Charles Evans 25 |
Post concerning new product by well known gaming company:
Post commences with remarks about sealions in a zoo.
Post compares several new classes in the product to sealions in a zoo, unfavourably.
Post goes on to make references to moderately well known British comedian.
Post highlights how the poster saw sealions in a zoo playing a different class in the new product. Post leaves it ambiguous whether the poster considers this a good or bad reflection on the product or on sealions.
Post goes on to complain about a British nature documentary maker.
Post 'concludes' with hints that the review of the new product will continue as soon as the poster's lawyers have dealt with the sealion wearing a blonde wig which is stalking him/her with a sawn-off shotgun.
Post fails to conclude but gets in a few remarks about the falling standards of typeface in gaming products these days, and how things were much better back when Churchill was president before finally tailing off and expiring.