Cheliax names

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Can I get some examples of Cheliaxian names? One of the players in my group wishes to come from Cheliax.

Brian Van Wyk wrote:
Can I get some examples of Cheliaxian names? One of the players in my group wishes to come from Cheliax.

I have used Roman names my game : Octavius, Tobinus, Romeo, Titus...

Anglachel wrote:
Brian Van Wyk wrote:
Can I get some examples of Cheliaxian names? One of the players in my group wishes to come from Cheliax.
I have used Roman names my game : Octavius, Tobinus, Romeo, Titus...

I also require a Cheliax name. Where could I find a list of Roman names?

Any other naming conventions for Chelaxian names?

Dark Archive Contributor

This is something I've asked James about, since I'm writing the Korvosa book and it's a former colony of Cheliax. His instructions to me were along the lines of: "Make them sound self-important."

When the book gets closer to being released, if you remind us I bet we could pull some of the names from the book as examples of Chelaxian names. :)

Try this web site for roman names:

Cheliax somehow feels more mediaeval Italian than Roman to me...maybe names like Melchiorre, Alessio, Gaspare.

In the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries, Italy was literally the assassination capital of the world, and many, many nobles were killed through poisoning especially, so maybe I make that connection because Cheliax is described as somewhat courtly and elegant, but also a very deadly place.

Poisons...D&D adventures can definitely use more enemies that poison their weapons as a matter of course. Or bribe the cook to poison your food at that inn you thought to stay the night at...

Mike McArtor wrote:
When the book gets closer to being released, if you remind us I bet we could pull some of the names from the book as examples of Chelaxian names. :)

By the way, shouldn't that be "Cheliaxan"? Though "Chelaxian" does sound nice...

Dark Archive Contributor

Takamori wrote:
By the way, shouldn't that be "Cheliaxan"? Though "Chelaxian" does sound nice...

No, it should say Chelaxian.

Mike McArtor wrote:
No, it should say Chelaxian.

That makes it "different" then, I suppose.

Can't say I object.


Mike McArtor wrote:
Takamori wrote:
By the way, shouldn't that be "Cheliaxan"? Though "Chelaxian" does sound nice...
No, it should say Chelaxian.

Erm.... Chelish?

cf. the June 6th blog post: "Those of Chelish descent..."

Dark Archive Contributor

EP Healy wrote:

Erm.... Chelish?

cf. the June 6th blog post: "Those of Chelish descent..."

So here's the tricky part (simplified as much as possible):

When used as an adjective to describe people, it is Chelish.
When used as an adjective to describe all else, it is Chelaxian.

Guess the number of times I've sat for several seconds trying to figure out if I should type "Chelish" or "Chelaxian" while writing the Korvosa book...


Mike McArtor wrote:
EP Healy wrote:

Erm.... Chelish?

cf. the June 6th blog post: "Those of Chelish descent..."

So here's the tricky part (simplified as much as possible):

When used as an adjective to describe people, it is Chelish.
When used as an adjective to describe all else, it is Chelaxian.

Guess the number of times I've sat for several seconds trying to figure out if I should type "Chelish" or "Chelaxian" while writing the Korvosa book...


If I get it right will you send me a bottle of Tullamore Dew? It's much more smooth than Jamesons. Less "Chelaxian" too.

Mike McArtor wrote:
EP Healy wrote:

Erm.... Chelish?

cf. the June 6th blog post: "Those of Chelish descent..."

So here's the tricky part (simplified as much as possible):

When used as an adjective to describe people, it is Chelish.
When used as an adjective to describe all else, it is Chelaxian.

Guess the number of times I've sat for several seconds trying to figure out if I should type "Chelish" or "Chelaxian" while writing the Korvosa book...


If REH were writing Pathfinder, he'd say Chelishites or Chelisheans or Chelishoreans. ;)

If you refer to them as Chels, is that considered derogatory?

"Those damn Chels are nuttin' but beggars and thieves."


Mike McArtor wrote:
Guess the number of times I've sat for several seconds trying to figure out if I should type "Chelish" or "Chelaxian" while writing the Korvosa book...

No thanks. That's why you get paid the big bucks.

Mike McArtor wrote:
This is something I've asked James about, since I'm writing the Korvosa book and it's a former colony of Cheliax. His instructions to me were along the lines of: "Make them sound self-important."

