Revinia - Baby Demon Hunt


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“First of all, it does appear that Variss is quite dead. Your promises to him are now irrelevant...unless you're acquiring some paladinic tendencies. Second, with him gone, you may need assistance with the child and we are willing to do so if it furthers our ends. Finally, we have the same opponent here and should work together rather than separately. It is clear that you see some potential in the child or you would not care who raises him."

Gornalunga crosses her arms. “So Variss is currently dead. That could change at any time, and then where would I be? Hmm?”

“In any case, could you tell us more about the child? Is she human? What is his age? Who is the mother? Is she human or one that would give him special abilities?"

“It’s a boy. Well, it’s male anyway. And I’m the proud mommy. I thought you knew all this. You’re not as smart as you look, if you ask me, and you don’t look too smart to begin with. HA! Just because I don’t want to raise him doesn’t mean I don’t care how he turns out. He’ll need to provide for me in my dotage.” For some reason, this seems hilarious to Gornalunga, and she laughs until huge tears roll down her withered cheeks. “My dotage, oh boy.” She shakes her head to clear it, dislodging a shower of dandruff, then adds, “You should care too, curly,” she pokes Gerrod in the chest, “you’re the real father. You killed Variss’ rug-rat at birth, and damn near killed me as well. I needed a replacement quick, and you were as handy as any. Variss thought the kid was his, even had his Prophetic Visions. Bull-hockey! I almost wish someone would bring him back to life just so I could see his face when he found out.” She laughs heartily again, taking a while to trail off. “I made sure to give birth in the Abyss, so your boy is a cambion, a fiendish human. He’s gonna be powerful someday, I can feel it in my bones. Got a cute little tail as well.”

[You can add more here, if you like.]

"Furthermore, I have three questions that you may be able to answer. First, does the Sleeping One communicate with the cabal of humans that do his bidding? Or do these mad priests that roam the land simply hope to gain his favor? Second, do you know of anything we can do to slow or prevent his arrival? Finally, what is a 'horrorborne' and why do the aberrant priests capture their essence in magical cups?"

Oliver stays quiet but listens intently.

“All right Chrome Dome, if there’s anything I know, it’s the Dreamscape. This Sleeping God normally has some presence in the Darkscape, but he’s been pushing into the Dreamscape lately, and muscling in on my turf. Tell you the truth, it’s starting to piss me off. There are folks out there getting messages in dreams, and going nuts. They dream of the Darkscape, and then they are cut off from me. I count on being able to get at folks through their dreams, and this Sleeping God is messing everything up. Once they connect with the Darkscape, they’re lost to me, and their actions become a mystery. My opinion is that this plane is screwed. If it starts getting much worse I’m moving back to the Grey Wastes, and you can all pound sand.”

“I do not know enough about the Dreamscape and Darkscape, but I do know that the Sleeping God is different from normal creatures of darkness. You may have to go far indeed to be protected from him.”

“Don’t try to frighten Gornalunga. I lived in the Grey Wastes of Hades for seven hundred years. You think I’m scared of a giant wet deity with a squid for a head? I don’t know what a horrorborne is, but Variss could pick them out somehow, and he was collecting their essence to sell in Revin City. “Essence of Madness” he called it. I think it’s because all the horrorborne are loony, and their essence is special.”

“Looney, eh? I have some friends who have been called Horrorborne, and they do not seem mad to me." He looks over towards the gnome riding the dog. "I have also seen this essence and it strikes me as particularly dangerous, though I am unaware of its composition."

Gornalunga seems to have lost interest in the path of the conversation. “Tell you what. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. There’s an armpit of a village a few miles southeast of here, just where the glades meet the foothills. It’s called Exag. I used to enjoy visiting the dreams of the miserable wretches that live there, but recently I’ve begun to lose contact with them. You go down there and figure out why they’re no longer in the Dreamscape, and I’ll tell you where I sent your bouncing baby boy.” She contemplates for a second then adds. “Another roll in the sack wouldn’t go amiss, neither.”

Actions and conversation please.

Gerrod: full HP
Oliver: full HP
Buttercup: full HP

“Horrorborne and essense of madness?" Oliver says to himself, "And the sandman could pick them out." Oliver looks to Gornalunga, "No idea how he picked them out? Was it visual, by smell maybe? Reaction to an herb or a metal like a were creature maybe?"

Gornalunga looks down at the gnome. “Variss said they had some sort of mark on their foreheads that was naturally invisible. That’s all I know. We didn’t chat about it much.”

>"You should care too, curly,” she pokes Gerrod in the chest, “you’re
>the real father. You killed Variss’ rug-rat at birth, and damn near
>killed me as well. I needed a replacement quick, and you were as handy
>as any. Variss thought the kid was his, even had his Prophetic
>Visions. Bull-hockey! I almost wish someone would bring him back to
>life just so I could see his face when he found out.”

For the first time in his life Gerrod is completely, absolutely stunned and speechless. "I...uh...mine?? But...but the Visions of Variss? He..."

The mage shakes his head, recovering slightly. "This is information of significance. It gives me hope for the future, as karlo believed his visions and were they true I feared his death would be the doom of us all." He clears this throat and continues. "I now have a further reason to find the boy."

Abruptly, Gerrod notices Oliver from the corner of his eye. His eyes glow an almost frantic purple as he turns to the gnome. "I had forgotten your presence, and would have preferred if you were not aware of this news. Know now that you have become one of us and you will be hunted by our enemies who seek this information. They will stalk you during your every waking hour...and especially in your depths of sleep. Do not give up the boy, or our world may fall. Just remember...if you reveal this secret, you will have to deal with sweet Gornalunga at night rather than the Drowned One."

PbemDM wrote:

“Horrorborne and essense of madness?" Oliver says to himself, "And the sandman could pick them out." Oliver looks to Gornalunga, "No idea how he picked them out? Was it visual, by smell maybe? Reaction to an herb or a metal like a were creature maybe?"

Gornalunga looks down at the gnome. “Variss said they had some sort of mark on their foreheads that was naturally invisible. That’s all I know. We didn’t chat about it much.”

"I am quite certain that the Horrorborne do not smell," Gerrod comments. "I have met a few of them..." he continues by way of explanation.

PbemDM wrote:
“Gornalunga seems to have lost interest in the path of the conversation. “Tell you what. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. There’s an armpit of a village a few miles southeast of here, just where the glades meet the foothills. It’s called Exag. I used to enjoy visiting the dreams of the miserable wretches that live there, but recently I’ve begun to lose contact with them. You go down there and figure out why they’re no longer in the Dreamscape, and I’ll tell you where I sent your bouncing baby boy.” She contemplates for a second then adds. “Another roll in the sack wouldn’t go amiss, neither.”

"This sounds like a fair trade. Come, Oliver, let us go to this Exag and see what transpires there. It will also serve to introduce you to your new enemies."

"Gornalunga, do you know of any graveyards nearby?"

If Gornalunga wants another round with Gerrod, he'll be happy to comply. Also, if Gorna can point to some bodies, Gerrod'll make a manservant.

