Gobbo's Savage Tide


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mevers wrote:
I am assuming I can take 10 on the climb check as I am unrushed and not distracted?

The Studded Leather has an ACP of -1, and he doesn't have a Str bonus, but we'll call it good anyhow.

After watching Harven scamper up the rigging, Tyndal mutters, "Just like militia training," and hauls himself up the side of the ship (Climb Roll 11), armor and all. He quickly moves to join his smaller compatriot beneath the cover of the tarpaulins.

From Harven's new vantage point, he can see the two sailors on deck appear preoccupied with some last minute tasks. A third pirate emerges from below decks and declares, "Vark says we leave in 20, so shake a leg."

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

1d20+3=15 Climb
1d20+3=12 Move silently
While not in an amazingly stealthy manner, Terin climbs up to the deck, shifts into the black form of a panther and ducks behind anything close to cover him from view.
Shifted into Predator Form, a swift action. My strength goes up by 4 and I gain some speed and a bite attack. How close is the closest guard to me?

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Someone should roll initiative for our party, the panther is gonna pounce real soon!

Terin 'The Beast' Talonshift wrote:
How close is the closest guard to me?

The thugs are fairly well spread out: with one on the quarterdeck, one at the forecastle, and the newest thug (having come from below) standing in the middle of the main deck.

The closest opponent (the new pirate) is roughly 5 feet away, but your direct approach is blocked by rain barrels (which you discover beneath the taurpulins).

At present, I have Harven, Tyndal, and Terin on deck of the "Nixie," with Eldin, Anders, and Seann below on the "Low Tide."

If you wish to act now, before the others come up, a surprise round (in your favor) is in order.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000
G'mork wrote:
If you wish to act now, before the others come up, a surprise round (in your favor) is in order.

Well alrighty then..

"The Beast" leaps from behind the rain barrel and tries to rip out the closest crewmember's throat. Attack= 13, Damage= 7 (if he hits)

Male Human Sorcerer 2

Terin, did that attack roll include the +1 bonus from the DM? I think you left it out.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000
Anders Delymbir wrote:
Terin, did that attack roll include the +1 bonus from the DM? I think you left it out.

Oops, Yes I did. So a 14 to hit.

Terin 'The Beast' Talonshift wrote:
"The Beast" leaps from behind the rain barrel and tries to rip out the closest crewmember's throat.

The massive, dark-coloured hunting cat bursts forth and tears the surprised thug nearly in twain with its inhuman bite. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the wound appears to be a mortal one. This thug has a single hit point remaining.

The other two crewmembers whirl in alarm at his gurgling sob, but simply stare open-mouthed; caught completely off guard by the sudden appearance of the feral beast.

Harven and Tyndal may act in the surprise round as well.

After which, group opponent initiative roll is: 14.

Vark and Bark: 16
Thugs: 14
Unknown Entity: 20

Male Human Sorcerer 2

Who should roll party initiative?

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000
Anders Delymbir wrote:
Who should roll party initiative?

Go for it...

Male Human Sorcerer 2

Yeah, well, I have a bada$$ initiative, so I'm happy to do it, but I hope it's cool for the DM.

Still, just to save time....

Anders' initiative roll (1d20+6=9)

HA! My base d20 roll was no better than yours, a 3.

Holy crap, are you guys ever lucky you have the element of surprise! :P

Terin (already acted)
Tyndal (can post in whatever order you like though, I'm on my way to bed as it is)
-----End of Surprise Round----
Unknown Thing which is skipping a round
Vark & Bark (likely due to skip a round)
Tyndal / Seann

Male Human Sorcerer 2

I act late enough that sounds of combat will be audible, I imagine.

As long as I can hear a fight, or if Harven gives the signal, I cast my wing-sound illusion.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

"Aw, they started without me," grumbles Seann. He begins to haul himself up one of the ropes hanging over the gunwale of the Nixie. The mage scurries over the side just in time to see Terin spring towards one of the thugs on board.

Climb: 19 + 3 Str = 22

Should I roll initiative?

Male Whisper Gnome Scout 1 / Ranger 1

Harven looses an arrow at the nearest pirate not engaged in melee.

Attack Roll (1d20+7=25). Hit!! For Damage (1d4=4).

Male Human Sorcerer 2
Seann Eoghan wrote:
Should I roll initiative?

I think our illustrious DM is only taking one roll for the group.

