
Emyralda Mvashti's page

15 posts. Alias of Kayos..

Full Name

Emyralda Desna Mvashti


Human - Varisian


Battledancer 4







Special Abilities

Dance of Reckless Bravery


Chaotic Good






Varisian, Chelexian, Shoanti, Sylvan, Minkai



Strength 18
Dexterity 19
Constitution 16
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 18

About Emyralda Mvashti

Born in a thorpe in the hills Emyralda Mvashti was quickly followed into the world by her identical twin Esmerelda. The birth of the beautiful babies was considered a gift from Desna as their birthdate fell on the festival of Swallowtail Release and their parents soon decided that their girls had a touch of destiny about them and quickly travelled to Sandpoint to consult with the ever-wise 'Grandmother' Mvashti. The elderly mystic quickly took a shine to the girls and took them in for training, with both her and at the nearby Turandarok Academy.

As they grew the mischievous twin girls took great delight in swapping places, playing tricks and skipping lessons at the academy; using their 'ailing' older relative as an excuse. Near impossible to tell appart the twins did most things together, including dancing on all Desnan festivals and celebrations. Both equally talented they were both taken in and trained by different sources as they started to approach their teenage years, their lives starting to branch onto different paths.

A little stronger than her younger sister Emyralda was chosen to be a student of a beautiful and intriguing woman who had been travelling through the town of Sandpoint. Under the tuition of the older woman Emyralda began to learn new and interesting dance steps and how dancing could be integrated into combat.
Esmerelda, the slightly brighter twin, was introduced to the priesthood of the Desnan church and was soon showing off her handful of spells to her sister.

Despite their different training and slowly developing independent personalities the twins are still prone to mischief and using the fact they appear identical fully to their advantage. Her adventures are chronicled further in her diary