Oliver, Buttercup and Gerrod get a good night’s sleep in the Reed-Whistler village. Gerrod makes a late night visit to the Hag’s hut, returning a few hours later, without comment. Waking in the morning, you find that the “Heron-woman” has already begun her day’s work. She emerges from her hut with a smallish man in a leather vest with a jaunty kerchief sprouting from the pocket. He has a broad, smooth face, and beady eyes. A quiver of javelins are strapped to his back, and a handaxe is tucked into his belt.

“He-of-yellow-wolf”, the little man says in stunted common, addressing Oliver. “Member me? I am ses’Shelk; the Heron-woman has changed me for Exag. Exag city folk do not like our people, so I am disguised.” He poses, then laughs. “See? I am human smooth-skin, just like you.” He laughs again as Heron-Woman drags a corpse from her hut.

“Here you go, sweet-cheeks”, she offers, gesturing to the body. “You’d better appreciate it, cause human bodies are rare hereabouts. It’s pretty fresh, so it should pass for alive if it keeps its hood up and nobody sniffs too close.”

Performing a short, eerie ceremony ending with a ball of green energy animating the body, Gerrod commands the zombie to stand. It shuffles along awkwardly, but doesn’t look too obvious as a mindless undead.

“It name was Vin.” Ses’Shelk offers, pronouncing the V with great difficulty. “Vin.” The little human-looking man shakes his head back and forth and laughs again. “Funny name.”

ses’Shelk turns out to be a fine guide, leading the little group through mile upon mile of marshy landscape. It’s full winter now, and the cold has killed most of the bugs. Most of the reptiles are buried in the mud, and the marshes are quiet except for the occasional screech of a hawk or osprey. Vultures also circle overhead.

After about ten miles of slow slogging generally southeast, you break for the night. Ses’Shelk points south, and says “No go there, King Bog live there. Very bad.”

The next day goes better, and you emerge from the squashy marshes by mid-day. The land begins to slope upward into the foothills, giving you a great view of the Blackstones. You stop early that day, sleeping in the protection of an overhang, and arrive at Exag late morning of the third day.

A narrow switchback trail deposits you atop a broad plateau that rises slightly to the west. About a half mile from where you stand is the fabled city of Exag. Behind it are the imposing peaks of the Blackstones, glistening with snow against a deep blue sky. It seems as if you have come to the end of the world.

The group walks forward, their attention drawn toward the impressive red clay walls that ring the city, and the three red pyramids that dominate the crumbling architecture of the surrounding buildings. A crowd of citizens gathers in small knots to watch your approach. It’s only as you pass through the walls themselves that you realize that the gates have been removed from their hinges and while the walls are almost laughably thin, they appear supernaturally strong and virtually unweathered.

As the group enters the cobblestone plaza, their presence causes a ripple like that of a stone thrown into a pond. Some of the citizens flee the plaza, lifting children and vanishing in the shadows among the dull clay buildings, while others peer out from behind battered shutters and still others form into an unsteady mob that slowly approaches the group. Their rough, clay stained clothing and weathered complexions speak volumes about the difficulty of life in this remote and failing city.

The mob surrounds the party. A moment of silence passes, with the crowd staring at the newcomers and the party returning the stares. The citizens of Exag are the first to break the tension, somehow deciding unanimously to begin shouting and clamoring all at once, begging for food.

A grubby, scrawny looking girl, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, motions you to follow her into a nearby alley, offering to act as your guide for a silver piece. Do you follow her or stay in the crowd and try to calm them?

Actions and conversation please.

Gerrod: full HP
Oliver: full HP
Buttercup: full HP
Manservant: full HP

PbemDM wrote:

The mob surrounds the party. A moment of silence passes, with the crowd staring at the newcomers and the party returning the stares. The citizens of Exag are the first to break the tension, somehow deciding unanimously to begin shouting and clamoring all at once, begging for food.

A grubby, scrawny looking girl, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, motions you to follow her into a nearby alley, offering to act as your guide for a silver piece. Do you follow her or stay in the crowd and try to calm them? ...

ooc: sorry for taking so long to post. I misready your earlier post and it took me a bit to realize I needed to look for another thread.

ic: Oliver looks at the girl, turns his head quizicly and asks, "What is wrong with them?" Indicating the mob.

PbemDM wrote:
A grubby, scrawny looking girl, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, motions you to follow her into a nearby alley, offering to act as your guide for a silver piece. Do you follow her or stay in the crowd and try to calm them?

Gerrod surreptitiously passes a coin to the urchin. "Oliver, I suggest that we remove ourselves from this location before we try to converse. This crowd does not seem to be inspired by the supernatural as yet, but it is still a mob intent upon us. And I would rather not damage them unless necessary."

"Come Girl, let us leave this place and retire to a quieter location. My bodyguard will follow you closely and we will be right behind."

Gerrod will cast Unseen Servant as they go. He'll also keep a close watch on the area and will stop short if it looks too dangerous.

Oliver looks at the girl, turns his head quizzically and asks, "What is wrong with them?" Indicating the mob.

“They’re hungry.” She answers simply. “We don’t have enough food.”

Gerrod surreptitiously passes a coin to the urchin. "Oliver, I suggest that we remove ourselves from this location before we try to converse. This crowd does not seem to be inspired by the supernatural as yet, but it is still a mob intent upon us. And I would rather not damage them unless necessary."

"Come Girl, let us leave this place and retire to a quieter location. My bodyguard will follow you closely and we will be right behind."

Gerrod casts a spell as Oliver and ses’Shelk begin to follow the girl. He and his zombie catch up fairly quickly, treading as swiftly as the undead creature can lurch along over the cracked, freckled flagstones. Most of the crowd in the courtyard disburses with a moan of disappointment when they see their potential benefactors hustle away. A few stragglers, dressed in their shabby homespun, stand and stare longingly for a while longer.

You turn away from the large, central pyramid that dominates the central section of Exag, built of the same red clay material from which the city walls are made. As you move westward into the alleys between the closely spaced brick homes, you note that most of the little houses seem to be unoccupied. Gerrod keeps a close watch on the area, noticing a few individuals slumped in dark corners, but they seem to be passed out or sleeping, and don’t appear to pose any danger.

You only go a few blocks before almost doubling back on yourselves, and entering a small guest-house through the back door. The little girl leads you inside the dimly lit kitchen and into the common room, where you meet the proprietor, Panphar. He’s a tall, lean and weathered man with dark skin and a full, wild head of dark hair.

“Ah,” he smiles when he sees you. “It appears that we have a new crop of weary travelers. I do hope that you received a kinder reception by the good people of Exag than did my last guests, though I tend to doubt the likelihood of such an event.”

“Master Panphar,” the little girl interjects, “If the men want some Green Welcome, I can get it cheap.” She turns to you and adds, “You’d like Green Welcome, good sirs. It’s a pleasant aphrodisiac that brings peace of mind, strengthens the body, alleviates pain and aches, and fills the heart with unwavering courage.”

You can tell that the girl has memorized her sales pitch by rote, and she smiles sweetly when she finishes it. Panphar looks down at her, not unkindly, but says curtly, “Mehdi, please do not badger my new guests. I doubt they made the arduous journey here in order to sample such vile pursuits.”

He turns to you. “As to that, might I ask what brings you to our desperate town, and whether I might offer you rooms for the night, perhaps longer?”

Actions and conversation please.

