damage before everything went black and Es and Tammer defeated her.

Oh! And then my 'healing'! I have no idea where to start with explaining that one. The last thing you expect to experience after falling unconscious from your severe wounds is a gentle kiss against your lips! Tammer kissed me! There's so much I want to write about that right now but I can't, damn you Es and your meddling and being able to find my diary! I so need to learn a language she doesn't know to write down my thoughts in utter privacy. Sigh.

So other than that there was the creepy room of fiery doom that we firmly locked until we can go back with reinforcements, a wonderful horse I liberated (I called him Misty!) and a giant crab living in a giant helmet - surreal. Oh! And the living shadows that almost killed Deivan so I had to rescue him. Those things were truly evil! One touch from them was like feeling your soul drain away, it destroys your will and saps your strength. On the plus side it meant I could slap Deivan upside the head for risking himself against the shadows despite my telling him to get out of the room without the fear of accidentally snapping his neck.

On our way home we stopped by the hole with the 'yelling fish' and fed it a few pickles. Getting it to surface we got a better look at it, Tammer says it was a bunyip, or something like that and it has a lot of teeth. Deivan being his usual self decided to throw the entire barrel of pickles down the hole for it. Overbalancing he slipped and fell, almost becoming the bunyip's next meal. I just about grabbed him in time but wrenched my shoulder in the process. I swear keeping that boy away from death is a full-time job.

On our trip back I talked with Deivan a lot, we all did. He's decided to give up adventuring for the time being, possibly to join the watch to getsome more practice in combat, to get himself fit and deal with more minor problems in the town. A real hero of Sandpoint, who stays in Sandpoint. I think it will do him some good, all of the adventuring has just made him ill, a nervous wreck of a man. I really do wish him all the best.

More to come, but right now - sleep is needed!


Woot! Almost done with the catchup just the events of the days after they got home to write up and from now on the party lineup is:

-minus : Deivan
+plus : Tanrov Redhand, Human (shoanti) - Barbarian/Scout

Poor Deivan *pets him* I hope he enjoys his retirement from the scary brainscarring world of adventuring!

Fireday 12th Lamashan

Dear Diary,

I should be excited as tomorrow is market day and we're going to sell all of the stuff we found at Thistletop and Es and I are going to commission a nice custom-made wagon to travel in style like the fullblooded Varisians we are! Instead, I'm peeved. My hair is an utter mess! My hairbrush has disappeared, Es says that she hasn't seen it and that I can use hers as they're identical, but it's just the principle of the thing it was my hairbrush! The one with the dent in the back from when I dropped it a year or so ago.

Then, to top it all two of my favourite hairbeads are missing! Es seems quite certain I only had 3 good green and 4 good blue ones but I could have sworn I had 4 green and 5 blue! If I didn't know any better I'd say I was either going crazy or Es has decided the her new hobby should be irritiating me with pointless things!


Starday 13th Lamashan

Dear Diary,

The Mvashti sisters have wheels! Or rather we will in a couple of weeks when all the work is done, so exciting. We sold all the junk from thistletop and now have new horses, a wagon on the way, paint to decorate said wagon (in Desnan designs of course), new clothes and all sorts of furnishings for our wagon - that thing is going to take Es and I all over the map, and off of it hopefully! We even paid to get our lovely kingsize bed fitted in there, with the really nice manacles we found, not that we'll use them, it's just fun to see men's faces when we demand restraints be added to the bed of the Mvashti sisters!

We also commissioned our birthday present for Tammer, I really hope he likes it! And we asked for our planned gift for Deivan to be put aside as well, their joint birthday celebration should be really good if all goes according to plan.

After that it was back to work at the dragon. If you can call it work, tonight was a busy but relaxed evening. Es and I were discussing the possibility of getting uniforms so people would know when we're working and when we're not as we're in there in our free time too. This induced a lot of staring from the mostly male clientele, then of course sis had to mentiaon the idea of aprons - without clarifying that she meant over our usual clothes and not on their own!

We got to meet an interesting new arrival in town, a shoanti from the axe-clan, Tanrov. He's huge. I know I'm not the tallest of girls but I suddenly felt so very dwarfed at meeting him! At least Es and I could see him a little better when it came around to our usual dance on the bar, I think we're getting a lot better at it, no drinks spilt and more customers clamouring to get to the bar, I think it may be time we got a pay rise!

After dancing there was of course storytelling, it's always great hearing Tammer tell the story of the attack on Sandpoint, it makes me feel less 'butch', but even then Es' whispered comments about how there was a lot more goblin brain on my foot than the story implies and other such useful remarks. Still, the distraction of hearing tales from where Tanrov is from was a lot of fun, he seems like a really interesting guy.

Before heading home we doublechecked with Ami that we were still okay for taking over the Dragon on the 18th for the birthday party, we are, now all we need to do is work out who to invite. Young men like girls right? So we're hoping to fill the guestlist with females from around the town. It's at times like these I wish we had more female friends!


Moonday 14th Lamashan

Dear Diary,

I actually bumped into an onduty Deivan today, he's looking a lot better and more in control in his life. He's been partnered with the guy who found Tsuto after the hanging incident, so together they really do make the cutest, if most emotionally scarred, pair of watchmen going! They were both a little twitchy but otherwise pretty good so I left them to it, they had work to do afterall, I so need to find something to do with myself when sis is doing clerical duties.

I still haven't found my hairbrush.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yay! The Mvashti sisters return! The whole Thistletop thing was most intresting; glad to hear you guys were successful! Interesting turn of events, the way your party handled the NPC gang without killing them all.

I was ROTFL when you came to the details about the pickles; also the whole reaction to the bugbear and goblins was also quite fun - if a little traumatizing of an image;-)

I do have a question, out of character - it sounds like the Devian character is no longer part of your group. Is this a person changing characters; or did you have someone new joining? Totally being nosy; but I was trying to frame the story in terms of the gaming context...I'm kind of nitpicking this, I know.

Anyhow, great work! And I'm curious to see where you guys go from here; the details you are developing are wonderful. I hope you take this as encouragement to continue.

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