Post which references the bizarre time machine which is the most recent posts box. Includes speculation that perhaps the messageboards are lost on some kind of island.
Gary Teter wrote: Post which references the bizarre time machine which is the most recent posts box. Includes speculation that perhaps the messageboards are lost on some kind of island. Desert island joke. Speculation on whether message board posters are more like the passengers of the Minnow or Oceanic Flight 815.
Post which wonders what would happen if the poster stopped pushing the button.
Poster reminisces about the good old days when Fantasy Island and Gilligan's Island were on the air.
Incredulous remark pertaining to the longevity of the thread and the seeming glee with which people continue to revivify it.
Aberzombie wrote: Incredulous remark pertaining to the longevity of the thread and the seeming glee with which people continue to revivify it. Remark questioning former poster's sense of humor, or lack thereof, about a clearly amusing thread.
Offhand remark about how much aforementioned shows sucked, calling own sense of humor into question.
NOT a disparaging statement regarding other members of the Paizo Community, or other companies and their employees.
Also, not a phonetic approximation of the act of vomiting.
Post which declares this to be an excellent time to test something.
Post which tests something.
Post which tests... something.
Post in which someone says something smurfy. To alter their Icon to a smurf in a feeble attempt to appear cute or light hearted.
Post which attempts to break something.
Kirwyn wrote: Post in which someone says something smrfy. To alter their Icon to a smrf in a feeble attempt to appear cute or light hearted. Post involving a barbecue, a smrf, and a hungry kobold.
Curious exclamation regarding the existential nature of a theoretical metaphysical framework encompassing life in the known universe.
Even more inappropriate joke involving bodily fluids, a tub of whipped-cream, a pack of oreos, and a midget.
Snarky opening paragraph.
Supporting paragraph to give opening snark merit.
Closing paragraph to support first two paragraphs which will later merit posting an apology on a completely different thread. [winky symbol]
New post after reading entire thread and suddenly "getting it". Post that still has nothing to do with original post or any tangents thereof.
Expressed exasperation at the price of gas.
Statement of agreement in part, followed up points where previous poster may be overlooking something; establishing pattern of appearing to agree only to actually disagree.
Statements of encouragement and affirmation.
Distress for the community.
Argumentative post, followed by signature: "Trollin', trollin', trollin', trollin'."
Steve Greer wrote: Snarky opening paragraph.
Supporting paragraph to give opening snark merit.
Closing paragraph to support first two paragraphs which will later merit posting an apology on a completely different thread. [winky symbol]
Poster flames contributor for his absurd verbosity, then finishes with a baseless ad hominem attack.
Watcher wrote: Statements of encouragement and affirmation.
Distress for the community.
Accusation of homosexuality.
Poster obviously didn't read the entire thread and mistakenly remarks on a controversial comment, completely derailing the topic.
Quote with bolded corrections of previous poster's poor grammer. End quote.
Snarky comment with winky symbol meant to make condescending response seem disarming and lighthearted, but really implies that poster is more intelligent than previous poster who is an illiterate idiot with an internet connection (and probably is).
Random implication of impropriety, followed by nuanced proposal for correction of seeming innocuousness.
Steve Greer wrote: Quote with bolded corrections of previous poster's poor grammer. End quote.
Post correcting earlier poster's spelling of grammar. Observation of the irony of this circumstance.
Kruelaid wrote:
Accusation of homosexuality.
Poster takes bait and defends themselves personally and unnecessarily.
Admission of religious conviction followed by prompt disclaimers.
Watcher wrote: Statement of agreement in part, followed up points where previous poster may be overlooking something; establishing pattern of appearing to agree only to actually disagree.
Statements of encouragement and affirmation.
Distress for the community.
Poster lampoons self.
Imaginative reference fraught with stylized callousness.
Trey wrote: Steve Greer wrote: Quote with bolded corrections of previous poster's poor grammer. End quote.
Post correcting earlier poster's spelling of grammar. Observation of the irony of this circumstance. Post dismissing correction of post by blaming another poster's poor attempt at correcting someone's grammar and simply recreating the ironic moment.
Tangential comment meant to distract other poster away from his possible other spelling errors. Witty remark and anecdote ending with winky symbol.
Incongruous interpolation between two seemingly disparate occurences.
Joke aimed at the previous poster pretending there is no distinction between his avatar and himself.
Perplexed query regarding the previous poster's sanity, as he seemingly considers my avatar and myself to be one and the same.
Trey wrote: Joke aimed at the previous poster pretending there is no distinction between his avatar and himself. Whimisical animal noise!
Suggestion that one of the above posters in the last few pages, not directly pointed out and ambiguous enough to be interpreted as meaning any and/or all of them, is utterly insane and should be considered for psychiatric therapy.
Watcher wrote: Admission of religious conviction followed by prompt disclaimers. Extreme hostility poorly disguised as a friendly joke.
Aberzombie wrote: Perplexed query regarding the previous poster's sanity, as he seemingly considers my avatar and myself to be one and the same. Allegation that poster is now in trouble, since another person has arrived on the thread whose avatar is of a similar species, thus implying a familial connection. Partly humorous insult aimed at liches in general.
Kassil wrote:
Extreme hostility poorly disguised as a friendly joke. Completely off topic comment intended for another thread. Possibly due to have two different reply windows open at the same time.
Witness to the forming of a parliament. Unsettling feeling in stomach...
Post regarding how best to cold-bloodedly obliterate all smrfs through the cunning use of Azrael and a clockwork mouse.
vague bemusement expressed in a clause about what people choose to write on this thread, followed by an unrelated anecdote about a music video.
Ringing endorsement regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages in celebration of a "green" religious icon.