Gerrod: full HP
Oliver: full HP
Buttercup: full HP
Manservant: full HP

PbemDM wrote:

“Ah,” he smiles when he sees you. “It appears that we have a new crop of weary travelers. I do hope that you received a kinder reception by the good people of Exag than did my last guests, though I tend to doubt the likelihood of such an event.”

“Master Panphar,” the little girl interjects, “If the men want some Green Welcome, I can get it cheap.” She turns to you and adds, “You’d like Green Welcome, good sirs. It’s a pleasant aphrodisiac that brings peace of mind, strengthens the body, alleviates pain and aches, and fills the heart with unwavering courage.”

You can tell that the girl has memorized her sales pitch by rote, and she smiles sweetly when she finishes it. Panphar looks down at her, not unkindly, but says curtly, “Mehdi, please do not badger my new guests. I doubt they made the arduous journey here in order to sample such vile pursuits.”

He turns to you. “As to that, might I ask what brings you to our desperate town, and whether I might offer you rooms for the night, perhaps longer?”

Gerrod smiles briefly at Mehdi. "I do not believe any simple drug will give me peace of mind, though I appreciate the offer. My bodyguard feels the same as I, though the Gnome may wish to experiment with your local narcotics."

He turns to the innkeeper. "We are travelers and had been planning to rest here for several days. The state of the populace gives us pause, however. Has famine come to Exag? Or is there some sort of power struggle among the ruling class?"

The bald mage strokes his chin in thought. "I suppose we shall have to stay for one night, at least. Would you be so kind as to set us up with rooms for bodyguard will stay with me. We will also require care for Oliver, what would you do with your dog at an inn? Should it stay in a stable or sleep in the room with you?"

Gerrod wrote:
"I suppose we shall have to stay for one night, at least. Would you be so kind as to set us up with rooms for three...

OOC: Make that rooms for 4. I forgot all about ses'Shelk.

Gerrod smiles briefly at Mehdi. "I do not believe any simple drug will give me peace of mind, though I appreciate the offer. My bodyguard feels the same as I, though the Gnome may wish to experiment with your local narcotics."

The little girl looks disappointed, and seems prepared to press the issue with Oliver, but Panphar frowns at her, and she closes her mouth.

He turns to the innkeeper. "We are travelers and had been planning to rest here for several days. The state of the populace gives us pause, however. Has famine come to Exag? Or is there some sort of power struggle among the ruling class?" The bald mage strokes his chin in thought. "I suppose we shall have to stay for one night, at least. Would you be so kind as to set us up with rooms for bodyguard will stay with me. We will also require care for Oliver, what would you do with your dog at an inn? Should it stay in a stable or sleep in the room with you?"

Panphar frowns at Gerrod’s question. He simply says, "Exag has never been a prosperous city. It was founded generations ago by refugees that discovered the city already built, and moved in. There is little arable land close by, and the lizardmen from the Feverglades are a constant threat.”

Ses’Shelk laughs inappropriately, looks around in surprise, then stares at his feet.

Panphar continues, “The citizens here have always scratched out a living, but they now have Green Welcome. The drug is very euphoric, I hear, and takes the peasants’ minds off of their troubles. It makes them lethargic and lazy, though, and as the number of users increases, productivity in the city plummets. The people will soon be starving. I can get you enough food through my local contacts, but I’m afraid it isn’t much. Father Banifar has done little, if anything, to stop the spread of addiction. He is the leader of the city, but he doesn’t seem to care about its welfare. If things keep up this way, I will likely give up my Inn and return to my native Thofia.”

He then handles the room arrangements. Gerrod and his “bodyguard” are in one room, while Oliver, Buttercup and ses’Shelk are in another. “I would keep your dog close,” the innkeeper warns, “there seems to be quite a bit of meat on his bones.” (DM Note – I know, if one more NPC mentions eating Buttercup, it becomes a running gag.)

Actions and conversation please.

Gerrod: full HP
Oliver: full HP
Buttercup: full HP
Manservant: full HP
Ses’Shelk: full HP

PbemDM wrote:

... Oliver, what would you do with your dog at an inn? Should it stay in a stable or sleep in the room with you?"

"I think she will stay with me" replies Oliver. He shakes his head and smiles saying, "No thank you," to the girl.

PbemDM wrote:

Ses’Shelk laughs inappropriately, looks around in surprise, then stares at his feet.

Oliver looks at Ses'shelk, and then chuckles. "Not quite right, that one," says Oliver to no one in particular.

PbemDM wrote:

... Father Banifar has done little, if anything, to stop the spread of addiction. He is the leader of the city, but he doesn’t seem to care about its welfare. If things keep up this way, I will likely give up my Inn and return to my native Thofia.”

"Tell us more of Father Banifar. Has he always be such a leader?" asks Oliver, "Or has his behaviour changed recently?"

PbemDM wrote:

Gerrod and his “bodyguard” are in one room, while Oliver, Buttercup and ses’Shelk are in another. “I would keep your dog close,” the innkeeper warns, “there seems to be quite a bit of meat on his bones.”

"The dog bites back" smiles Oliver as he strokes Buttercup, "In fact I dare say she is meaner then I. She just needs to be a little better at sniffing out rats. Had a run in with a mean one but that was my fault no hers."

PbemDM wrote:

Panphar continues, “The citizens here have always scratched out a living, but they now have Green Welcome. The drug is very euphoric, I hear, and takes the peasants’ minds off of their troubles. It makes them lethargic and lazy, though, and as the number of users increases, productivity in the city plummets. The people will soon be starving. I can get you enough food through my local contacts, but I’m afraid it isn’t much. Father Banifar has done little, if anything, to stop the spread of addiction. He is the leader of the city, but he doesn’t seem to care about its welfare. If things keep up this way, I will likely give up my Inn and return to my native Thofia.”

"How curious," comments the mage. "It is unusual for such a drug to simply appear. Do you know from where it came? Perhaps some herb from the swamp whose use had been forbidden until recently?" Gerrod frowns philosophically. "Oliver, perhaps it would be useful for you to test this drug so that I can study its affect on your physiology."

<presuming Oliver says no>

Gerrod turns to the girl Mehdi. "I have a bit of curiosity about such strange things. Do you make the Green Welcome yourself or is it created by some herbalist? Do not worry, I don't wish to take your business. I am simply interested."

<later turning to Panphar>

"Are there any wise men in town that I might introduce myself to? Presumably your Father Banifar is not available, but I enjoy discussion with some of your other priests."

Gerrod wrote:
PbemDM wrote:


"How curious," comments the mage. "It is unusual for such a drug to simply appear. Do you know from where it came? Perhaps some herb from the swamp whose use had been forbidden until recently?" Gerrod frowns philosophically. "Oliver, perhaps it would be useful for you to test this drug so that I can study its affect on your physiology."

<presuming Oliver says no>

"Hmmm, perhaps" says Oliver turning to the girl, "How much for a dose and do you smoke it? Eat it? Drink it maybe?"

ooc: assuming the price is not ridiculous, Oliver will buy some.

Oliver wrote:
"The dog bites back" smiles Oliver as he strokes Buttercup, "In fact I dare say she is meaner then I. She just needs to be a little better at sniffing out rats. Had a run in with a mean one but that was my fault no hers."

