Researching the Isle of Dread and the Olmans

Savage Tide Adventure Path

My apologies if this has already been covered, but I couldn't find anything through a search of the messageboards.

My party just finished the Bullywug's Gambit and are recuperating in Sasserine before heading out to the Isle of Dread. One of my players is very curious about the Isle and especially about the Olman who live there and wants to spend the next few weeks researching the Isle and its inhabitants. She made a lucky knowledge: geography roll, so I told her that the Isle is inhabited by large beasts, and a queer group of un-"civilized" people remarked upon for their proests' use of zombies.

I don't have any of the Dragon magazines with the Savage Tidings articles, but I may be willing to pick one up if there's one with a great deal of information.

So, my questions are, what kind of information can I give that would flesh out the Isle and maybe foreshadow some of the events to come? What issue of Dragon has this kind of information, and is it worth it to get it?

Thanks in advance,
El Skootro

Actually there are several articles pertaining to the isle of dread in Dragon magazine. Not the least of which is a copy of Lavinia's mother's journal from her time spent there entitled "Ecology of the Isle of Dread". Dragon issues 350 - 352 are excellent sources for info on the Isle.

Even tho for FR, the Maztica setting might help you get a feel for the Olman culture and there are/were some free downloads from the wizards site. The Greyhawk and Living Greyhawk gazetteers have a little information on the Olmans as well. I don't have any of that handy ATM, or I would share more thoughts. Look at modern day South and Central America for some ideas on how indiginous peoples are integrating their cultures into the more modern cultures. I equate the Olman culture Pre-First-Savage-Tide to the Aztec and Maya cultures, quite sophisticated, only to be decimated by events (Savage Tide in one, European colonization the other) that revert them to a more tribal culture. Examining those parallels may give some more cultural insights.

Regarding the Isle itself, the Savage Tiding articles and the AP info itself are your best assets.


Well, one of my players went out and bought the Dragon issue with Lavinia's mother's journal. Now I have a new problem: my players are so excited for the Isle of Dread that they want to skip right through the Sea Wyvern's Wake and just land at the isle already. Oy Gevalt.

El Skootro

el_skootro wrote:
Well, one of my players went out and bought the Dragon issue with Lavinia's mother's journal. Now I have a new problem: my players are so excited for the Isle of Dread that they want to skip right through the Sea Wyvern's Wake and just land at the isle already. Oy Gevalt.

Ha! My players read the journal, and the universal reaction was "Sounds terrible. Why the hell are we going there? Do we have to?"

There is an article in Dungeon #114 - Exploring the Isle of Dread (pg40), by Gary Holian that has some very useful information on the Olmans and the Isle, if you can find it.

el_skootro wrote:

Well, one of my players went out and bought the Dragon issue with Lavinia's mother's journal. Now I have a new problem: my players are so excited for the Isle of Dread that they want to skip right through the Sea Wyvern's Wake and just land at the isle already. Oy Gevalt.

El Skootro

You could let them skip ahead, of course then there will be a total party wipe and the AP will end there. My friend that is playing in this AP has been geeking out about the isle of dread from the very start. We both played the original Isle of Dread when we were kids.

Mordun77 wrote:
There is an article in Dungeon #114 - Exploring the Isle of Dread (pg40), by Gary Holian that has some very useful information on the Olmans and the Isle, if you can find it.

WOW, I just pulled that issue out and gave it a quick glance. A background article covering the Isle and it's inhabitants and an adventure module. Oh, and lets not leave out the fold out color map of the Isle of Dread, apparently player friendly.

I am eager to give it an in-depth read.

Thanks for the tip!

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