TheWereCactus |
I was wondering, if a PC happened to be a cleric, thrall, or general cultist of the demon prince you are visiting (Lord Demogorgon aside), or a demonologist, would that grant the PC any notable bonuses to thier Diplomacy checks? Also would it incur penalties if the thrall in question was a servent of a rival prince? (I. E. A Thrall of Lord Graz'zt is in the party while visiting Lord Orcus, etc.) Would it also help convince Lady Iggwilv to aid you if you were a thrall in general and could offer some sort of unique demonic knowledge?
Just wondering.
I was hoping to PC as a thrall of Lord Dagon or something for fun if someone were to run this adventure.
Thanks in advance!
=^ _ ^=

office_ninja |

I actually ran a game with a warlock/ur-priest who worshiped Dagon. We didn't get to finish the game, but there weren't any conflicts. Traditionally Dagon has been an ally of Demogorgon, but we played it as though Dagon had finally had enough of his tanar'ric neighbor. The PC was in complete bliss while sailing the Abyssal ocean.