"Aye," says Gerrod darkly. "Aye...beware the rats. They hunt in the night and will come to visit us." His softly glowing eyes change to an angry purple as he continues. "They will feast, feast on the tasty dog and then will turn on the rest of us. They will leave nothing but our bones and our untouched faces staring blankly at the sky, wondering why this has happened. Ia!! Only a short while before we go to meet our fate."

Ukiah wisely chooses to stay curled in in Gerrod's back as the mage pauses for breath, panting slightly. His eyes shift are back to near normal. "I will not sleep tonight. Come, let us go out to explore this city."

(Since the room is taken care of, Gerrod will go out with his bodyguard and anyone else that might be interested.)

I once read a "Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser" story where there girlfriends get eaten by rats in this manner. So much for the noble-and-heroic classic fantasy.

Gerrod wrote:
Oliver wrote:

Ukiah wisely chooses to stay curled in in Gerrod's back as the mage pauses for breath, panting slightly. His eyes shift are back to near normal. "I will not sleep tonight. Come, let us go out to explore this city."

(Since the room is taken care of, Gerrod will go out with his bodyguard and anyone else that might be interested.)

"Let us visit this city," says Oliver turning to the servant, "Anything we should be specially wary of?" he asks.

Gerrod turns to the innkeeper. "We are travelers and had been planning to rest here for several days. The state of the populace gives us pause, however. Has famine come to Exag? Or is there some sort of power struggle among the ruling class?" The bald mage strokes his chin in thought. "I suppose we shall have to stay for one night, at least. Would you be so kind as to set us up with rooms for bodyguard will stay with me. We will also require care for Oliver, what would you do with your dog at an inn? Should it stay in a stable or sleep in the room with you?"

"I think she will stay with me" replies Oliver.

Panphar frowns at Gerrod’s question. He simply says, "Exag has never been a prosperous city. It was founded generations ago by refugees that discovered the city already built, and moved in. There is little arable land close by, and the lizardmen from the Feverglades are a constant threat.”

Ses’Shelk laughs inappropriately, looks around in surprise, then stares at his feet.

Oliver looks at Ses'shelk, and then chuckles. "Not quite right, that one," says Oliver to no one in particular.

Panphar continues, “The citizens here have always scratched out a living, but they now have Green Welcome. The drug is very euphoric, I hear, and takes the peasants’ minds off of their troubles. It makes them lethargic and lazy, though, and as the number of users increases, productivity in the city plummets. The people will soon be starving. I can get you enough food through my local contacts, but I’m afraid it isn’t much. Father Banifar has done little, if anything, to stop the spread of addiction. He is the leader of the city, but he doesn’t seem to care about its welfare. If things keep up this way, I will likely give up my Inn and return to my native Thofia.”

"How curious," comments the mage. "It is unusual for such a drug to simply appear. Do you know from where it came? Perhaps some herb from the swamp whose use had been forbidden until recently?"

“I hadn’t really considered where Green Welcome came from.” Panphar replies, thoughtfully. “Old Annapuma the soothsayer was the first to start selling the drug, and before long it was everywhere.”

Gerrod frowns philosophically. "Oliver, perhaps it would be useful for you to test this drug so that I can study its affect on your physiology."

“Hmmm, perhaps" says Oliver turning to the girl, "How much for a dose and do you smoke it? Eat it? Drink it maybe?"

“You drink it, silly.” Mehdi giggles, and heads out the door, adding “I’ll get you a good price, you’ll see”.

"Tell us more of Father Banifar. Has he always be such a leader?" asks Oliver, "Or has his behaviour changed recently?"

Panphar chuckles, looking around the public room to ensure that no locals are about. “Father Banifar is concerned only with maintaining the power structure of the Exag leadership, which is a sort of theocracy. The locals call the people who built this city so many centuries ago The Makers, and believe that they are some sort of protective gods that will return in times of trouble. Father Banifar keeps the citizens under his thumb through intimidation and fear of The Makers. It has been thus for years.

Panphar handles the room arrangements. Gerrod and his “bodyguard” are in one room, while Oliver, Buttercup and ses’Shelk are in another. “I would keep your dog close,” the innkeeper warns, “there seems to be quite a bit of meat on his bones.”

"The dog bites back" smiles Oliver as he strokes Buttercup, "In fact I dare say she is meaner then I. She just needs to be a little better at sniffing out rats. Had a run in with a mean one but that was my fault no hers."

"Aye," says Gerrod darkly. "Aye...beware the rats. They hunt in the night and will come to visit us." His softly glowing eyes change to an angry purple as he continues. "They will feast, feast on the tasty dog and then will turn on the rest of us. They will leave nothing but our bones and our untouched faces staring blankly at the sky, wondering why this has happened. Ia!! Only a short while before we go to meet our fate."

Ukiah wisely chooses to stay curled in in Gerrod's back as the mage pauses for breath, panting slightly. His eyes shift are back to near normal. "I will not sleep tonight. Come, let us go out to explore this city."

"Let us visit this city," says Oliver turning to the servant, "Anything we should be especially wary of?" he asks.

Panphar runs his fingers through his dark, wavy hair and says, “Try not to look too prosperous, and don’t get caught up in any crowds. The locals are hungry enough to become violent and rob you.” He then adds, “Oh, and don’t go near the pyramids. They are forbidden to outsiders.”

“Are there any wise men in town that I might introduce myself to? Presumably your Father Banifar is not available, but I enjoy discussion with some of your other priests."

“Hmm.” Panphar considers. “I may be able to get you a meeting with Mother Anusha, but not until tomorrow at the earliest.” He then reiterates his earlier thoughts, “Tonight, you must stay away from the pyramids and let me handle it in the morning.” He scratches his chin and says, “If you want to talk to someone tonight, I would suggest Madam Zinigig. She has been studying The Makers and the religion based upon them for years. If that is your interest, she’s the one to see.

Mehdi scoots in from the back door, clutching a small sack to her chest. “I got the Green Welcome for you, Mister Oliver. Great deal. Three vials for one gold piece. They’re usually ten silver pieces for a dose.” She smiles her shy little girl smile, holding the drugs out in one hand, and her other hand with an open palm.

Gerrod turns to the girl Mehdi. "I have a bit of curiosity about such strange things. Do you make the Green Welcome yourself or is it created by some herbalist? Do not worry, I don't wish to take your business. I am simply interested."

The little girl looks at Gerrod suspiciously. “If you promise to buy only from me, I’ll show you where Green Welcome comes from.”

(Let me know if you buy the Green Welcome from Mehdi, and where you decide to go in the city.)

PbemDM wrote:

"Aye," says Gerrod darkly. "Aye...beware the rats. They hunt in the night and will come to visit us." His softly glowing eyes change to an angry purple as he continues. "They will feast, feast on the tasty dog and then will turn on the rest of us. They will leave nothing but our bones and our untouched faces staring blankly at the sky, wondering why this has happened. Ia!! Only a short while before we go to meet our fate."

ooc: not the rat I was thinking of but then you were you around for the old were rat?

PbemDM wrote:

Mehdi scoots in from the back door, clutching a small sack to her chest. “I got the Green Welcome for you, Mister Oliver. Great deal. Three vials for one gold piece. They’re usually ten silver pieces for a dose.” She smiles her shy little girl smile, holding the drugs out in one hand, and her other hand with an open palm.

