John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

My friend made the mistake of leaving his Tuckerman's Headwall Ale in my fridge last week and then telling me he's not showing up for game night this weekend. It was good. It describes itself as a German style brown ale. I picked up some Sierra Nevada Tumbler (their autumn brown ale) but I think I like the Tuckerman's better.
Tomorrow, I'm cooking up some bratwurst for the Feast of Ravenmoor one-shot adventure I'm running. They'll be plenty of beer on hand, of course.

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Centurion's Ghost, from the York Brewery
That's a new brewery for me: how was it?
We should game/drink together. I promise not to put on any doom metal if you don't play any prog :b

Limeylongears |

Limeylongears wrote:Centurion's Ghost, from the York BreweryThat's a new brewery for me: how was it?
We should game/drink together. I promise not to put on any doom metal if you don't play any prog :b
That's the only one of theirs I've had, but it was tops - something I'll certainly be buying again. Dark and very bitter - not a stout/porter, though.
For the record, I do not have a problem with doom metal ;)

Limeylongears |

An English Bock, by Bateman's. First bock I've had (so far as I know), but not bad, not bad.
BTW, Geraint - not sure where you're based, but let us know if you're ever up around Leeds/Manchester way :)

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An English Bock, by Bateman's. First bock I've had (so far as I know), but not bad, not bad.
BTW, Geraint - not sure where you're based, but let us know if you're ever up around Leeds/Manchester way :)
I used to live in Nottingham and you got a lot of Batemans there, which is unequivocally a good thing.
I really like Combined Harvest and Summer Swallow.
I live in Oxon now, bit far for a game...

Abyssian |

Anybody try Shiner Oktoberfest? I don't think it's going to measure up to the bier in Munich, but I'm having a friend over to enjoy a few.
I miss Germany... Anybody know how I could get a hold of Aktien Zwikl Kellerbier? It's from a Brauerei in Bayreuth, but doesn't seem to be available in Maryland, and I have a beer store nearby that has four different Rauchbieren from Bamberg, where I lived.

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

Had a couple of bottles of Ayinger last weekend (the dark lager and dark heffe-weiss). Good beer with a slight caramel taste and I liked the little house on the bottle caps. This week, a co-worker and I split the cost of a case of Juluis Echter which I haven't had in a long time and my favorite heffe-weiss. I've been drinking those this week. Just wish it was easier to get in my area.

Kirth Gersen |

Had a couple of bottles of Ayinger last weekend (the dark lager and dark heffe-weiss).
I LOVE Ayinger beers -- I've never had one that disappointed. The Celebrator doppelbock is a particular treat, the fest-Maerzen is near-perfect, the Jahrhundert ("hundred-year beer") is excellent, and the Altbairisch Dunkel is near the pinnacle of dark lagers. I seem to recall enjoying their Ur-Weisse as well.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This is the best thread on these boards!
I used to think I hated beer, and it took a Bud Light (of all things) to make me realize I just hated the beer my father preferred to drink (Michelob AmberBock). From there I visited the Old Chicago in my area and started experimenting with beer flights to learn what I did and didn't like, something I recommend people that say they hate beer try to do wholeheartedly! I realized quickly that I really like stouts, while IPAs are thoroughly wretched. That pine/grapefruit taste isn't compatible with my taste buds.
I'll gladly drink all the Guinness you wish to give me, but I also enjoy Old Rasputin (North Coast Brewing Co.) and Dark Truth (Boulevard Brewing Co.), both Imperial stouts, which is to say high in alcohol content. They're definitely not session beers, unless you enjoy ending your session in a blackout and coming to wondering who has your pants this time. I also enjoy the Weston Brewing Company's selections. Their cream ale is very smooth, and they've got a Hot Pepper Ale that I think would work very well in a chili recipe.
Stay thirsty, my friends!

Limeylongears |

Saltaire Brewery's Hazelnut Coffee Porter
Not available, apparently, so I must have imagined the pint I just had of it. Not normally a fan of flavoured beers, but the combination of tastes you got in that one was just right. If I can find it bottled, I intend to do some serious stocking up.

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

John Benbo wrote:Had a couple of bottles of Ayinger last weekend (the dark lager and dark heffe-weiss).I LOVE Ayinger beers -- I've never had one that disappointed. The Celebrator doppelbock is a particular treat, the fest-Maerzen is near-perfect, the Jahrhundert ("hundred-year beer") is excellent, and the Altbairisch Dunkel is near the pinnacle of dark lagers. I seem to recall enjoying their Ur-Weisse as well.
The altbairisch dunkel is the main one I've been enjoying as well as the a few of the ur-weisse. I did buy one jahrhundert in my initial sample (thought it might be too light for my tastes) but it proved to be quite good so I will be getting that one again. I'll have to keep a lookout for the rest.
From Belguim, I had Rodenbach, a beer that describes itself as having a bit of the sweet/sour taste of wine, which is very true. Good for something a little bit different.
Last weekend, I tried a new beer from the Firestone Jackson brewery out of California. It was black rye IPA (Wookey Jack) which got me very excited since I love both black and rye IPAs but it wasn't really the home run combination I was hoping for. It tasted fine but for whatever reason, didn't really excite my taste buds. It did pair pretty well with the Joya de Nicaragua Dark Corojo Martillo I was enjoying.
Next time I go to McKinnon's, I need to try the beers from a newer company called the Maine Beer Co. A coworker has been raving about them but they aren't cheap, 6-7 bucks for a 17oz. bottle.