Anders Delymbir wrote:
As long as I can hear a fight, or if Harven gives the signal, I cast my wing-sound illusion.

I had forgotten that you had a readied action. I'll place the auditory illusion into the surprise round. Technically, Eldin could obscuring mist now if he wanted too as well.

Seann Eoghan wrote:
Should I roll initiative?

No need; for the PbP, it'll go a little smoother if we do one roll for each side and apply modifiers, rather than waiting for each roll to post and then moving on to who goes when. If the posts go a little out of order, that's cool too, I'll sort them out as we go.

The uncannily accurate bolt loosed by the diminutive man strikes the forecastle pirate in her midsection. With a sharp intake of breath and a howl of pain, she pulls the arrow free and pans the deck for the source of the projectile. This pirate has 4 hit points remaining.

As Tyndal prepares to act, out of the corner of his eye he notices Seann scramble over the railing and onto the “Nixie.”

Simultaneously, a horrifying noise reaches your ears: The sluggish beating of giant wings, seemingly without an identifiable cause.

G'mork wrote:

I had forgotten that you had a readied action. I'll place the auditory illusion into the surprise round. Technically, Eldin could obscuring mist now if he wanted too as well.

Eldin will hold off on casting his spell at this stage – now that we’ve established a beach head on deck, it would probably hinder us more than help. I’ll wait for my init to come around before acting I think.

Good deal

Going to hold the thugs' movement until Tyndal's action, because it may drop one of them.

While we are waiting, I'd like to announce a few between-level awards:

Bonus Skill: +1 Sense Motive for Anders
Bonus Skill: +1 Profession (Sailor) for Eldin
Bonus Skill: +1 Diplomacy for Terin
Bonus Skill: +1 Knowledge (local) for Seann
Bonus Ability: Message 1/day for (CL1) for Harven (who has managed to unlock this racial ability despite his low charisma).

Tyndal hasn't been able to post much yet, but barring the results of this combat, it looks like he might get to keep (and fix up) the boat, so I will hold off on other rewards just yet.

Please update your character sheets at your convenience.

G'mork wrote:

While we are waiting, I'd like to announce a few between-level awards:

Bonus Skill: +1 Sense Motive for Anders
Bonus Skill: +1 Profession (Sailor) for Eldin
Bonus Skill: +1 Diplomacy for Terin
Bonus Skill: +1 Knowledge (local) for Seann
Bonus Ability: Message 1/day for (CL1) for Harven (who has managed to unlock this racial ability despite his low charisma).

Tyndal hasn't been able to post much yet, but barring the results of this combat, it looks like he might get to keep (and fix up) the boat, so I will hold off on other rewards just yet.

Please update your character sheets at your convenience.

Hey, nice, thanks!

Male Human Fighter 3

I throw a javelin at the thug on the forecastle.



Tyndal Maelglum wrote:
I throw a javelin at the thug on the forecastle.


Tyndal’s flung javelin squarely impales the already wounded thug, widening the preexisting arrow hole by volumes. She topples over the railing, lifeless, without so much as a whimper.

The thug at the center of the ship, already injured and terrified by the thought of what might be creating such a sound overhead, leaps from the “Blue Nixie” (double move, untrained jump check, result 12 + 1 Str bonus = failure, and takes 1 point of damage) onto the “Low Tide.” Unfortunately, he lands imperfectly, and, already gravely wounded, the fall renders him comatose. Though the thug seems stable, the impact appears to have jarred the caulk loose from the impromptu repair in the hull of the boat, and you can clearly see greenish, foamy water boiling up into the craft from beneath his prone form.

The remaining thug at the Quarterdeck picks up a nearby (loaded) crossbow (move action) and fires at the beast he witnessed maul his compatriot. Panicked beyond reason, the shot misses by a wide margin and flies impotently over the bow.

Two more thugs arrive this round from below, one from each side of the ship, drawn by the noise of the conflict. (The thugs double moved to arrive here, and neither will act this round.) While one simply stares agape at the carnage, the other yells in a loud voice, “Vark! Vark, get up here, it’s a double cross!”

Anders' up.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

RAAARRRRRRAAAWWW! Free action, why not!

Male Human Sorcerer 2

"For my next trick...." And how glad am I that some more opponents have arrived to witness this?

Anders will cast silent image and have a large, hideous bat-crow-thing take a swoop over the deck and back out into the darkness, preferable buzzing one of the remaining thugs if I can make a guess as to where one is, if not, oh well...