You mean, like these?

Pontius Pilate: I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus.'

Maximus: My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius.

What kind of gamer would I be if I didn't insert at least one Python reference in this thread?

Dark Archive Contributor

Amardolem wrote:
If I get it right will you send me a bottle of Tullamore Dew? It's much more smooth than Jamesons. Less "Chelaxian" too.

Hmm... I don't know... if it's less Chelaxian I don't think they carry it in Korvosa...

Troy Taylor wrote:

If REH were writing Pathfinder, he'd say Chelishites or Chelisheans or Chelishoreans. ;)

If you refer to them as Chels, is that considered derogatory?

"Those damn Chels are nuttin' but beggars and thieves."

Hmm... interesting. Other ethnic groups might use "Chel" as an ethnic slur.

EP Healy wrote:
No thanks. That's why you get paid the big bucks.

Paizo and WotC pay top rates in the game industry at a whopping 5 cents per word. Eight decades ago, HP Lovecraft got paid 2 cents per word.

Writing isn't about getting paid the big bucks. ;D

Troy Taylor wrote:

You mean, like these?

...Monte Python quote...

Well played, Sir. Well played. :)


Mike McArtor wrote:
Paizo and WotC pay top rates in the game industry at a whopping 5 cents per word. Eight decades ago, HP Lovecraft got paid 2 cents per word.

So... a nickel for your thoughts, is that it? :)

Dark Archive Contributor

EP Healy wrote:
So... a nickel for your thoughts, is that it? :)

Only if my thought can be summed up in one word. Which most can. ;P

~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?

Hide your life savings better?

Heathansson wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?
Hide your life savings better?

~snarls~ Get away from the money, puppy! ~gnashes my teeth together and slaps my tail to the ground near you, shaking the ground all around us~

The Exchange

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sharoth wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?
Hide your life savings better?
~snarls~ Get away from the money, puppy! ~gnashes my teeth together and slaps my tail to the ground near you, shaking the ground all around us~

Better watch out before he does a "Dragon's Tail Cut" and knocks you down... :P

Dark Archive Contributor

Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?

Since Sharoth has presented a five-dollar bill, I suppose I should write for him exactly one-hundred words. I shall write this post in MS Word, using its wordcount feature to write precisely one-hundred words using the counting method of MS Word. This way, I am not over-writing and stealing money from myself, nor am I writing too little and not providing my draconic City of Heroes mentor with the full service for which he as offered to pay. I now have twenty-two words (make that sixteen) to wrap up this post and bring it to a satisfying and precise conclusion.

Mike McArtor wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?
Since Sharoth has presented a five-dollar bill, I suppose I should write for him exactly one-hundred words. I shall write this post in MS Word, using its wordcount feature to write precisely one-hundred words using the counting method of MS Word. This way, I am not over-writing and stealing money from myself, nor am I writing too little and not providing my draconic City of Heroes mentor with the full service for which he as offered to pay. I now have twenty-two words (make that sixteen) to wrap up this post and bring it to a satisfying and precise conclusion.

~grimace~ SmartA$$ !!!

Heathansson wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?
Hide your life savings better?

Now even though I loath parting with a penny of my hoard, I just want you to know that what I own is much larger than that amount.

Dark Archive Contributor

Sharoth wrote:
~grimace~ SmartA$$ !!!

What? I thought that's what you wanted. :)

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Sharoth wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~Pulls out a $5 bill~ Ok bucko! What do you have to say now?
Since Sharoth has presented a five-dollar bill, I suppose I should write for him exactly one-hundred words. I shall write this post in MS Word, using its wordcount feature to write precisely one-hundred words using the counting method of MS Word. This way, I am not over-writing and stealing money from myself, nor am I writing too little and not providing my draconic City of Heroes mentor with the full service for which he as offered to pay. I now have twenty-two words (make that sixteen) to wrap up this post and bring it to a satisfying and precise conclusion.
~grimace~ SmartA$$ !!!

The real b~#&* of it is, you're going to have to pay taxes on that insight at the end of the year. Depending on your state, you may need to send 5-10 of those words to Uncle Sam. Harsh.