Oliver looks at her a long time, "A gold?" He asks, "Seems too much, more then I have for such things." Oliver looks at the girl and waits for the price to come down.

ooc: Oliver will encourage her if the price comes down. He will buy less if need be, but he will wait for the price to come down.

The little girl looks at Gerrod suspiciously. “If you promise to buy only from me, I’ll show you where Green Welcome comes from.”

Oliver looks at her a long time, "A gold?" He asks, "Seems too much, more then I have for such things." Oliver looks at the girl and waits for the price to come down.

Mehdi tilts her head, considering. She hands Oliver a vial of the thick green liquid. “I’ll give you this vial for 6 pieces of silver. I can’t go any lower than that. Once you try it, I promise you’ll be willing to pay the full market price.”

(I still need to know where you decide to go in the city.)

PbemDM wrote:

The little girl looks at Gerrod suspiciously. “If you promise to buy only from me, I’ll show you where Green Welcome comes from.”

Oliver looks at her a long time, "A gold?" He asks, "Seems too much, more then I have for such things." Oliver looks at the girl and waits for the price to come down.

Mehdi tilts her head, considering. She hands Oliver a vial of the thick green liquid. “I’ll give you this vial for 6 pieces of silver. I can’t go any lower than that. Once you try it, I promise you’ll be willing to pay the full market price.”

(I still need to know where you decide to go in the city.)

"Very well girl, I will be happy to pay for the gnome's experiment. Should we constrain him before he takes any? It would be preferable not to chase him through the city if he becomes agitated."

"And we agree not to buy any of the material from anyone besides yourself. Please tell us, then, what you may know of the material's source."

OOC: If Mehdi wants us to physically move to see where the Green Welcome comes from, Gerrod will go along. If not, he would prefer to head up to the rooms and watch Oliver's test of the drug. If Oliver wants to think it over first, Gerrod will go out and try to meet Madam Zinigig. (He wants to meet her at some point regardless.)

OOC2: Thought for a minute that Oliver was talking to Gerrod's zombie. I was gonna have a field day with that. :)

"Very well girl, I will be happy to pay for the gnome's experiment. Should we constrain him before he takes any? It would be preferable not to chase him through the city if he becomes agitated."

Mehdi laughs at Gerrod. “You’re silly. If you drink the Green Welcome you don’t run around. You sit down and smile.”

Panphar adds, “Yes, I’ve observed that the drug is quite relaxing. I would prefer that you use the privacy of your rooms to partake, if you would. I try to keep my common room clean of such things, although I seem to be in the minority in my way of thinking. Why, of late you see otherwise healthy young men splayed out in alleys right outside my door, oblivious of propriety, or even rudimentary hygiene, for that matter.”

Gerrod promises to Mehdi, “And we agree not to buy any of the material from anyone besides yourself. Please tell us, then, what you may know of the material's source."

Mehdi shrugs. “I dunno. But Master Annapuma does, and I can get you an audience with him later. We’re in business together.”

The little girl follows you up to your rooms, where you get comfortable and Oliver drinks a dose of the Green Welcome. It reminds him of mucus, but the taste is not unpleasant. With Gerrod watching closely, he lies down on the bed and describes the effects as wonderful. He gets an overwhelming feeling of peace, serenity, and a sense of belonging. He also feels physically stronger. The effects last about an hour, and Oliver is disappointed as he comes down off his high. (In game terms, he loses some Wisdom and Intelligence, and gains some Strength. The Strength increase fades, but the Int and Wis loss lingers.) After his experience, Oliver experiences a lingering desire to try some more Green Welcome, and realizes that the potential is there for the drug to be very addictive.

After Oliver’s experience, Mehdi leads your group to meet Master Annapuma. His shop, located just off the main square of the city, is an easy walk through the darkness of the winter evening. The small window in the front of the shop is decorated with trinkets and fetishes, and the front room interior is gloomy, close, and fragrant with incense.

Master Annapuma, an older man with long, graying hair and fading green tattoos around his neck and winding up the sides of his face, hears you enter the shop and comes in from the back room. He welcomes you, gesturing with an intricately carved walking stick for you to make yourselves comfortable upon the several oversized pillows arranged around his low table. He sits gracefully, smiling at Mehdi. “So, weary travelers. How may Master Annapuma be of service to you? Do you have need of magical wards, love potions, alchemical delights? Or would you like a reading of your future fortunes?”

PC Status:
Oliver: full HP, -2 Wis, -2 Int
Buttercup: full
Gerrod: full
Zombie: full

PbemDM wrote:
Master Annapuma, an older man with long, graying hair and fading green tattoos around his neck and winding up the sides of his face, hears you enter the shop and comes in from the back room. He welcomes you, gesturing with an intricately carved walking stick for you to make yourselves comfortable upon the several oversized pillows arranged around his low table. He sits gracefully, smiling at Mehdi. “So, weary travelers. How may Master Annapuma be of service to you? Do you have need of magical wards, love potions, alchemical delights? Or would you like a reading of your future fortunes?”

Gerrod sits down on a pillow and waves his servant to the back of the room. "I am Gerrod Skaitch, traveler and fellow mage. I have no need for magical empowerment, but am most interested in some information. We recently arrived in town and encountered the Green Welcome. Now, I have no interest in selling the material but I am fascinated from a technical perspective since I have never seen the like before. Would you be willing to tell me about the source of the drug? Is it a natural root or a magical concoction? I am more than willing to discuss the making of various potions with you."

This is Gerrod's effort to be chummy in order to exchange some information.

Master Annapuma fiddles with his walking stick, twirling it between the palms of his hands slowly as he considers. “I am not a mage, but a seer of some acumen. I have no skill in the formulation of potions, despite the contents of my shop’s wares – I simply sell products produced by others, you see. I am a businessman, as well as an augurist, I’m not ashamed to say.” He ponders for a few moments, then adds, “And as far as Green Welcome goes, I tire of dealing with my degenerate suppliers, and have considered giving up the trade to the many free agents flogging their wares about town.” His eyes narrow. “If you were to purchase a fortunetelling for 25 gp, I might be inclined toward providing you the identity of my suppliers, so that you might…approach them with your questions.”

PC Status:
Oliver: full HP, -2 Wis, -2 Int
Buttercup: full
Gerrod: full
Zombie: full

Let's go guys - If I can post from beautiful scenic Qatar, you can post as well. Actions?

Now I'm posting fromm Afghanistan. See, look at me post! Let's step up, guys.

The holder of the Raptor pin here's the following, in Aelfric's voice:
"Gerrod. Beware; Kravichak the mind-invader High Jester and Last Laugh guildsmen defeated us with poison and mind. Kravichak took from my mind that you have the Chalice of Essence of Madness. They seek you now in the Feverglades. Move and beware. Respond."

PbemDM wrote:
Now I'm posting fromm Afghanistan. See, look at me post! Let's step up, guys.

OOC: Heh. How do ya pronounce "Qatar" anyway?

Sorry bout the delay...I was in RI for thanksgiving and got back 2 1/2 weeks ago. I'm leaving for New Zealand tomorrow and have been trying to finish up all my Xmas stuff and end-of-year-at-work stuff. Ugh! Still need to finish packing.

Anyway, I'm posting tonight but will be off line until January 2. (Barring the appearance of an Internet Cafe next to Ginger's parents' house)


PS How's the desert?