The ghost sound only lasted one round, so it ende, but a silent glide should hopefully have quite an impact, and their imaginations will likely fill in the rest.

PHB p. 279, the range is long, so I can move the image fully in and out of the darkness. The size of the image can be up to the size of about a huge creature (if I'm interpreting correctly). The duration of the image is concentration, so it's up as long as I want it, but after the swooping pas, it will stay out in the darkness for a moment, and maybe get some further sound support.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

Also, the ghost sound would have lasted the full round, so the thugs running up on deck would have caught the tail end of the sound loop.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Harven is next, right?

Harven circles around the side of the ship, before loosing another arrow, this time at one of the thugs who just arrived on deck.

Attack Roll (1d20+7=8)
Damn I hate rolling ones. I hope we aren't using critical fumbles?

For future reference, Harven is using a shortbow, not a crossbow, so he fires arrows, not bolts.

This is out of order, but I think that’s probably alright…

Eldin carefully picks his way across the boat towards the unconscious thug who has landed in the craft. While he does so, he tries to assess the size of the hole letting in the water, and how long he has before the small craft begins to sink. Intelligence check? 12+2 = 14. Eldin should still have an action left – how he uses it may depend on the result of that check. Also, is Anders the only one left in the Low Tide?

Male Human Sorcerer 2

I may be. It may be time to abandon our poor craft. Repairing it is, I think, beyond my ability.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

Seann mutters a quick incantation, and the head of his spear begins to glow with an eldritch green fire.

Seann takes his action to cast magic weapon on his spear.

Yep, abandoning it may make sense at this point. If it's feasible, Eldin may try to bail some water out, rip a strip off the sail and try to stop the hole with that - not a long term solution by any means, but may keep it afloat for a few more minutes. As a priest of the Travelling God, he hates to see a method of conveyance die such an ignoble death! He's also going to try to keep this thug from drowning ... not sure that he can do both, but we'll see!

mevers wrote:
I hope we aren't using critical fumbles?

Nah. Only if it really advances the storyline in some meaningful way.

Harven wrote:

so he fires arrows, not bolts.

I know, but I hate using the same noun repeatedly, so I shuffled it a bit at the expense of accuracy. ;)

Eldin Farstrider wrote:
While he does so, he tries to assess the size of the hole letting in the water, and how long he has before the small craft begins to sink.

We'll call the whole thing a move action and leave you with a standard action.

Surprisingly, the damage isn't as bad as it first appeared. Your best guess is that the little ship is in no immediate danger of sinking, but would certainly do so if left unattended.

More recap after I do some real work, refill my beverage, and run to the bathroom.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

The Beast sees 2 fresh targets emerge from the opposite ends of the ship but another shoots a bolt in his direction so that one draws his wrath. The Beast moves to attack the thug, swiping with a vicious claw.
18 to hit, and 7 damage
I can move up to 50' and attack in my form so I should be able to reach just about anyone on the ship if I am in the middle of it in one move I would think.
"KKKKEEERRRRROOOOWWWWWW!" roars the beast, coated in gore.

Eldin Farstrider wrote:
This is out of order,

No biggie, I'll just put it in the correct spot before I start the thug's turn. I think we're only missing Tyndal's action and the second half of Eldin's action.

Eldin glances up at Anders, who appears to be concentrating on his spell. “I think I can stop this tug from sinking,” he says, “and it might be good to have a means of escape should our laces come undone upstairs. But if I give the word, get up the rope, or be prepared to swim.”

The priest shifts the body of the unconscious thug so that he can get to the gap between the timbers of the small boat. Plunging his hand into the cold waters that are beginning to fill the bottom of the boat, he puts his palm over the gap and offers a short prayer to Fharlanghn. Beneath his hand, the gap closes up as tightly as if it had been caulked by a master craftsman. standard action: Cast Mending on the gap in the timber

Tryin' to keep this boat alive for you FH!

Nice work! As promised, I won't try to sink it again (unless y'all do something foolish). Mostly I wanted to see whether you would choose to remain on the boat and deal with those circumstances, or charge up into the fray. Good times.

Ok, so far we have:

Anders' flappy monstrosity appears.

Harven's arm is jarred by Terin's sudden charge, and his arrow thunks solidly into the deck, quivering violently.

Terin (in beast form) brutalizes the thug with the unloaded crossbow. This thug has a 1 hit point remaining.

