Kazmojen, how I loved thee...

Shackled City Adventure Path

Sovereign Court

So I'm running SCAP a 2nd time (the first was cancelled around the middle of Test of the Smoking Eye) and the party this time took out good old Kaz before I had a chance to roll a single to hit for him.

The cleric paniced and shot off a hold person, save failed. The hexblade charged him and missed, so I had some hope all was not lost. Next round, failed save again. Hexblade coup de grace, 40 damage. 'Oh noes', I thought 'my half troll be deaded!' Rolled a 20 for the fort save, but alas good ol' Kaz was at neg 1 and was doomed, fast healing or no.

Prickles got revenge though, doing 18 damage to that mean old cleric and putting him at -9. One failed stabilization roll later and we had a heaping helping of rotting cleric. Yum. ;)

Talon Stormwarden wrote:

So I'm running SCAP a 2nd time (the first was cancelled around the middle of Test of the Smoking Eye) and the party this time took out good old Kaz before I had a chance to roll a single to hit for him.

The cleric paniced and shot off a hold person, save failed. The hexblade charged him and missed, so I had some hope all was not lost. Next round, failed save again. Hexblade coup de grace, 40 damage. 'Oh noes', I thought 'my half troll be deaded!' Rolled a 20 for the fort save, but alas good ol' Kaz was at neg 1 and was doomed, fast healing or no.

Prickles got revenge though, doing 18 damage to that mean old cleric and putting him at -9. One failed stabilization roll later and we had a heaping helping of rotting cleric. Yum. ;)

Kazmojen is one of my favorite encounters, also. At five different times during the battle, he had my party's fighter at -9hp. The cleric used up a bunch of charges on his cure wand. :D

Then Fario and Fellian entered the battle from invisibility like a couple of ninjas, and the female members of the party swooned.

It was tough, but nobody died. Except Kazmojen, of course.

Actually, Kazmojen has the Giant type, so strictly speaking a Hold Person wouldn't have worked on him. It's an easy mistake to make, though.

In my campaign, Kazmojen kind of went down like a chump, too. The mage cast Grease underneath him and he couldn't make those Balance checks or Reflex saves to save his life. Of course, the PCs were having a tough time hitting him, too (combination of high AC and bad rolls).

Prickles did his share of damage; I think the fighter ended up with two or three quills sticking out of him. >:)

Talon Stormwarden wrote:

So I'm running SCAP a 2nd time (the first was cancelled around the middle of Test of the Smoking Eye) and the party this time took out good old Kaz before I had a chance to roll a single to hit for him.

The cleric paniced and shot off a hold person, save failed. The hexblade charged him and missed, so I had some hope all was not lost. Next round, failed save again. Hexblade coup de grace, 40 damage. 'Oh noes', I thought 'my half troll be deaded!' Rolled a 20 for the fort save, but alas good ol' Kaz was at neg 1 and was doomed, fast healing or no.

Prickles got revenge though, doing 18 damage to that mean old cleric and putting him at -9. One failed stabilization roll later and we had a heaping helping of rotting cleric. Yum. ;)

Skyknight wrote:
At five different times during the battle, he had my party's fighter at -9hp. The cleric used up a bunch of charges on his cure wand. :D

Yes, the biggest fighter in my group did the jack-in-the-box healing when he was reduced to -1 hit points and had Lesser Vigour (embue target with Fast Healing 1 for <caster-level> rounds) placed upon him by the cleric. This healed him to 0 points, when he would attack, which caused him to hurt himself back to -1, and then next round he healed to 0, ...

Kazmojen was quite annoyed the first time he got back up, but by the second time, he was distracted by the Spiritual Hammer from the same cleric.

Made for an amusing time during the fight.

I remember Kaz killed the party's tank.They had to run and hide from him a couple of times. Finally after freeing the slaves, which were fortunately the new party tank and a thief, the new tank died under Kaz's blows as well. Same player too. I have to point out though, our group is stereotypical in that no one wants to play the cleric.

My campaign has a house rule. If you role a 20 to make a critical hit, and then roll a 20 on your confirmation roll, you can then roll a third time. If you make a 20 on that third roll (Making that three natural 20s in a row), it's an instant kill, no questions asked.

Our elven mage "instant killed" Kazmojen. With a ray of frost.

Heh... he must've shot it up his nostril and given him a brain freeze.

Skyknight wrote:
Heh... he must've shot it up his nostril and given him a brain freeze.

HA. Where were you when I needed that line?

TheTravis wrote:

My campaign has a house rule. If you role a 20 to make a critical hit, and then roll a 20 on your confirmation roll, you can then roll a third time. If you make a 20 on that third roll (Making that three natural 20s in a row), it's an instant kill, no questions asked.

Our elven mage "instant killed" Kazmojen. With a ray of frost.

Yes, we use the "Threat to Kill" optional rule from the DMG (20-20-hit needed). In our new Pathfinder game, our Dwarven Cleric triple 20'd to kill a goblin... with an Earthbreaker (Crit damage alone would have averaged 30 - 6 times the goblin's hitpoints).

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