Needs a 1st Level adventure recommendation



I am going to be starting a new campaign soon and I was looking for a great 1st level adventure to kick things off. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I am currently just finishing up with an Age of Worms campaign and I know I only have a few months before 4E, so my group is not looking for something long term like a new adventure path. However I did buy Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave and I would like to use that one, but it starts at 4th level and I need a quick, easy, place for the players to stretch their legs, get to know their new characters, develop bonds with each other and get ready to Rock.

I personally think that the first few levels are the most important when it comes to character development. If the beginning is lame, the rest will be as well... so this is pretty important.

Any recommendations?

Liberty's Edge

D0 is available from Paizo as a free download, so you can read it over.

It leads right into D1 - Crown of the Kobold King, which I belive ends at level 4.

Scarab Sages

Elphalba wrote:
Any recommendations?

Assuming that you have Dungeon Mags...

I haven't run them yet, but Masque of Dreams (#142) and Escape from Meenlock Prison (#146) look good. I have heard good things about Mad God's Key (#114) and if you are running in Eberron, Funeral Procession (#135) also looked good.

Liberty's Edge

I can also recommend the 'Escape from Meenlock Prison' adventure. Far from a long running campaign, it can be easily finished in a long session or two shorter ones, however it is a lot of fun especially if you really play up the creepiness of it all. There gets to be a horror feel that meshes in with a sort of 'are our characters going mad?' that really draws the players into it.


I also heartily recommend Escape from Meenlock Prison. IMO, one of the best ever printed in Dungeon, it features everything you'd want in an adventure: subterfuge, battle, roleplaying, and an awesome location. If the players really like it, it's not very difficult to spin it into a full-fledged campaign, either.

Liberty's Edge

Karelzarath wrote:
I also heartily recommend Escape from Meenlock Prison. IMO, one of the best ever printed in Dungeon, it features everything you'd want in an adventure: subterfuge, battle, roleplaying, and an awesome location. If the players really like it, it's not very difficult to spin it into a full-fledged campaign, either.

I was just about to recommend the same. If you like the feel of Escape From Meenlock Prison, I'd follow it up with The Automatic Hound.

I would second (third? fourth?) the call for Escape from Meenlock Prison. I am in the middle of running it now for my groups, and they were absolutely freaked out by the prison, and couldn't wait to get out. It was excellent.

It can be easily dropped in any campaign world, anywhere, and provides many great opportunities for role playing and character development. What more could you want from a first level adventure. If you do run it, check out this thread for some great info to help in running it.

Mad God's Key and Within the Circle at least are enjoyable adventures from Dungeon mags...both can be one-offs but should the interest be there, they can be extended to longer archs...

Neat name, I take it you liked Wicked?

I dug up the old thread on this same topic, which I only knew about because I was going to reply to this one with the same suggestion. :)

What's the best 1st-level adventure to start a campaign with experienced players?

I'd say "There is No Honor" from Savage Tide, just replace some of the adventure hooks/npcs with stuff that ties into what you plan to run later.

Maybe replace/transport the adventure to Marsember or somewhere like that, if the other adventure is in Cormyr?. Or Phlan, if you don't mind stretching it a bit to the Moonsea. I've got serious soft spot for Phlan after the 1980's SSI Pools of Radiance game.

But D0 is awesome too, and could easily fit in Cormyr or the Dalelands. However, I don't remember D0 having enough to level up the PCs to 2nd, so you might have to stretch it a bit. Or just give a nice story award for curing the plague.

I recently ran Shut-in, escape of Meenlock prison and Funeral Procession as a mini arc to get my players to be local heroes. I think these 3 adventure create a nice starting arc.

With the restructuring of the WotC page, the free adventures might be innaccessible (I downloaded and archived them all, so I can email it to you if you like), but there is an excellent short level 1 adventure called Dark and Stormy Night. It provides excellent reasons why a diverse group of strangers should work together, and holds a nice selection of the basic elements of a D&D adventure without being so much as to overwhelm new players.

That, and there's killing rats!

I'm in agreement with the rest of the posts, recommending Escape From Meenlock Prison (Dungeon #146) and Funeral Procession (#135) for 1st-level adventures especially.

One more I would recommend if you are planning on playing in the Forgotten Realms would be Within the Circle (#130), as it might be more easy to connect with the campaign setting.

As far as 2nd-level ones go, Shut-In (#128) is one of the more fascinating urban adventures. And as for a 3rd-level one, I would say Home Under the Range (#134) is one of the more exciting adventures I've ever read. However, even though it's a part of the Age of Worms AP, The Three Faces of Evil (#125) has been one of my favorite adventures of all time. (I think Paizo still has conversion notes for FR for the Age of Worms somewhere, if you need to swap some character names/religions/affiliations/etc.)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I agree with the above, all great adventures.

I'd also check out the Necromancer games site for their free adventure - the Wizard's Amulet if you like a more "classical" or "basic" game style.

The Burning Plague (which someone just did a campaign journal of) from WotC's site is pretty decent too for a low level adventure (I think it's a 1st level adventure . . .)

i just finished reading Pathfinder #1 Burnt offering and I think that this would a great 1st lvl adventure. It has a great story, very interesting NPCs, good encounters, Pc chacarcter hero worshiping and it even has sex. The town of Sandpoint also makes a good base for future adventure. Just ignore the campaign stuff.

For those in a homebrew setting who don't want to introduce Sandpoint, "Funeral Procession" was great even for our non-Eberron/FR setting. I followed it up with "Shut-In," which is another low-level gem for people who really value the role-playing aspects of gaming.

One of the First Level adventures that my group got a kick out of was "A Dark and Stormy Knight".

This is a free downloadable adventure fron the D&D web site. It had a great way of getting diverse character types together into a group and featured a short, yet memorable dungeon crawl that could lead to further adventures.

I recomend it!

Dark Archive

Necromancer Games. Crucible of Freya.

Best 1st level module ever.

Seriously full of awesome. Can lead to a campaign based around Fairhill.

I agree with Dangerdwarf, Crucible of Freya by Necromancer Games is chock full of awesome. It has a freebie starter portion from the Necromancer Games website called Corians Amulet that sets the stage nicely. My best campaign started with this, all the players having years of experience.

That being said my gaming group started with the Mad Gods Key (Dungeon 114) and transitioned into There is No Honor. It has been a blast, and the players can't stand Irontusk and Dalta Gwyn, and can care less about the whole Vanderboren mess. It has been a lot of fun and I heartily recomend it.

Scarab Sages

In a campaign I hope to start soon, I'm going to start the PCs off with an adventure from Dungeon called "Within the Circle" (issue #130). This is a very nice little adventure with a mysterious organization, some goblins, and a town in trouble. You might want to check it out.

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