4ed. 4 word game

Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

from the Monster Manuel

But wait, there's more!

Señor Monster Manuel will

also feature exploding minions

, one from Column A,

Scarab Sages

and another from Column

Scarab Sages

Caryatid, but not doric.

Speaking of Greeks, Medusas

hair was reeeeeeeally snakey

but she was OGL

Scarab Sages

so everyone was accepting

Of her ophidian hairdo

Liberty's Edge

except for the pondhag

Scarab Sages

over in Swillheaven Pond.

Grendel's mom used to

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

sweep the floors at

Heorot back in the

Scarab Sages

day, and she had

the calluses to show

Scarab Sages

off in a contest.

Interestingly, 4e RPGA play

Liberty's Edge

will take place in

Kennebunkport Maine, where the

Liberty's Edge

Stephen King book: "The

Editioning" was set. King

Liberty's Edge

wasn't going to make

Scarab Sages

the same mistake three

point five edition players

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

made when they trusted

Scarab Sages

some greedy corporate bastards

to safeguard their beloved

gnomes. King knew that

true horror was when

Scarab Sages

dragonborn and minotaurs gathered

to fling poo at

previously unpooey monsters, like

the poo-less purple phasm.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

and the anally-challenged Greater

Scarab Sages

Zelekhut, the most rigid

member of the flumph

Scarab Sages

anti-defamation league, and

Scarab Sages

a known conspiracy theorist.

Liberty's Edge

My magic tinfoil hat,

Scarab Sages

the one with new

Scarab Sages

once per day powers,

can be purchased at

Liberty's Edge

many places -- BUT DON'T!

Only Heathansson has the

Liberty's Edge

no I don't neither.

Liberty's Edge

I really, really don't.

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