Back IC with my next post...

PbemDM wrote:

“And as far as Green Welcome goes, I tire of dealing with my degenerate suppliers, and have considered giving up the trade to the many free agents flogging their wares about town.” His eyes narrow. “If you were to purchase a fortunetelling for 25 gp, I might be inclined toward providing you the identity of my suppliers, so that you might…approach them with your questions.”

Does Gerrod have 25 gp? If not please void the post below.

Gerrod ponders the expense of the trade for a few moments before turning to the sage. "Very well, Annapuma. I will purchase your fortune telling, though I doubt you will be comforted by a true look into my future." The mage counts out the money and passes it to the augurer. "You pique my curiosity about your suppliers...I would have presumed them to be swamp men grinding up some roots and insects."

He rearranges himself into an upright position on the pillow, crossing his wiry legs and resting his hands on his knees. "But let us begin. What do you see in my future?"

Is our lizard man around or did he go off partying?

Aelfric of Apple Wood wrote:

The holder of the Raptor pin here's the following, in Aelfric's voice:

"Gerrod. Beware; Kravichak the mind-invader High Jester and Last Laugh guildsmen defeated us with poison and mind. Kravichak took from my mind that you have the Chalice of Essence of Madness. They seek you now in the Feverglades. Move and beware. Respond."

Not certain of the timing here...I'll presume the message doesn't come in right when the fortune telling starts.

Gerrod starts in surprise and then frowns with a look of intense concentration.

"It would be difficult to leave at the present time. There is work unfinished and much at stake. We will be on our guard. Is there anything we can to to assist you or do you believe yourselves beyond rescue?"

Gerrod wrote:
Gerrod starts in surprise and then frowns with a look of intense concentration.

(Presuming they're on the street on the way back from Annapuma's)

Gerrod turns to Oliver with a troubled look. "I have just received a communication that our friends may have been destroyed by allies of the mad priests. They are coming for us next and we must be prepared. First we need a sheltered place to rest for a couple of hours."

Gerrod checks to be certain they're not being followed by anybody...especially looking for Mehdi. Satisfied, he leads the group to a different inn and pays for a single night's rest. He studies and casts an Alarm spell on the door, sets his Manservant to guard, and then prepares to take a nap.

"Oliver, we may not require rest but we do need allies. Gornalunga watches over dreams and I wish to attempt contact with her in my sleep. You must wake me after an hour, after which I will know if she can be reached."

(One he is asleep Gerrod tries to contact Gornalunga. If she responds, he will tell her 1) about the Green Welcome and what they know about the source and 2) that Genar and Aelfric have been taken by their enemies who are approaching the feverglades. Gerrod wants to know if a) she needs more information and b) if she knows of potential allies they can contact.)

Gerrod ponders the expense of the trade for a few moments before turning to the sage. "Very well, Annapuma. I will purchase your fortune telling, though I doubt you will be comforted by a true look into my future." The mage counts out the money and passes it to the augurer. "You pique my curiosity about your suppliers...I would have presumed them to be swamp men grinding up some roots and insects."

He rearranges himself into an upright position on the pillow, crossing his wiry legs and resting his hands on his knees. "But let us begin. What do you see in my future?"

Master Annapuma lights some spicy smelling incense, closes his eyes, and breathes deep. He opens his eyes, swirls the smoke around with his stick, and gazes into the patterns he’s created. The look on his face shifts from contemplative to concerned, and he lets out a long breath. “There is much pain in your future, necromancer. You are the yin and the yang; your head holds the seed of the destruction of this world, while your loins have produced a dark agent of hope. There is a fork in the road, one way leading to prosperity, and the other to an Age of Madness and chaos. The Darkscape Dreamers block the path of hope, and will seek to drain your essence.”

Annapuma touches Gerrod in the center of the forehead with his stick, and the spiral mark there flares briefly. Gerrod sees a vision in his mind’s eye; a gargantuan creature of wholely alien aspect, made of scales and claws and tentacles, squirms its way up through a dark tunnel. It erupts from a stark mountainside, casting a dark shadow across the land, and all of humanity flees from its presence, driven insane by its unearthly power. The image winks out as suddenly as it appeared, leaving Gerrod dazed and woozy.

[Conversation with Annapuma?]

Gerrod wrote:

Gerrod starts in surprise and then frowns with a look of intense concentration.

"It would be difficult to leave at the present time. There is work unfinished and much at stake. We will be on our guard. Is there anything we can to to assist you or do you believe yourselves beyond rescue?"

Aelfric responds through the Pin:

"We were spared, left with our gear intact, and allowed the means to free ourselves... I do not know why. All of us yet live and will continue our quest for the mad Dwarf. Gerrod, be more than on your guard; if you can not leave, send one of your party away with the Chalice, ensure it slips away before the Last Laugh Guild may claim it."

Gang - The holiday season is upon us, and I'm sure there'll be a serious lull in the action due to vacations, family commitments, etc. Since I'm stuck here, I'll continue to monitor the boards and move the game along as well as I can, but be prepared for long periods of silence. Go ahead an post dialog if the action is stalled.

Happy Holidays,


The wizened soothsayer leans back from his augury, beads of perspiration dripping from his lined forehead. He blots his face with his sleeve, and adds, “I concede, necromancer, that I am disturbed by your sooth. I can’t help but feel that the Green Welcome has some dark connection to this Age of Madness I have foreseen today. Habitual users report vivid, fantastical dreams of dark places and alien worlds, perhaps it is this Darkscape? Regardless, I will sell the drug no longer, and would be glad to see its influence removed from Exag.”

Annapuma rises from his cushion, swaying slightly with weakness. “I will receive my next shipment of the drug in three days, here in my shop. The unpleasant man who makes the deliveries is called Bhaatef, but I know nothing about him other than his name. You may do what you like with this information. This ordeal has tired me considerably. Is there anything more I might do for you before I retire?

[Conversation with Annapuma?]

After their conversation with Annapuma, the group walks out into the chilly, windblown street. Gerrod’s Raptor Pin suddenly buzzes, and he hears Aelfric's voice. "Gerrod. Beware; Kravichak the mind-invader High Jester and Last Laugh guildsmen defeated us with poison and mind. Kravichak took from my mind that you have the Chalice of Essence of Madness. They seek you now in the Feverglades. Move and beware. Respond."

Gerrod starts in surprise and then frowns with a look of intense concentration. "It would be difficult to leave at the present time. There is work unfinished and much at stake. We will be on our guard. Is there anything we can do to assist you or do you believe yourselves beyond rescue?"

[Insert further conversation here.]

Gerrod turns to Oliver with a troubled look. "I have just received a communication that our friends may have been destroyed by allies of the mad priests. They are coming for us next and we must be prepared. First we need a sheltered place to rest for a couple of hours."

The little group walks about two blocks looking for another inn, but aren’t having too much luck. They come upon a group of five scruffy looking locals looking down at a man lying in the narrow alley. The man is in some distress, writhing and moaning in an eerie, high-pitched voice. Even from your distance in the dark (you’re about 20 feet away), you realize one of the locals is the little girl Mehdi. She turns from the man on the ground and addresses you nervously. “It’s Raj, he’s taken some Green Welcome and he’s having a bad reaction. Do you know any healing?”

