Gobbo's Savage Tide


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“Vanderboren…” murmers Eldin upon receiving the invitation from Kora. “Ah, yes, young Lavinia, I’m sure that I have seen her at the shrine on occasion. Yes, I will be there, but I may be running rather late, as I have some duties to perform at the Shrine in the late afternoon. But I shall be there. I do like the beginning of journeys…”


On the evening indicated on the invitation, Eldin hurries towards the Vanderboren Manor. It is located not too far from the Shrine to Fharlanghn, but the priest was administering to pilgrims all the afternoon, and was now running late to dinner. Of course, he may not have been so late had he not stopped to bathe and change his garments, but it would hardly be polite to show up for dinner unwashed after a day of toil – particularly a dinner with an associate of the Dawn Council.


On the way through the Manor gates, he passes a band of what appear to be adventurers, but they hardly spare him a glance, hurrying on their way. He is let into the Manor by a rather grumpy looking Kora, and slips into the dining room, giving a polite bow of his head to the lovely young woman who appears to be their host, and takes a seat at the end of the table, catching most of Lavinia’s speech.

When she finishes speaking, and one of the other guests, a bald headed, unshaven man has asked a question, Eldin stands and bows again, unconsciously pushing a strand of his long blonde hair out of his face.

“My lady, my sincere apologies on my tardiness this eve – and also my sincere condolences on your recent loss. I will surely miss your mother’s visits to our humble shrine.

“Allow me to introduce myself to the assemblage, I am Eldin Farstrider, servant of the Horizon Walker. I will certainly offer my skills to help you in your current situation Miss Vanderboren – a ship should be sailing, free, not held at dock through reasons of petty bureaucracy – or worse yet, corruption. Just as importantly, you have a right to your own property, and no rules or laws – just or unjust – should keep you from that right.

“I will pledge my help in this. Diplomacy and logic are perhaps more my forte, but I am a man of action where action is required.”

After saying his piece, he nods politely to those at the table and resumes his seat.

Diplomacy to Lavinia: 17+7 = 24

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

I too accept your offer, if only to play my part in the natural order. You may not possess the skills to regain your lost funds and ship but you do possess the resources to obtain such skills from myself and possibly the others here. *turns to Lyssa* What say you? I would see you using your natural abilities under adverse conditions. Tis a site I would cherish, truly.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

Not wanting to appear ungrateful, Bynoc slips on the ring from Kora just before knocking on the door. He offers her a rare smile, and then attempts to fade into the growing crowd of adventurers.

After brusquely greeting the other attendees, “Even dire company would be better than no company,” and avoiding the obviously well-to-do adventuring company already in Vanderboren employ, Bynoc leans against a back wall and listens intently to what Lavaina has to say.

Knowing it would be pointless to inquire about the overdrawn and uncaring authorities, Bynoc broaches the subject of Lavina’s recent inheritance with his typical straightforwardness; “I never knew my parents, what happened to yours?”

Male Whisper Gnome Scout 1 / Ranger 1

Trying to stay out of everyone's way, and not draw any attention to myself, I carefully study the "big folk" in the room. Never one for strangers (especially in crowds), I am happy to let them draw attention to themselves.

Resolving to accept Lavinia's offer, I non-the-less find it hard to actually let her know over the chatter of the group. When I finally can get a word in, I quietly say "I will accept your offer m'dam. I doubt any of these guys are capable of stealth, which it appears will be needed in this undertaking."

Eldin starts at the grotesque half-orc’s question to Lavinia, and tries to catch the man’s eye, shaking his head slightly. Obviously if the woman has recently inherited, the loss of her parents is quite recent, and such a forum is probably not where she would choose to discuss such things. The half orc – a warrior of some type by the look of him – was obviously not much used to social graces.

In fact, looking around, a few of those in the room could fall into that category. It looked like Eldin may have to end up being the voice of reason and diplomacy in this little escapade, although the attractive, dark haired human woman had a presence about her too…

Suddenly, there is a quiet voice somewhere around Eldin’s knees, and looking down he sees a strange looking gnome, speaking about his skill with stealth. So, they had a warrior in the half orc, the gnome was a stealthy fellow, the elf looked like an out-doorsman, and he, Eldin, a priest… he didn’t know about the woman or the bald headed man, but both were lightly armed and armoured, and seemed quite personable – perhaps sorcerers? Well, they should have a wide range of abilities available to them in helping Lavinia.

“Lady Vanderboren,” Eldin begins again, giving a polite nod to the half-orc and the gnome, “Where may we find this scoundrel Vark? At the Harbourmaster’s office? Or did you mention that he is actually aboard your ship?”