Bombadil |

I keep hearing good things about Sierra Nevada
My favorite, I routinely max out the recycling bin with 144 bottles of Pale Ale, this a fine brew!
I had a Krusovice (Czeck black beer) today. A remarkable experience. The stuff doesn't taste like anything.
Added to my list based on your recommendation, I shall try this forthwith.

Fabius Maximus |

Fabius wrote:I had a Krusovice (Czeck black beer) today. A remarkable experience. The stuff doesn't taste like anything.Added to my list based on your recommendation, I shall try this forthwith.
It's marvelous stuff, really. You'll be fantastically underwhelmed and appreciate every other beer much more after.

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Crazy4catnip is a huge fan of IPAs, and I think you might as well pour them right back into the horse. I'm much more of a fan of Scotch ales, but the best pint I ever had, bar none, was a porter that was homebrewed up in a little brewpub in Skagway, AK. Or maybe it was Ketchikan.
What's a Scotch ale? And are there any you can recommend?

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh joy of joys! Abita Turbo Dog has finally made its way to NH. Picked up a six pack of it during my dinner break. Also grabbed the Ommegang (sp?) Game of Thrones beer- Take the Black Stout. Finally picked up a beer called "Peeper" from the Maine Brewing Co.. A coworker of mine is raving about it. Can't wait to get home tonight.
Recently had Goose Island's Sixth Day, described as a festive brown ale. It's ok, a little heavy, but it's at 8.3% percent.

Kelsey MacAilbert |

I went to Trader Joe's for some groceries, and picked up a couple beer bottles. One was a Guinness. At home, I noticed the shape of the bottle is a bit strange, with something like the bulge you may see on a pint glass. On the bottle, there is a note saying to enjoy it straight from the bottle. Is this note likely connected to the shape of the bottle, with the bottle being shaped strangely to fit the beer well? Should I pour the beer into my beer glass, which is has a moderate taper and completely straight edges, or drink out of the bottle?
Also, I have made a wondrous discovery. Since my grandmother tolerates my drinking but prefers it being kept out of her sight (Grandpa had a problem, and she hates seeing reminders of that), I cannot use the fridge to store beer. This has kept me from enjoying beer at the proper temperature. Well, I recently discovered that it only takes 5-10 minutes in the freezer for an unopened beer bottle to get from room temperature to a bit below fridge temperature. So far, this is made my beer immeasurably better.
Finally, my understanding is that Guinness does outsource a lot of it's brewing, and that this effects flavor quite a bit, which is why the gold standard of Irish stout has a mediocre Beeradvocate rating. Well, the bottle I bought was brewed and bottled in Dublin, so I should have the best quality available from a bottled Guinness. I also bought a hunk of cheddar imported from Ireland, so I should have a pretty good experience.

Fabius Maximus |

I went to Trader Joe's for some groceries, and picked up a couple beer bottles. One was a Guinness. At home, I noticed the shape of the bottle is a bit strange, with something like the bulge you may see on a pint glass. On the bottle, there is a note saying to enjoy it straight from the bottle. Is this note likely connected to the shape of the bottle, with the bottle being shaped strangely to fit the beer well? Should I pour the beer into my beer glass, which is has a moderate taper and completely straight edges, or drink out of the bottle?
Finally, my understanding is that Guinness does outsource a lot of it's brewing, and that this effects flavor quite a bit, which is why the gold standard of Irish stout has a mediocre Beeradvocate rating. Well, the bottle I bought was brewed and bottled in Dublin, so I should have the best quality available from a bottled Guinness. I also bought a hunk of cheddar imported from Ireland, so I should have a pretty good experience.
Ah, Irish cheddar. The only reasonably priced cheese to get in Ireland.
Is it this bottle?

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

"Nyx"- White Birch Brewery
Nyx is labeled as a black American lager. Very dark and very malty. It was good, except that it was very chewy and being in 25 oz bottle, it's best shared with a friend.
"Peeper"- Maine Brewing Co.
A coworker has been raving about this beer. While I don't think it's the best beer I've ever had, it was quite good. It's quite hoppy with a strong floral, citrus taste. Would be a perfect hot summer day beer.
"Juniper IPA"- Sam Adams
My friend brought over a Sam Adams mix pack last night for our Pathfinder game. This is a new one by Sam Adams. Smelling the open bottle, it had a strong juniper smell like gin so I was expecting it to have a more pervasive juniper taste. It was quite mild really. I little lit on the hops (for being an IPA) with a nice taste made it perfectly drinkable if not overly remarkable.
Found Rodenbach in a six pack. Drunk straight from the bottle, it has a fizzy, almost champagne like texture and taste to it. Still good, though.