As you watch, you note that Raj has begun to turn a distinct shade of green, and his skin is bulging and twisting painfully.


PbemDM wrote:

“There is much pain in your future, necromancer. You are the yin and the yang; your head holds the seed of the destruction of this world, while your loins have produced a dark agent of hope. There is a fork in the road, one way leading to prosperity, and the other to an Age of Madness and chaos. The Darkscape Dreamers block the path of hope, and will seek to drain your essence.”

Annapuma touches Gerrod in the center of the forehead with his stick, and the spiral mark there flares briefly. Gerrod sees a vision in his mind’s eye; a gargantuan creature of wholely alien aspect, made of scales and claws and tentacles, squirms its way up through a dark tunnel. It erupts from a stark mountainside, casting a dark shadow across the land, and all of humanity flees from its presence, driven insane by its unearthly power. The image winks out as suddenly as it appeared, leaving Gerrod dazed and woozy.

[Conversation with Annapuma?]

Gerrod frowns pensively before raising his head to address the soothsayer. "I have had a vision...a viewing that showed the end of all. We are all consumed, as I always knew we must be in the end. But I hear something other in your words, that there is some possibility to prevent this. Can you provide us insight of how to counter our enemies? At present, we do not even know what they are trying to do, never mind how to slow them."

PbemDM wrote:

They come upon a group of five scruffy looking locals looking down at a man lying in the narrow alley. The man is in some distress, writhing and moaning in an eerie, high-pitched voice. Even from your distance in the dark (you’re about 20 feet away), you realize one of the locals is the little girl Mehdi. She turns from the man on the ground and addresses you nervously. “It’s Raj, he’s taken some Green Welcome and he’s having a bad reaction. Do you know any healing?”

OOC: Does gerrod have any idea what's going on with the dude's fit?

Gerrod scans the area carefully, straining to see as far as he can with his strange glowing eyes. "I have some small knowledge of physiology. Please, bring the man forward so that we can analyze his condition."

OOC: If there's any delay, Gerrod will send his manservant to pull Raj into the street.

Turning to Oliver and ses'Shelk, Gerrod whispers a warning message to them. "Beware...our enemies may already be upon us, though it is also possible that this city's populace may undergo a transformation similar to the ones we have witnessed."

OOC2: Before anyone moves to them, Gerrod will cast a quick Detect Magic to see if Raj is transforming and if the "locals" have magic weapons and armor.

Gerrod frowns pensively before raising his head to address the soothsayer. "I have had a vision...a viewing that showed the end of all. We are all consumed, as I always knew we must be in the end. But I hear something other in your words, that there is some possibility to prevent this. Can you provide us insight of how to counter our enemies? At present, we do not even know what they are trying to do, never mind how to slow them."

Annapuma sighs and shakes his head. "Alas, I am but a conduit through which your sooth is said. I have no insights beyond what I have told you."

OOC: Does gerrod have any idea what's going on with the dude's fit?

DM Note: The man is undergoing a physical transformation that is obviously quite painful. You've never seen anything like it. It's not lycanthropy, or polymorphing, but something similar.

Gerrod scans the area carefully, straining to see as far as he can with his strange glowing eyes. "I have some small knowledge of physiology. Please, bring the man forward so that we can analyze his condition."

The people gathered around the unfortunate Raj have begun to back away from him, as his struggles and writhings have become more violent. They look at you collectively with obvious fear. You realize that they aren't going to touch him to bring him closer.

The manservant steps over, helping the now barely humanoid form to his feet. The creature suddenly ceases all his struggles, and a placid look washes over his face. He slowly turns his gaze across the assembled group, with eyes that look almost insectoid, or amphibian. His clothes have completely shredded away, and his physiology is an indescribable ropy mish-mash of insect, plant and animal.

Turning to Oliver and ses'Shelk, Gerrod whispers a warning message to them. "Beware...our enemies may already be upon us, though it is also possible that this city's populace may undergo a transformation similar to the ones we have witnessed."

ses'Shelk smiles a wierd smile on his awkward humanized face. "He look happy now. At peace."

OOC2: Before anyone moves to them, Gerrod will cast a quick Detect Magic to see if Raj is transforming and if the "locals" have magic weapons and armor.

DM Note: Strong transmutation magic on Raj, beginning to fade now that the transformation is complete. No magic on the common townsfolk.

As the thing that was once Raj sweeps his alien gaze over you, you feel relaxed, and the stress of the situation drains out of you. Raj continues to turn until he is facing the mountains. He looks like he's about to simply walk away.

Actions and conversation, please.

PbemDM wrote:

Gerrod frowns pensively before raising his head to address the soothsayer. "I have had a vision...a viewing that showed the end of all. We are all consumed, as I always knew we must be in the end. But I hear something other in your words, that there is some possibility to prevent this. Can you provide us insight of how to counter our enemies? At present, we do not even know what they are trying to do, never mind how to slow them."

Annapuma sighs and shakes his head. "Alas, I am but a conduit through which your sooth is said. I have no insights beyond what I have told you."

Gerrod says his goodbyes and takes his elave of Annapuma.

PbemDM wrote:

ses'Shelk smiles a wierd smile on his awkward humanized face. "He look happy now. At peace."

As the thing that was once Raj sweeps his alien gaze over you, you feel relaxed, and the stress of the situation drains out of you. Raj continues to turn until he is facing the mountains. He looks like he's about to simply walk away.

Gerrod stares with surprise at this occurrence and addresses the girl Mehdi. "Does this often occur with those who take the Green Welcome? A foolish question I suppose, but the answer may bode ill for our gnome." His eyes follow the movements of he who was recently Raj and continues speaking to Mehdi. "Forgive my rudeness, but I need to speak to this one before he leaves."

With that, the bald mage steps right in front of Raj and looks directly into his eyes, meetings the unnatural stare with his own glowing one. "I agree with my companion, creature, that you look much happier in your present state. Please, tell me where you may be going? Tell us also how you have made this change, as my companion Oliver may soon wish to join you."

Gerrod stares with surprise at this occurrence and addresses the girl Mehdi. "Does this often occur with those who take the Green Welcome? A foolish question I suppose, but the answer may bode ill for our gnome."

Mehdi is clearly frightened. “No. Never before! I’m scared!”

Gerrod’s eyes follow the movements of he who was recently Raj and continues speaking to Mehdi. "Forgive my rudeness, but I need to speak to this one before he leaves." With that, the bald mage steps right in front of Raj and looks directly into his eyes, meetings the unnatural stare with his own glowing one. "I agree with my companion, creature, that you look much happier in your present state. Please, tell me where you may be going? Tell us also how you have made this change, as my companion Oliver may soon wish to join you."

The thing that was once Raj looks into Gerrod’s eyes with great tranquility. Gerrod is dazed by the feeling of serenity he feels being near Raj, and his hands fall limply to his sides for a moment, before he realizes that Raj is about to maul him. Raj steps forward, baring his claws, intent on disemboweling Gerrod without ever changing the peaceful expression on his face.

Actions and conversation, please.

PbemDM wrote:

The thing that was once Raj looks into Gerrod’s eyes with great tranquility. Gerrod is dazed by the feeling of serenity he feels being near Raj, and his hands fall limply to his sides for a moment, before he realizes that Raj is about to maul him. Raj steps forward, baring his claws, intent on disemboweling Gerrod without ever changing the peaceful expression on his face.

