Obox-Ob minions?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Probably not related to Savage Tide, but James you being the Lord of all things Ob I was wondering If Obox-Ob had or has any minions similiar to Demogorgon's Orlath Demons? And If you could describe It as well? Just curious, I haven't gotten It yet but was the last Dragon Magazine going to have something with Obox-Ob In It? Thanx.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Well, I'm not James Jacobs (obviously), but I can tell you what the Fiendish Codex 1 says on the subject and since Mr. Jacobs penned much of that tome you could say it's straight from the T-Rex's mouth.

Ekolids. FC1 pg 38. Obyrith demons that embody the primal fear of infestation. Picture wolf-sized flying ants with lots of stinger-tipped tails. On Zionyn (layer 663 of the abyss), they advance by character class and carry gear appropriate to their level. Found elsewhere, they are less civilized, advance by hit dice, and don't carry gear.

Vigil wrote:

Well, I'm not James Jacobs (obviously), but I can tell you what the Fiendish Codex 1 says on the subject and since Mr. Jacobs penned much of that tome you could say it's straight from the T-Rex's mouth.

Ekolids. FC1 pg 38. Obyrith demons that embody the primal fear of infestation. Picture wolf-sized flying ants with lots of stinger-tipped tails. On Zionyn (layer 663 of the abyss), they advance by character class and carry gear appropriate to their level. Found elsewhere, they are less civilized, advance by hit dice, and don't carry gear.

Thanx Vigil, although I have the Info you just mentioned. I was just wondering If there were other unpublished abominations that James might want to share with us? Oh and James please more Fiendish Codex books! The next one has to be on Yugoloths.


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Well, we know James does love his bards almost as much as Obox-Ob. So let's smash 'em together and see what we get!

Droning Choir CR 10
Ekolid Bard 9
CE Small outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, obyrith)
FC1 pg 37
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60’, true seeing; listen +17, spot +14
Aura form of madness (60’ radius, will dc 24)
Languages Abyssal
AC 21 (+2 armor, +1 size, +4 dex, +4 nat); touch 15; flat-footed 17
hp 129 (15 HD); fast healing 5; DR 5/ cold iron or lawful
Immune mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +16
Speed 30’, climb 30’, fly 60’ (average)
Melee 6 stings +18 (1d4-1 plus implant egg (fort dc 23)) and bite +13
Space 5’; Reach 5’
Base Attack +12; Grapple +7
Special Actions bardic music 9/day (counter-song, fascinate, inspire
competence, inspire courage +2,inspire greatness, suggestion)
Spells caster level 9, save dc 15+ spell level (3/4/4/3)
3rd- displacement, haste, major image
2nd- beckoning call, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds, hold
1st- cause fear, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat,
feather fall
0th- dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, message,
prestidigitation, read magic
Special Qualities bardic knowledge, obyrith traits, quickness
Feats ability focus (form of madness), ability focus (implant egg),
combat reflexes, lightning reflexes, weapon finesse, weapon
focus (sting)
Skills balance +21, climb +22, concentration +13, hide +26, jump +13,
listen +17, move silently +16, perform (singing) +16, spot +14,
tumble +18
Possessions amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +2, cloak of
charisma +2, ring of protection +1

Vigil wrote:

Well, we know James does love his bards almost as much as Obox-Ob. So let's smash 'em together and see what we get!

