Generic Post

Off-Topic Discussions

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Post that is false that says this post is false but does not mention the use of the use-mention distinction.

Post that points out that the previous post was a paradox.

Post involving screaming insane kobold killing paradox-forging sock thingy.

Scarab Sages

Serendipitous mockery directed at faux Lizard Boys.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post which ponders which errant instance is crapping up the recent threads box....

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post of pokery.

Post which tries to help Gary Teter test the system for bugs, but actually gets in the way of an actual discovery which puts Gary behind by a month.

Brief statement of emotion followed by an exclamation point. !

Bewilderingly long explanation of what this poster has been doing for the past year that caused him to not notice this thread before now.

Post which arbitrarily welcomes the last poster to the thread as if the poster owned it. Unrelated footnote. Reminiscence about previous post.

Post which adds nothing to the discussion but mentions the smurfs.

Post that serves no purpose other than to test out new avatar.

Another post that serves no purpose other than try out a different avatar.

A third post that... ahhh... you get the idea. :P

Scarab Sages

Fervid eclaircissement a propros subject uninteresting to all but poster.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post of testing. Now with edits! And more edits. One more edit for the road.

[edit] Note of clarification.

Quote from the opening cut scene of the European Sega Mega Drive version of Zero Wing.

Sovereign Court

Zod wrote:
A third post that... ahhh... you get the idea. :P

Post which rants about avatar being stolen.

Post which belatedly points out to the PostMonster General that maybe people clicking on the forward and back buttons on Internet Explorer during long preview/edit procedures might be resulting in double posts of normal posts or threads for some reason which the poster of this post does not fully comprehend.

Scarab Sages

Fanciful blathering.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post of dismay.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post of despair.

Gary Teter wrote:
Post of despair.

Post based on haphazard observational evidence not yet verified by scientific experimentation speculating further on double-posting.

Post carrying out experiment.

Further Edit:
Further experiment.

Further Further Edit:
Current experiments into double posting having failed, experimenter heads off to dinner.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Post which seems to assume that merely providing a link to some inexplicable picture will convey all the meaning that poster intended. It doesn't.

Experimenter having returned from dinner, post expressing disconsolation and frustration at not being able to create a double-post successfully in the interests of scientific experimentation.
Expression of confidence in the ability of the PostMonster to nail the problem down in the end however.

Edit recalling former occasions (in case this assists the PostMonster further in his own investigations) where posting/editting with Internet Explorer on one thread, cloned a different recently made post (made by the same poster) upon another thread!

Cosmo wrote:
Post which seems to assume that merely providing a link to some inexplicable picture will convey all the meaning that poster intended. It doesn't.

Several questions marks.

Scarab Sages

Inspid introspection.

Scarab Sages

Ignominious idiom.

Liberty's Edge

Wax philosophic.

Post declaring that poster hates this thread and will never go on it again for fear of going mad.

Scarab Sages

Eloquent discourse expressing disbelief over previous poster's declarative histrionics.

Post insisting that former post was true and that poster is still not posting in thread.

Scarab Sages

Robust manifesto supporting inherently ludicrous conspiracy.

HUGE threadcrap.

Scarab Sages


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Aberzombie wrote:


Lame joke.

Scarab Sages

Generalized non-professional psychoanalytical statement.

Aberzombie wrote:
Generalized non-professional psychoanalytical statement.

Statement that looks like a request for clarification but is easily mis-interpreted as a personal attack.

The Exchange

Long quote of request for clarification that looks like a personal attack followed by a personal attack on the poster who made the request.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post that ponders lonely commas.

Wax Poetic. Better yet wax Brazilian!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post which attempts to deadlock a server.

Technological Overlord





***ERROR 601***



Post indicating protection of master routine. Summary stating operations have been restored.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Post which attempts to exercise a bug. Or exorcise a bug. Or excise a bug.

Former VP of Finance

Gary Teter wrote:
Post which attempts to exercise a bug. Or exorcise a bug. Or excise a bug.

Post which attempts to Existentialize a bug.

Paizo Employee Digital Pest

Post indicating exorcism, exercism, exircism, and exarcism.

Quotes the Gingerbread Man. Again.

Messageboard Bug!!! wrote:

Post indicating exorcism, exercism, exircism, and exarcism.

Quotes the Gingerbread Man. Again.

There he is, Gary! Get 'em!

Scarab Sages

Inconsequential blathering pertaining to ludicrous mathematical theorem.

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