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Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

page. :)

Jumping in with same idea as previous poster to hijack his attempt.

And again.

With one more attempt.

Crowing in triumph when it occurs and assuming some special honor or award will be forthcoming.

The Exchange

Larry Lichman wrote:

Misspells "Rogue" repeatedly.

Typical post regarding the misspelling of "Rogue", stopping just short of inferring that the poster at fault may share parentage with some sort of goblinoid. Ends post with light-hearted remark meant to ease the sting of prior statements.

repeatedly obvious closure

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Complains that his original spamming had succeeded and wonders what the hell happened that kicked his posts back a few notches.

Invokes Godwin's Law again.

Post laughing at person who misspelled "rogue" and at the abuse dished out by subsequent posters, while his own post has unfortunate spelling and grammatical errors itself.

Liberty's Edge

Spam this thread along with 50 others for a travel agency.

Post completely off-topic rant about spammers and spam in general.
Include copy of recent spam received regarding "girth".

Liberty's Edge

Spout slogans. "Free country--freedom of speech" that sort of thing.
Spout lots and lots of slogans. A paragraph worth.
War and Peace-length diatribe.

Immediately post follow-up post asking aloud how to "edit" your previous messages because you're new here and you just used a word in your previous message that after thinking about it may not have been the most appropriate word to use in a semi-family-friendly setting.

EDIT: Then edit your post asking about editing functions because you just found the "edit" button after posting your query about editing previous messages, all the while forgetting to go back and edit the post containing the worrisome term.

Heathansson wrote:

Spout slogans. "Free country--freedom of speech" that sort of thing.

Spout lots and lots of slogans. A paragraph worth.
War and Peace-length diatribe.

Lose control of temper upon seeing hot-headed slogan-spouting response to a general gripe about spammers, said response having been posted while current poster attempting to discover how to edit previous messages. Promptly change avatar to a .jpg of appropriately-patriotic picture of flag of poster's country of origin. Post rambles for two printed-pages worth of text about freedom of speech and poster's patriotism and love of freedom while still besmirching spammers in a clever, but overly obvious way. Rambling post includes full-text quote of post spouting slogans and the Tolstoy-vian screed.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Notices that his post is once again at the top of this page and wonders what the hell is going on.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Shameless threadjacking to do some testing of messageboard post propagation.

[edit] Editing post to check something else.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Additional pointless post to test something else.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

A post which, while still pointless, serves its own purpose. (Though not to this thread.)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Another test post, this time lacking explanation for its purpose.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Amused comment that this thread has become Gary Teter's Trinity Testing Grounds.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post expressing frustration that the problem is SO STUPID HARD to track down. Or duplicate in testing.

Silver Crusade

Seeing the thread way off topic, decides to drop in the word "smurf" because it's still funny months later.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Seeing the thread way off topic, decides to drop in the word "smurf" because it's still funny months later.

Starts talking about his favorite pieces of literature involving smurfs:

A Good Smurf is Hard to Find
Smurf and Sensibility
Much Ado About Smurf
Twelve Angry Smurfs


Attempt to lighten the spirit of everyone else checking out the thread with some friendly pirate talk and amiable offers to buy everyone drinks, which of course poster will never have to do in the virtual environment.

Makes a joke involving understatement or irony, and everyone ignores it. Begins to feel paranoid that maybe the electronic medium caused others to think the joke was an insult.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fatespinner wrote:
Inflammatory remark to engender hostility with other posters and prompt response.

Post in direct response to the original post with opinions that were voiced six times on page one alone, but worded as though the thoughts are unique and wholly original.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:
Inflammatory remark to engender hostility with other posters and prompt response.
Post in direct response to the original post with opinions that were voiced six times on page one alone, but worded as though the thoughts are unique and wholly original.

Bumped in amazement that nobody has seen fit to respond to the sheer genius of the previous post despite the fact that nearly two whole minutes have passed.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:
Inflammatory remark to engender hostility with other posters and prompt response.
Post in direct response to the original post with opinions that were voiced six times on page one alone, but worded as though the thoughts are unique and wholly original.
Bumped in amazement that nobody has seen fit to respond to the sheer genius of the previous post despite the fact that nearly two whole minutes have passed.

Huh? Did you say something Vic? I wasn't listening to you. ~wanders off aimlessly~

Posts in foreign language that nobody understands.

Posts in English and still nobody understands.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Post addressed specifically to James Jacobs and "Eric" Mona offering suggestions that, if implemented, would cost Paizo weeks of effort and thousands of dollars to benefit a potential audience of about six people.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Celestial Healer wrote:
Seeing the thread way off topic, decides to drop in the word "smurf" because it's still funny months later.

Inquiry regarding acquisition of "smurf" icon.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Post addressed specifically to James Jacobs and "Eric" Mona offering suggestions that, if implemented, would cost Paizo weeks of effort and thousands of dollars to benefit a potential audience of about six people.