Droning Choir CR 10
Ekolid Bard 9
CE Small outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, obyrith)
FC1 pg 37
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60’, true seeing; listen +17, spot +14
Aura form of madness (60’ radius, will dc 24)
Languages Abyssal
AC 21 (+2 armor, +1 size, +4 dex, +4 nat); touch 15; flat-footed 17
hp 129 (15 HD); fast healing 5; DR 5/ cold iron or lawful
Immune mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +16
Speed 30’, climb 30’, fly 60’ (average)
Melee 6 stings +18 (1d4-1 plus implant egg (fort dc 23)) and bite +13
Space 5’; Reach 5’
Base Attack +12; Grapple +7
Special Actions bardic music 9/day (counter-song, fascinate, inspire
competence, inspire courage +2,inspire greatness, suggestion)
Spells caster level 9, save dc 15+ spell level (3/4/4/3)
3rd- displacement, haste, major image
2nd- beckoning call, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds, hold
1st- cause fear, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat,
feather fall
0th- dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, message,
prestidigitation, read magic
Special Qualities bardic knowledge, obyrith traits, quickness
Feats ability focus (form of madness), ability focus (implant egg),
combat reflexes, lightning reflexes, weapon finesse, weapon
focus (sting)
Skills balance +21, climb +22, concentration +13, hide +26, jump +13,
listen +17, move silently +16, perform (singing) +16, spot +14,
tumble +18
Possessions amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +2, cloak of
charisma +2, ring of protection +1

Excellent Vigil! I love creating new creatures but stat blocks are a b!@#$, I hate doing the math. Hopefully soon I will have some drawings and paintings done that I have been working on as a tribute to the Savage Tide to show everyone on the board here. I've started a nice one of "Lynarra" and "Lillianth" and one of "Red Shroud" I want to show everyone my version of "Red Shroud", nothing against the artist's Involved they did an awesome job but I was expecting a lot more from "Red Shroud".


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Vigil wrote:

Well, we know James does love his bards almost as much as Obox-Ob. So let's smash 'em together and see what we get!

Droning Choir CR 10
Ekolid Bard 9
CE Small outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, obyrith)
FC1 pg 37
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60’, true seeing; listen +17, spot +14
Aura form of madness (60’ radius, will dc 24)
Languages Abyssal
AC 21 (+2 armor, +1 size, +4 dex, +4 nat); touch 15; flat-footed 17
hp 129 (15 HD); fast healing 5; DR 5/ cold iron or lawful
Immune mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +16
Speed 30’, climb 30’, fly 60’ (average)
Melee 6 stings +18 (1d4-1 plus implant egg (fort dc 23)) and bite +13
Space 5’; Reach 5’
Base Attack +12; Grapple +7
Special Actions bardic music 9/day (counter-song, fascinate, inspire
competence, inspire courage +2,inspire greatness, suggestion)
Spells caster level 9, save dc 15+ spell level (3/4/4/3)
3rd- displacement, haste, major image
2nd- beckoning call, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds, hold
1st- cause fear, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat,
feather fall
0th- dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, message,
prestidigitation, read magic
Special Qualities bardic knowledge, obyrith traits, quickness
Feats ability focus (form of madness), ability focus (implant egg),
combat reflexes, lightning reflexes, weapon finesse, weapon
focus (sting)
Skills balance +21, climb +22, concentration +13, hide +26, jump +13,
listen +17, move silently +16, perform (singing) +16, spot +14,
tumble +18
Possessions amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +2, cloak of
charisma +2, ring of protection +1

Awesome but there's only one problem... They're immune to Mind-affecting abilities... so bardic music won't help them much. I had thought to include a pair of Droners, a pair of Warmages, and a Pair of Scouts to lead a single Ekolid Mob (DMG2) as a basic unit of Obox's Obyrith Plague post PoD.

My players are Epic and I've infested Yggdrasil with the Ekolids (as I replaced the Phanatons with Ratatosk in my Planar based STAP). I'm trying to build a forward command post for their Infestation (ala Incursion) and want to have some simple units that they can unleash Epic firepower on without worrying too much about XP (but still remaining a threat) and saving the command staff as the real goal of the Epic Raid.

Very Starship Troopers.