Tyndal's action.

Seann casts his spell. I believe you still have a move action if you would like to take it.

Eldin walks over, lifts the thug, and then plugs the leak. Modest amount of standing water above and below deck, but otherwise the little boat is good to go again.

Nice descriptions everyone. :)

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

Who is up next?

The Beast -Terin wrote:
Who is up next?

Waiting on Tyndal's chosen course of action before I thug out.

Male Human Fighter 3

I think Im up

Tyndal steps from behind the crates, pulling his flail and charging the two thugs that have just arrived.

1d20+6=17 +2 hit, -2 AC for charging


Should that roll drop one, here's his Cleave



"That was your warning, any of you left that want to live, better get swimming"

Tyndal Maelglum wrote:
Tyndal steps from behind the crates, pulling his flail and charging the two thugs that have just arrived.

The new thugs are on opposite sides of the ship, but the wounded thug (from Terin, on the quarterdeck) is next to a new thug, so we'll assume you charged that way for the cleave.

Tyndal thunders across the deck plates, battering the previously injured thug in the forehead with his lethally accurate strike. Just as quickly, he whirls and removes a second thug from the conflict with the backswing of his flail. (followed by Seann and Eldin’s actions stated previously)

The remaining adversary on deck of the “Nixie” decides his chances of survival are much better negotiating with human opponents, and fires his crossbow at the dreadful crow-beast haunting the blue-black above the craft. (Will save 1d20-1 = 2) He utters an excited victory howl over what appears to be a volley into empty air.

Two more thugs appear this round at the quarterdeck with sabers drawn. One gasps for air, thoroughly winded due to the quick sprint from below, but the other appears to have some fight left in him. He stabs fervently at the strange catlike monstrosity before him, and manages to breach Terin’s thick hide painfully (Attack 1d20+2 = 18 Damage 1d6+1 = 7 -> Terin takes 7 points of damage. ).

You hear the sound(s) of a man cursing and a hound baying from the stairwell at the forecastle.

For convenience: There is a single uninjured thug at the forecastle, attacking Anders' illusion. There are two fresh thugs at the quarterdeck, adjacent to Terin and Tyndal. Harven and Seann are in the middle of the Nixie. Eldin and Anders are below on the Low Tide. Vark and Bark are likely to arrive next round..

Anders (next)
Tyndal / Seann

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)
G'mork wrote:

Seann casts his spell. I believe you still have a move action if you would like to take it.

Seann begins to skirt around the edge of the battle, heading towards the door that the thugs have been pouring through.

Move Silently: 12 + 2 = 14. I doubt it matters, since there's a freakin' battle going on about ten feet away, but it couldn't hurt.

Seann Eoghan wrote:
I doubt it matters, since there's a freakin' battle going on about ten feet away, but it couldn't hurt.

ROFL. Where the crap did that mage with the flaming spear go? He's so quiet!

Male Human Sorcerer 2

"You seem to have stopped the leak for the moment, Eldin. Still I believe I will now do more good on deck. Have a care with that thug. I don't want him waking up and overpowering you. And give a holler if the boat starts to leak again."

Since we have yet to be discovered down here, can I still take 10 on a climb roll, or will I have to roll?

Also, I'll send Fidget up the rope. With a climb +10, he should be able to automatically make it.

Just to save time:

If I can take 10, I get a 10.

If I must roll, Anders' climb roll (1d20=14)

Either way, I make it. I'll try to be unnoticable behind the tarp covered stuff, there's more important things for the thugs to worry about at the moment.

I'm fine with you taking 10 if you aren't in a rush to get to the deck, seeing as no one is attacking either of you. Honestly though, since it is only 10 feet, and you rolled a success anyhow, do you want to call it a move action and still take a standard action? I'm forgiving that way.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

In which case, I will take my standard action to have my bat-crow illusion swoop down for a savage bite attack on the uninjured thug on the forecastle.

Male Whisper Gnome Scout 1 / Ranger 1

I know it is not Harven's turn, but to save time...

Harven continues to negotiate the Deck of the Nixie, looking for a nice place with cover that also gives him a nice opening to loose another arrow. Move Action (10 - 30 Feat) to trigger skirmish.

Finding a nice position, he then lets fly with another arrow at one of the thugs. Who is within 30 feet (for PBS & Skirmish) and not in melee

Attack Roll (1d20+8=27) Hit!! for 2+3 = 5 Damage .

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