Laughs and understands that when non-technical people say it won't take a lot of time, the technical people groan at the lack of understanding by the non-techies.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Seeing the thread way off topic, decides to drop in the word "smurf" because it's still funny months later.
Inquiry regarding acquisition of "smurf" icon.

Statement of amazement regarding "smurfing" of previous post, but also expression of disappointment about specific smurf displayed.

Liberty's Edge

Begins post with, "I haven't read/seen/heard/tasted/smelled/felt the subject in question, but" and then proceeds to offer an opinion on the unknown phenomenon.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Fatespinner wrote:
Defends the "munchkin" archetype by argueing that optimized characters make the game more fun since you aren't constantly worried about dying all the time.

Drama major returning from performing at week-end Renaissance festival becomes incensed at mere mention of power-gaming and bemoans how it has destroyed the game.

What follows is a pedantic and condescending litany of how he once played an epic campaign without ever lifting a die.

Condemnation of anyone having selected a weapon other than an enchanted sap, any feat other than skill focus (perform), or played any character other than half-orc wizard/bard of the opposite sex.

Tries to prove that Star Wars Saga Edition is a 4e preview and then ends with an irrelevant but humorous link to youtube to endear the reader.

waltero wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:
Defends the "munchkin" archetype by argueing that optimized characters make the game more fun since you aren't constantly worried about dying all the time.

Drama major returning from performing at week-end Renaissance festival becomes incensed at mere mention of power-gaming and bemoans how it has destroyed the game.

What follows is a pedantic and condescending litany of how he once played an epic campaign without ever lifting a die.

Condemnation of anyone having selected a weapon other than an enchanted sap, any feat other than skill focus (perform), or played any character other than half-orc wizard/bard of the opposite sex.

Insinuates that aforementioned Drama major is a homosexual and provides several convenient locations where self can teach aforementioned what it means to be a real man.

Scarab Sages

Ad Baculum wrote:
Insinuates that aforementioned Drama major is a homosexual and provides several convenient locations where self can teach aforementioned what it means to be a real man.

Parenthetical notation that Baculum in addition to meaninng 'cudgle' or 'stick' is also a term for the penis bone in most mammals. Pithy observation that writers vitriolic remarks indicate the presence of a 'baculum inferior' as the source of the poster's troubles.

A Paizo editor posts to state that he has rethought previous polite disagreement of original poster’s point, and now agrees with original poster’s ideas.

Liberty's Edge

Various posts claiming support of / sympathy with original poster’s point / ideas. Objection was ever only to original poster’s pushy / condescending / rude tone.

Liberty's Edge

Poster spams thread with various posts espousing ideas thought up whilst off-line.

Laments sadness / lack of life associated with this.

Contemplates resurrecting the “You know you spend too much time at when…” thread.

Questions your parentage.

Posts numerous links to websites offering to increase the size of this or decrease the size of that.

Flames your nationality for good measure.

Replies to flames with own alt to stir up trouble.

Liberty's Edge

Marginally on-topic response to the above flame-and-response.

Utterly random, contrived, and flat-out bizarre snarky comment bearing no relation to anything previously said.

Reference to a gaming session that appears to be vaguely related to the topic, but really is just a way to blow one's own horn.

Attempt at a pithy closing remark that fails due to horrible misuse of popular slang.

Liberty's Edge

Additional P.S. comment in entirely new post for no good reason.

EDIT: Later edits post to apologise for double posting, but doesn't actually remove the second post.

Additional comment involving fnords.

Scarab Sages

Meaningless mumbo-jumbo.

Radical politic statement made in reaction to recent headline events is passed off as moderate--followed by cherry picked evidence. Poster preempts anyone who disagrees by labelling them crackpots and and ignoramuses.

Condescending observation that thread is repetitive, rambling, self-referential and degenerate. Assertion that people who can't be bothered to read the whole thread before posting shouldn't be allowed to post at all. Declaration that any further contribution to thread is pointless, followed by vow never to look at it again.

Liberty's Edge

Axe-grinder wrote:
Condescending observation that thread is repetitive, rambling, self-referential and degenerate. Assertion that people who can't be bothered to read the whole thread before posting shouldn't be allowed to post at all. Declaration that any further contribution to thread is pointless, followed by vow never to look at it again.

Snarky response suggesting the above was written by someone bitter about their lack of a social life, coupled with a mocking suggestion to loosen up made in an insulting fashion. Suggestion of something most likely illegal to help with this.

Kassil wrote:
Snarky response suggesting the above was written by someone bitter about their lack of a social life, coupled with a mocking suggestion to loosen up made in an insulting fashion. Suggestion of something most likely illegal to help with this.

Smug rejoinder that previous poster has simply proved his point.

Scarab Sages

Timely interjection vis-à-vis sheep and WotC.

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