Mike McArtor wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~grimace~ SmartA$$ !!!
What? I thought that's what you wanted. :)

~sighs~ Ok. What is your mailing address? ~pulls out the envelope and places the $5.00 in it~

Sovereign Court

In my game, this is how the whole Chelaxian/Chelish thing has gone down.

Chelaxian = Anything rich, finely made, well done, emblematic. This includes people. Noblemen, respected craftsmen, nice horses, notable names, monuments, beautiful women, the gods, the weather when it's fair, and good food is Chelaxian.

Chelish = Chelaxian, but common. Tradesmen, rough bread, tolerable mead, farmers, oxen, the weather when it's bad.

A Chelaxian man has some money or notoriety.

A Chelish man does not.

They're still both better than Varisian though ;)

It's a subtle status/quality thing that people who aren't born into it never quiet get - that's how I like to think of it. Like adding masculine and feminine attributes to nonliving things. It's not exactly an insult to use the wrong word, but you can make it one with the right inflection.

Selk wrote:

A Chelaxian man has some money or notoriety.

A Chelish man does not.

They're still both better than Varisian though ;)

This makes very real sense to me. I prefer this distinction.

Unless you're Varisian: "Those devil worshipping Chels. Don't trust 'em."

Dark Archive Contributor

Fatespinner wrote:
The real b&&@% of it is, you're going to have to pay taxes on that insight at the end of the year. Depending on your state, you may need to send 5-10 of those words to Uncle Sam. Harsh.

It's true, although it's more like 200 of those words or so. :\

Unless I write off a bunch of the words first.

Ha ha. Get it? Write off? Words? Ha ha ha ha... ha... ha.

Sharoth wrote:
~sighs~ Ok. What is your mailing address? ~pulls out the envelope and places the $5.00 in it~

Eh, hold onto it. If we ever meet in person you can use it to buy me a beer. Or a shot of Jamesons. ;D

Troy Taylor wrote:
Unless you're Varisian: "Those devil worshipping Chels. Don't trust 'em."

"Bunch of unwashed thieving Scarfies." Hmm... Scarfy as an ethnic slur against Varisians.


Mike McArtor wrote:
"Bunch of unwashed thieving Scarfies." Hmm... Scarfy as an ethnic slur against Varisians.

LOL! Scarfie is New Zealand slang for a university student.

Mike McArtor wrote:

"Bunch of unwashed thieving Scarfies." Hmm... Scarfy as an ethnic slur against Varisians.

I believe that if the historical analogies are correct, the Chelaxians would refer to the Varisians as "barbarians."

Sovereign Court

I'm fond of the term 'moth'. Varisians are nomads who worships a goddess with butterfly imagery - it's almost too easy. The Chelaxian people build their cities, beacons of civilization in a savage country and, behold, the moths come.

Scarfies is too cute. A Chelaxian Paris Hilton would call Varisians scarfies ;)

Selk wrote:

I'm fond of the term 'moth'. Varisians are nomads who worships a goddess with butterfly imagery - it's almost too easy. The Chelaxian people build their cities, beacons of civilization in a savage country and, behold, the moths come.

Scarfies is too cute. A Chelaxian Paris Hilton would call Varisians scarfies ;)

A Chelaxian Paris Hilton -- now that's an NPC writeup I'd pay real money to see!

Dark Archive Contributor

Hill Giant wrote:
LOL! Scarfie is New Zealand slang for a university student.

Really? Fascinating...

Troy Taylor wrote:
I believe that if the historical analogies are correct, the Chelaxians would refer to the Varisians as "barbarians."

Chelaxians might. Korvosans would not, since most Korvosans have at least a bit of Varisian blood in them. They WOULD and DO call Shoanti barbarians, however.

Selk wrote:
I'm fond of the term 'moth'. Varisians are nomads who worships a goddess with butterfly imagery - it's almost too easy. The Chelaxian people build their cities, beacons of civilization in a savage country and, behold, the moths come.

Hmm... I like that.

Selk wrote:

Scarfies is too cute. A Chelaxian Paris Hilton would call Varisians scarfies ;)

ACK! *rapidly loads up his Korvosa files and removes all mentions of Scarfies*

Troy Taylor wrote:
A Chelaxian Paris Hilton -- now that's an NPC writeup I'd pay real money to see!

