Missing Chronicle Sheet Error: What to do?

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive

I was looking through my player sessions, and I noticed that the number of played sessions was greater than the number of physical chronicle sheets for this character.

In the year 2012, I played Slave Pits of Absalom, which would have been the 13th (lucky number 13 heh) chronicle for the character. However, the character has played an additional 16 scenarios, one of which would have been illegal had the chronicle sheet for Slave Pits of Absalom been filled out and kept with the character.

What should I do?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Contact your local Venture captain for help. Where are you located?

Dark Archive

It was an online session. I have the chronicle sheet in e-mail form; however, I didn't print it out.

Located in California (Central Valley)

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Online—PbP

Are most of the games you have on that character online, or only the one chronicle? Also, play-by-post, or virtual tabletop?

Dark Archive

I have played a total of seven online games (Roll 20 - virtual tabletop), and the rest (29 based on Paizo website) was played in person for the character in question. The Slave Pits of Absalom scenario is one of those on the virtual tabletop which was played early on in this life. However, if I print out the chronicle sheet now and make all the necessary corrections, one of the chronicles from one of the tabletop games would be considered illegal (due to being out-of-tier) much later in the character's life.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Online—PbP

Ok. The reason I'm asking is that online also has our own Venture Officers, and if the character was only played online, it would make more sense to talk to a VT venture officer. If you've played a significant amount both by VT and in person, I think that the venture officers from either could help you. Here is a listing of the online venture officers. If you would rather ask one of the California venture officers, you can either ask at the store where you play, or else use this link.

I hope that helps you find someone who can help you.

Dark Archive

So the closest VC (Venture Captain) in my area would be in Sacramento... Thanks for the links Redelia.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online

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Regionally Appropriate Greeting, Astarotte - drop me a line at HERE and we can help you get things worked out.

EDIT: If local VOs are available to you, I am sure they will be glad to help too. Just let us know.

- Jesse

Jesse R. Davis [IronHelixx]
Regional Venture Coordinator, Online
Discord Chat: PFSChat.com/SFSChat.com/AdventureCardGameChat.com

Our Mission: To Champion, Serve, Support, and Build the Online Community.

Astarotte Cơn Thịnh Nộ wrote:
I have played a total of seven online games (Roll 20 - virtual tabletop), and the rest (29 based on Paizo website) was played in person for the character in question. The Slave Pits of Absalom scenario is one of those on the virtual tabletop which was played early on in this life. However, if I print out the chronicle sheet now and make all the necessary corrections, one of the chronicles from one of the tabletop games would be considered illegal (due to being out-of-tier) much later in the character's life.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just jumped on Discord if you're available now.

Dark Archive

Accounting Error has been resolved. Thanks!

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