Bull rush - knockback - power attack?

Rules Questions


Iˋm planning on a Bloodrager (Blood Conduit Archetype) that focuses on bull rush and claw fighting via Abyssal Bloodline Power.

Via Primalist, I exchange my 4th level bloodline power for the "knockback" rage power. Besides I have the merciless rush feat.

Both allow me to deal my STR as damage with a successfull bull rush. I assume both effects stack, at least this was the consense of another thread.

(merciles rush:"When you bull rush a creature and your check exceeds the target's CMD by 5 or more, you deal damage equal to your Strength modifier to that target.")

(knockback:"Once per round, the barbarian can make a bull rush attempt against one target in place of a melee attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the barbarian's Strength modifier and is moved back as normal. The barbarian does not need to move with the target if successful. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.")

Now I will take power attack with my 6th level bonus feat, since I need it for greater bull rush.

My questions are:

a) Can power attack be applied to the bull rush damage of merciless rush and knockback? The malus on attack roles would affect bull rush, so it does not seem too broken. Though, bull rush was not intended to do damage in the first place, so it might be a bit cheesy...

b) I have a constant attack routine of 2 claws at full BAB, with knockback I can exchange one of the claws by bull rush. That makes one claw, one bull rush, which seems okay. If I want to optimize now, would it be legit if on level 11 I took a weapon in one hand, thus use my iterative three attacks, the first replaced by bull rush, AND use my remaining claw at -5?

It would be:
1. bull rush
2. weapon -5
3. weapon -10
4. claw -5

instead of:
1. Bull rush
2. claw

Thank you for your help, I hope I did not mess up my first post :P

Prof. Löwenzahn

1)power attack no, it's not added to the damage since that is just your str and you're not making and damage rolls. Power attack, "gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls." So no rolls no Power attack, though you'd take the penalty still on your attack if you activated power attack.

2) yeah, you could start as early as lv6 and do
Bull rush
weapon -5
claw -5

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