You will NOT see that in the Korvosa book. I think my hate of Paris Hilton is fairly well documented on these boards. ;)

Mike McArtor wrote:
You will NOT see that in the Korvosa book. I think my hate of Paris Hilton is fairly well documented on these boards. ;)

She would be an NPC. You don't have to have affection for an NPC to include it.

How about her lil toy dog? Sounds like the perfect animal companion (oooo, make her a druid) or familiar (witch?).

Then, of course, there's the chance to include writeups of The Lohan, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

It would be sellout at the Korvosa Colesium, for certain.

Troy Taylor wrote:

She would be an NPC. You don't have to have affection for an NPC to include it.

How about her lil toy dog? Sounds like the perfect animal companion (oooo, make her a druid) or familiar (witch?).
Then, of course, there's the chance to include writeups of The Lohan, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.
It would be sellout at the Korvosa Colesium, for certain.

You're missing the point. Mike's saying he doesn't care about her enough to have any desire to immortalize her inthe pages of PF or a GMM. If he actually liked her, then yeah maybe I could see it.

Now, if you want to write up your own versions of a Paris npc . . . please by all means, no one is stopping you. But if I were to make a Paris npc, they'd be modeled more after the guy with the golden apple.

Scarab Sages

Selk wrote:
I'm fond of the term 'moth'. Varisians are nomads who worships a goddess with butterfly imagery - it's almost too easy. The Chelaxian people build their cities, beacons of civilization in a savage country and, behold, the moths come.

Serve The Monarch!(scroll to winners...)

"Chelish"...I like it.

Troy Taylor wrote:

If you refer to them as Chels, is that considered derogatory?

"Those damn Chels are nuttin' but beggars and thieves."

This definately has potential! :)

Troy Taylor wrote:
Selk wrote:

A Chelaxian man has some money or notoriety.

A Chelish man does not.

They're still both better than Varisian though ;)

This makes very real sense to me. I prefer this distinction.

Unless you're Varisian: "Those devil worshipping Chels. Don't trust 'em."

Ahh...the perfect system.

*Scribbles on pad and runs away*

Chelish is to Chels as English is to Angles...?

Liberty's Edge

Selk wrote:
I'm fond of the term 'moth'.

Me too.

Scarab Sages

I love how a thread on Chelish (Chelaxian? No, Chelish. No, Ahhhh....) names devolves into derogatory slang.

I think Roman doesn't work. It's certainly "lawful" sounding, but self-important? I think Italian Renaissance is perfect. Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli sounds Chelish to me. The ends certainly do justify the means in Cheliax.

Dark Archive

I always get the impression of Germanic, mixed with Nordic, some harsh sounding names in there. I would look at the cities, and the provinces, though they are descendants from talador they do give of a Germanic feel. Coupled with the fact that they are supposed to descend from ulfen peoples in the north. Well mix ulfen and taldor together. Of course since Cheliax is the preferred nation of millions of noble players. the rest, they are just people who are yet to be brought into the Cheliax fold.

Scarab Sages

I had a similar impression. It seems like common Chelaxian (Chelish?) names have a Germanic character, whereas the aristocratic names have a more Latin (Taldane?) sound. As if the upper classes changed their names (or at least their family names; Eodred sounds rather Anglo-Saxon to me, but Arabasti definitely does not) to sound more "posh".

If I remember my European history classes correctly, Latinization of names was a fairly common practice. For one famous example, when a Frankish king named Karl conquered much of Europe he took on the Latin name Carolus Magnus (Karl the Great) which eventually became "Charlemagne" in the local dialect.

Nos wrote:
I always get the impression of Germanic, mixed with Nordic, some harsh sounding names in there. I would look at the cities, and the provinces, though they are descendants from talador they do give of a Germanic feel. Coupled with the fact that they are supposed to descend from ulfen peoples in the north. Well mix ulfen and taldor together. Of course since Cheliax is the preferred nation of millions of noble players. the rest, they are just people who are yet to be brought into the Cheliax fold.

Sovereign Court

Wow, thread resurection so old it has Mike McAtor on it!

The CS has example Chelaxian names.

My Chelaxians are basically Medieval France, so lots of opulent sounding french names.

"His Infernal Lordship, Marcoul Berthomie Gaillard Jeggare, Wizard of the Arcanamirium and bearer of The Seven Seals" Just has a ring to it.

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