Hexblade curses and spell lists


does anyone know all the books that contain all the hexblade curses and spell lists? I want to make sure I am not missing any as one of my players is sorta complaining there isnt much offered (in a gentle wish type way).

The Complete Mage has a fair number of new ones, obviously the Complete Warrior has some and the Complete Scoundrel has a few.
Dragon 339 has a few feats in its class acts to improve/alter the effects of the Hexblade's Curse ability.

As far as I know the only book that lists the spells for the Hexblade is the Complete Warrior. There are a few new ones in the Complete Mage too, but nothing in the Spell Compendium.

Personally I make some other allowances for Hexblades, since it seems that WotC has mainly forgotten about them. Just bear in mind if you do this their spells are essentially just enchantment, necromancy, and some transmutation.

I usually rule that any spell that is of the Curse type, is usable by them if it is of appropriate level.

k; will check these out; thanks

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