Gerrod blinks a few times, the sleepy look fading from his face, as he realizes his danger. Stepping backwards away from Raj, he calls out to his construct for assistance. "Manservant, protect me!!"

He backpedals quickly, trying to cast a defensive spell.


That'll be an Armor spell on himself to stop from getting chopped up. Gerrod'll also try to get the zombie between him and Raj to slow him up.

Also...I kinda feel I'm all alone here with "Real Life" intruding on Oliver. Let me know if you'd like Gerrod to join up with everyone else and I'll get move him elsewhere quick rather than hanging around here by himself. We can always get back to Gornalunga later on...


I don't know what's happened to Rob (Oliver), but he's been playing reliably since the beginning and I'm sure he wouldn't drop out unless there was something fairly serious going on. I'll play him as an NPC until he checks back in. I'm happy to continue running this thread, if you don't mind being alone for a little while.


Hope everything is OK with you. Hop back in when you can.


The thing that was once Raj looks into Gerrod’s eyes with great tranquility. Gerrod is dazed by the feeling of serenity he feels being near Raj, and his hands fall limply to his sides for a moment, before he realizes that Raj is about to maul him. Raj steps forward, baring his claws, intent on disemboweling Gerrod without ever changing the peaceful expression on his face.

Gerrod blinks a few times, the sleepy look fading from his face, as he realizes his danger. Stepping backwards away from Raj, he calls out to his construct for assistance. "Manservant, protect me!!" He backpedals quickly, casting a defensive spell that briefly outlines his body in a red glow, then disappears.

The zombie manservant shuffles forward, interposing itself between Raj and Gerrod. Raj slashes out with his claws, tearing a horrid gash in the zombie’s belly. It looks down stupidly at its own innards, and the townfolk begin to scream and scatter in all directions.

Oliver draws his sword, steps forward, and slashes the creature across the back, drawing a thick greenish fluid instead of blood.

Ses’Shelk just watches the whole thing, a placid smile on his face.

Actions and conversation, please.

PC Status:
Oliver: full HP, -2 Wis, -2 Int
Buttercup: full
Gerrod: full
Zombie: full
ses’Shelk: full

PbemDM wrote:

The zombie manservant shuffles forward, interposing itself between Raj and Gerrod. Raj slashes out with his claws, tearing a horrid gash in the zombie’s belly. It looks down stupidly at its own innards, and the townfolk begin to scream and scatter in all directions.

Oliver draws his sword, steps forward, and slashes the creature across the back, drawing a thick greenish fluid instead of blood.

Ses’Shelk just watches the whole thing, a placid smile on his face.

Gerrod continues to back away, casting another quick spell and drawing his dagger. "Manservant, rend him! Leave nothing in one piece!" He tries to manevver over towards the lizardman in order to rouse him. The mage calls out as loudly as he can to shake his ally aware. "Ses'shelk! Awake ye, lest this creature devour you!!"

[spoiler] Unseen servant as gerrod backs away. If he has time afterwards, he'll throw the dagger at Raj and then have the Unseen Servant return it.

Gerrod continues to back away, casting another quick spell and drawing his dagger. "Manservant, rend him! Leave nothing in one piece!" He maneuvers over towards the lizardman in order to rouse him. The mage calls out as loudly as he can to shake his ally aware. "Ses'shelk! Awake ye, lest this creature devour you!!"

ses’Shelk continues to stare straight ahead, a vapid smile on his face, as the manservant whacks at Raj with his club. It’s a great swing, connecting hard on the side of Raj’s head and putting a dent in its skull. The plant-insect thing continues to bull its way forward, slashing another grievous wound across the manservant’s chest. The zombie doesn’t fall, and Raj only manages to push forward about five feet or so. Oliver misses with his attack, and the creature ignores him completely.

Gerrod’s Unseen Servant materializes.

Gerrod unsheathes his dagger, but with Oliver and the Manservant both in melee with Raj, he has no good clear shot. The zombie misses badly with his club. Raj then knocks him down, slashing his neck open and trampling the once again lifeless body as it continues to move forward relentlessly. As Raj moves away from him, Oliver suddenly lowers his sword, smiling as he watches the plant-insect creature. His line of fire finally open, Gerrod hurls his dagger, but it bounces off the thing’s tough hide. The dagger lifts up off the ground and begins to float back to Gerrod’s hand.

Actions and conversation, please.

PC Status:
Oliver: full HP, -2 Wis, -2 Int
Buttercup: full
Gerrod: full
Zombie: full
ses’Shelk: full

PbemDM wrote:

Gerrod continues to back away, casting another quick spell and drawing his dagger. "Manservant, rend him! Leave nothing in one piece!" He maneuvers over towards the lizardman in order to rouse him. The mage calls out as loudly as he can to shake his ally aware. "Ses'shelk! Awake ye, lest this creature devour you!!"

"Bah," growls Gerrod. "It destroyed my construct and it will be difficult to find another. Unless..." He looks over to Oliver before shaking his head. "No, no, that would take too much time and I need allies immediately." Backing quickly away from That-Which-Was-Once-Raj, Gerrod waves his hands as he casts a spell towards the others.

Gerrod'll cast his Dispel Magic at Raj, Ses'shelk, and Oliver. He'll try his hardest to avoid including himself and his Unseen Servant.

"Bah," growls Gerrod. "It destroyed my construct and it will be difficult to find another. Unless..." He looks over to Oliver before shaking his head. "No, no, that would take too much time and I need allies immediately." Backing quickly away from That-Which-Was-Once-Raj, Gerrod waves his hands as he casts a spell towards the others.

Oliver and ses’Shelk suddenly snap out of their reverie, shaking their heads as if to clear them. They’re in control of their faculties now, and look at each other, then Gerrod, questioningly.

The Raj-thing continues to walk calmly away, in the direction of the mountains, and is about thirty feet distant. It will run into the city wall within a minute or two if it continues walking in the straight line that it has begun. Mehdi and a few of the other locals peer fearfully at Raj from the shadows of nearby buildings.

Ses’Shelk says, “Plant-thing is no longer a person. Can juju-man fix?”

Actions and conversation, please.

PC Status:
Oliver: full HP, -2 Wis, -2 Int
Buttercup: full
Gerrod: full
Zombie: full
ses’Shelk: full

PbemDM wrote:

The Raj-thing continues to walk calmly away, in the direction of the mountains, and is about thirty feet distant. It will run into the city wall within a minute or two if it continues walking in the straight line that it has begun. Mehdi and a few of the other locals peer fearfully at Raj from the shadows of nearby buildings.

Ses’Shelk says, “Plant-thing is no longer a person. Can juju-man fix?”

Gerrod looks after the departing Un-Raj. "I do not believe there is anything left of him to fix. He seems to have been altered into the creature we see now. This does not bode well for those others who have taken the drug." He looks sadly over to Oliver before he continues. "It seems not to require mayhem unless we prevent it from its task. I suggest we follow from a safe distance and see where it goes." Waiting until Raj is a few hundred yards ahead, Gerrod starts to follow it as it heads from the city.

Any chance Gerrod's Unseen Servant is still active?

Also, if Rob wasn't distracted Gerrod would be having a field day implying that he's going to become a shambling plant thing.

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