--Vrock and Awe!

savagedave22 wrote:
I was wondering If Obox-Ob had or has any minions

According to this article:

- ekolids (Fiendish Codex I p.38)
- abyssal ant swarms (Fiend Folio p.166)
- brood keepers (Monster Manual III p.20), and
- cheliceras (Monster Manual III p.27)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Matthew Vincent wrote:
savagedave22 wrote:
I was wondering If Obox-Ob had or has any minions

According to this article:

- ekolids (Fiendish Codex I p.38)
- abyssal ant swarms (Fiend Folio p.166)
- brood keepers (Monster Manual III p.20), and
- cheliceras (Monster Manual III p.27)

I'm trying to make a H.I.V.E. build using an Ekolid Vermin Lord for my Epic level PC's... just need to scale it down a bit.

The build itself is gamebreaking under the standard rules for a Hivemind in the BoVD (3.0) and the rules for Swarms in 3.5. I'm ok with a swarm casting spells as a 30+ level Sorcerer, but the numbers need to be tweaked!

Anyone else familiar with this and what Madness and Buggy style spells would ou recommend for the H.I.V.E.???

In my campaign, Cerratakatha (the giant scorpion of the Infamous Seven) is a leftover from the old Olman empire - an Olman noble family secretly worshipped Obox-ob, and when the empire fell, Cerratakatha, who had been a servitor to the family cult, lived on. He's now an Awakened Colossal Monstrous Scorpion of Legend Cleric 4 (who's taken Practised Spellcaster a couple of times - you have not seen ANYTHING like a str 45 creature that can use cleric combat buffs on itself at caster level 17...)

Though for more unexpected minions I'd be making liberal use of the Insectile template from Savage Species, with my usual cheerful disregard as to which templates are permissable on which creature types. Three-headed insectile basilisk? Insectile lernean hydra? Fiendish kaiju leechwalker? Whirling frenzy variant bebilith barbarian?

(I love templates, in case you hadn't noticed...)

Humble Minion wrote:

In my campaign, Cerratakatha (the giant scorpion of the Infamous Seven) is a leftover from the old Olman empire - an Olman noble family secretly worshipped Obox-ob, and when the empire fell, Cerratakatha, who had been a servitor to the family cult, lived on. He's now an Awakened Colossal Monstrous Scorpion of Legend Cleric 4 (who's taken Practised Spellcaster a couple of times - you have not seen ANYTHING like a str 45 creature that can use cleric combat buffs on itself at caster level 17...)

Though for more unexpected minions I'd be making liberal use of the Insectile template from Savage Species, with my usual cheerful disregard as to which templates are permissable on which creature types. Three-headed insectile basilisk? Insectile lernean hydra? Fiendish kaiju leechwalker? Whirling frenzy variant bebilith barbarian?

(I love templates, in case you hadn't noticed...)

If you do not already have it, I recommend the Book of Templates, Deluxe Edition by Goodman Games. The binding is only so-so ... but I'm rough on my game books.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Crikey, Humble Minion, have you posted the stats for that bad boy anywhere?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Ya know I was looking for the insectile template... I thought it was in a dungeon issue, buty now I know to look in SS. I'm thinking some Insectile Giants and Linnorms are called for considering the ekolid plague has infested Yggdrasil.

--King of Vrock!

primemover003 wrote:

Ya know I was looking for the insectile template... I thought it was in a dungeon issue, buty now I know to look in SS. I'm thinking some Insectile Giants and Linnorms are called for considering the ekolid plague has infested Yggdrasil.

--King of Vrock!

Nummy non-OGL templates in Savage Species ... ^_^

Think we need a "Deathbug" Template in place of it ...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Well I tweaked the BoVD Hivemind numbers taking the Swarm subtype into account. Considering you start with as small as 300 in a swarm and can get up to 10,000 the RAW was broken beyond belief! I figure because you can only include creatures within 10 feet of the Vermin Lord (i.e a 5' radius) then only one "swarm" can be included into the "hivemind" because you can't fit two swarms into the same space, but you can swarm yourself (the verminlord)

Also you add in this change to the formulas...
base # 50 creatures = Int 5/Chr 1
+1/20 up to 150 = Int 10/Chr 6
+1/50 up to 1500 = Int 37/Chr 33
+1/500 > 1500
+1 skill pt./hd for every Int bonus, +1 Sorcerer level per point > Chr 17... I might still tweak the skills and feats gained though.

