Ship Mage

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Scarab Sages

I remember an old issue with a PrC called the Ship Mage. Does anyone know what issue # it was in? Thanks

Dark Archive Contributor

Dragon Mage wrote:
I remember an old issue with a PrC called the Ship Mage. Does anyone know what issue # it was in? Thanks

The only reference to ship mage I could find in the Dragondex was in issue #235, which predates third edition by almost four years.

There is a "Sea Mage" in the Towers of High Sorcery d20 book that might interest you. There is also a very ship specific caster / rogue in the Eberron Explorer's Handbook (Windwright Captain).

Interestingly enough, the issue of Dragon with the Sea Mage in it was my very first. I still have it, and it's falling apart. It's in a place of honor on top of the bookcase that houses the other issues I own.

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