Lilith |

Clockwork creature, available in the Advanced Bestiary as well as Monte Cook's Year's Best d20 2004.

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Anyone got a good source for a clockwork/steampunk template and/or adventure (preferably published in dungeon) featuring clockwork/steampunk goodness? The closest thing I can think of is Karbrinax's Machinations, but I'm unhappy with the adventure on several fronts (the tech feels way too modern).
I haven't run it, but Dungeon 126 -- Clockwork Fortress looked pretty good for an adventure.
As far as templates are concerned, you could take a look at the effigy template from Complete Arcane is probably the closest you will get to what you are probably looking for. You might also want to take a look at the half-golem template (Monster Manual II) or the Aleax template (Book of Exalted Deeds) for additional inspiration.
Hope that helps.

BenS |

Sebastian wrote:Anyone got a good source for a clockwork/steampunk template and/or adventure (preferably published in dungeon) featuring clockwork/steampunk goodness? The closest thing I can think of is Karbrinax's Machinations, but I'm unhappy with the adventure on several fronts (the tech feels way too modern).I haven't run it, but Dungeon 126 -- Clockwork Fortress looked pretty good for an adventure.
That was a fun adventure. Wolfgang Baur wrote it, and it's a sequel of sorts to "Raiders of the Black Ice" (don't have exact issue by my side). WB wrote up the basics of a clockwork city for his 1st issue of "Kobold Quarterly" too, though nothing as specific as what you're looking for Sebastian.
I just ran "Kambranex's Machinations" a while ago. I guess the tech was a bit on the "high" side, but I still thought it was a fun romp. I changed a few things (made the Flan an Olman tribe, and stuck it on the eastern edge of the Hellfurnaces in the Hold of the Sea Princes). Anyway, what about just using the half-machine template from this adventure?

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Alternate Reality 1066AD
I was doing an alt reality 1066AD setting where the Normans in their early incursions (989AD) north of France into the Duchy of Utrect and Gelderland run afoul of the Demon Queen of Thuringia and her armies. As such the Normans do not invade England in 1066, but rather the Demon Queen's Sister (The Witch Queen of England) establishes England as her holding.
The DemonQueen curses England with an affliction. Injuries do not heal. As a consequence, The Witchqueen of England seeks the aide of some BlackDwarves who create a clockwerk mechanism.
The Dead are used to create an army of Clockwerk soldiers, the injured can have limbs replaced with clockwerk limbs. But all must be continually wound by the Queen's Keymen for them to function.
It was designed to place the PCs in a situation where even the Woodsman who might be Lawful Good, is vulnerable to the fact that He will turn the PC's in because her Keymen wind the clockwerk leg that replaced the one that was crushed by a tree fall.
More importantly, no clerical magic works in witch lands unless the Cleric is supported by a witchburning mob of religious fanatics.

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I can vagually recall a Class Acts article from a recent (well, last year or two anyway) issue of Dragon which had a thing about clockwork monks or something similar. It included something along the lines of bio-clockwork components and some new feats IIRC. I'll see if I can find it and give you a reference.
Also, the Remade template from the China Mieville issue of Dragon may have the right sort of flavour?

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I can vagually recall a Class Acts article from a recent (well, last year or two anyway) issue of Dragon which had a thing about clockwork monks or something similar. It included something along the lines of bio-clockwork components and some new feats IIRC. I'll see if I can find it and give you a reference.
Also, the Remade template from the China Mieville issue of Dragon may have the right sort of flavour?
Class Acts Warrior from Dragon 351
Clockwork Disciple
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flash_cxxi wrote:That's the one flash_cxxi, thanks!
Class Acts Warrior from Dragon 351
Clockwork Disciple
No Problem Mothman it was my pleasure.
I personally didn't mind this article, but I thought that it could have been expanded outside of the Class Acts Article and given more depth. To my mind it just didn't give enough options for a PC. It was excellent for NPCs tho.
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Thanks everyone. Clockwork Fortress is perfect; I knew I had seem a good clockwork adventure in Dungeon at some point.
Thanks for the references to the issues of Dragon too. I've already incorporated those pieces into the campaign. A character got kidnapped and became one of the mechanical creatures (can't remember the name) from the China Mellville issue of dragon and has the mechanical implat feat from the class acts issue as well. That template is a little too weak and the template from Kabrinax's Mechinations is a little too strong (and I don't have access to the source cited by Lilith). Oh well, guess I'll just tweak one of those a little.

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A character got kidnapped and became one of the mechanical creatures (can't remember the name) from the China Mellville issue of dragon and has the mechanical implat feat from the class acts issue as well. That template is a little too weak and the template from Kabrinax's Mechinations is a little too strong (and I don't have access to the source cited by Lilith). Oh well, guess I'll just tweak one of those a little.
Possibly another place for some inspiration could be grafts. I think that there are warforged grafts that might work for your circumstances. Faiths of Eberron has some. Hope that helps.