Tiny swarm
+1 skill pt/hd, +1 feat

Tiny swarm, flying
+8 skill pt/hd, +8 feats, Sor CL 6th

Diminutive swarm
+13 skill pt/hd, +13 feats, Sor CL 16th

Diminutive swarm, flying
+17 skill pt/hd, +17 feats, Sor CL 23rd

Fine swar
+22 skill pt/hd, +22 feats, Sor CL 33rd

Now it's Epic ready since you are min 17th level to pull this trick off and it doesn't completely break the game because a single swarm casting as a CL 33rd sorcerer + the vermin lord's spells is a decent BBEG challenge for a 23rd level party.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Humble Minion wrote:

In my campaign, Cerratakatha (the giant scorpion of the Infamous Seven) is a leftover from the old Olman empire - an Olman noble family secretly worshipped Obox-ob, and when the empire fell, Cerratakatha, who had been a servitor to the family cult, lived on. He's now an Awakened Colossal Monstrous Scorpion of Legend Cleric 4 (who's taken Practised Spellcaster a couple of times - you have not seen ANYTHING like a str 45 creature that can use cleric combat buffs on itself at caster level 17...)

Though for more unexpected minions I'd be making liberal use of the Insectile template from Savage Species, with my usual cheerful disregard as to which templates are permissable on which creature types. Three-headed insectile basilisk? Insectile lernean hydra? Fiendish kaiju leechwalker? Whirling frenzy variant bebilith barbarian?

(I love templates, in case you hadn't noticed...)

Where were the infamous seven detailed, Dragon? I'll have to dig through the Savage Tiding articles.

Ooo... Kaiju template! I'll be certain to whip that on a Monstrous Vermin for sure!!! And I think that the Beblith are strange enough to be evolved Obryiths. They never were said to have liked the tanar'ri...

primemover003 wrote:
Humble Minion wrote:

In my campaign, Cerratakatha (the giant scorpion of the Infamous Seven) is a leftover from the old Olman empire - an Olman noble family secretly worshipped Obox-ob, and when the empire fell, Cerratakatha, who had been a servitor to the family cult, lived on. He's now an Awakened Colossal Monstrous Scorpion of Legend Cleric 4 (who's taken Practised Spellcaster a couple of times - you have not seen ANYTHING like a str 45 creature that can use cleric combat buffs on itself at caster level 17...)

Though for more unexpected minions I'd be making liberal use of the Insectile template from Savage Species, with my usual cheerful disregard as to which templates are permissable on which creature types. Three-headed insectile basilisk? Insectile lernean hydra? Fiendish kaiju leechwalker? Whirling frenzy variant bebilith barbarian?

(I love templates, in case you hadn't noticed...)

Where were the infamous seven detailed, Dragon? I'll have to dig through the Savage Tiding articles.

Ooo... Kaiju template! I'll be certain to whip that on a Monstrous Vermin for sure!!! And I think that the Beblith are strange enough to be evolved Obryiths. They never were said to have liked the tanar'ri...

The infamous Seven were named, but the ones who weren't actually used in the STAP were never detailed as far as I can recall. A dragon turtle, a dragon, a dragon eel, an ankylosaur, a t-rex, a shambling mound, and a scorpion.

I've used the shambling mound (advanced to 20hd, given a modified half-fiend template, and worshipped by a tribe of lizardfolk rangers with Favoured Enemy: human). Will post his stat block and that of Cerratakatha when I get the chance, in the next week or so hopefully. The dragon has been involved in the plot on a political level, but has not required a stat block yet (though the time is coming...).

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