Male Human Sorcerer 2

"As my compatriots say, I will be glad to assist you in the recovery of your vessel, and hopefully your father's signet ring as well."

Sorry for being late with my post. Most of the time I'll only be able to post once per day. Gobbo, feel free to DM Ballast if I'm holding up the game.

Ballast walks into the atrium, his nearly seven foot tall frame filling the doorway. The lamp light plays across the silver plating of his armored skin. He carries a large, thick longbow and a flail. His only covering is a grey cloak, bordered with blue arrow heads, and fastened with a brooch in the shape of a dragon's skull. He stands silently in the corner of the room, surveying the other figures.

When the others walk into the dinning room, he follows, last through the door. He neither sits nor partakes of the food, but stands, silent and still as stone in the back corner of the room, listening to the conversations of the others in the room. Finally, when the chatter lulls, he steps forward and speaks. His voice is smooth and deep, like honey poured over thunder. "My lady, you honor me with this request. My bow yours."

A note on Ballast's personality: Ballast was trained to be a body gaurd. That is the only reason for his existance. When his orriginal owner was killed, Ballast felt a deep emptiness. When he helped Zasker, he thought he may have found a replacement, but Zasker was not interested in having a body gaurd. He now sees Lavina as another chance at purpose and will attempt to place himself as her personal gaurdsman.

My parents... were killed in a tragic fire a month ago

sense motive DC 15

she is holding something back

That scoundrel Vark is aboard my ship! He is holed up there with his men... armred to the teeth! I suggest you expect a fight when you arrive.

Female Halfling Rogue1

Sense Motive

Lyssa takes note of Lavinia's hesitation in speaking of the fire, but now is not the time to press. She looks around at the assembled party, her eyes lingering on the half-orc and the warforged, then with a small smile for Terin.

"Lady Vanderboren, for the reward you offer, I believe this group will easily be able to recover that ship and ring from a band of thugs. As with the Walker, here, my skills are more with word than blade, but I find them to be sometimes surprisingly effective."

Diplomacy (26)

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

Helpless nobles? Pfft, this was my future?
I wonder if 200 is enough to get me away from here on a ship?
At least clanky here doesn't look like he'd leave me for dead, still, never can tell.

Sense Motive Failure (12).

"Sorry bout' your folks; I know what it's like to be trapped by flames; that's just no way to go. Count me in, your ladyship."

aye, Ms Storm. I expect that diplomacy will not do much as far as Vark is concerned. He will attack you if you even attempt to board the ship.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Then he will find he has grabbed the tiger by the tail, or the panther as the case may be. *Terin shapeshifts into a black panther, gives a feral growl and shifts back with a beastial grin.*

Lavinia giggles "How... bestial of you."

Male, but you really don't want to know how to check gender on a beholder... Human. You just can't beat that extra feat and those extra skill points. Gamer 20 (specialist school - DMing)/Theater Tech 15/Writer 10/ Slacker 30

Aaaaand mwbeeler's post has disappeared again. WTF? Well, at least I saw it the last time around. Somebody should go tell CS at Paizo that the board is randomly eating posts.

There is a disturbence in the force...

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

Where is your ship docked, Lady Vanderboren? Also, you seem to know this Vark person, should we visit the ship during the day, or in the dead of night?

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

If we are expecting trouble then I would vote for a night-time rendevous *winks in Lyssa's direction*. We wouldn't want the watch on us, even though we are doing what I believe is the right thing. We need to keep this fairly quiet and not draw unwanted attention. There is a reason that most jungle predators are nocturnal....

"The ship is docked right smack in the middle of the harbor."

"a nocturnal visit would detract attention..."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

"Just as well; I see fine in the dark, and then no one can see what I've become."

Does the metal man float?

"What of the rest of you?"

Female Halfling Rogue1
Bynoc wrote:

"Just as well; I see fine in the dark, and then no one can see what I've become."

"What of the rest of you?"

"It appears at least two of us are human, sir -- we will need some source of light."

Lyssa looks thoughtful when Terin displays his power.

The metal man has a +1 to swim.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

I can produce a flame which will light our way as a torch, but I think the blanket of darkness would be best for getting to the ship. Once there the humans onboard will probably have some source of light. Don't worry, sweet Lyssa, I will use my sight to guide you to the ship. After that we shall do what we must to return the ship and fee to Ms. Vanderboren. Perhaps afterwards we could have a bit of time together, to unwind and shake off the stress of our encounters with a bit of drink and some sweetmeats.

sweetmeats? BWAHAHAHA!!!!

Ms Vanderboren leaves you to discuss strategy, noting that she will retire to bed, and you can let yourselves out when you embark on your mission.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Ok people, looks like we will be working together. I propose that we scout out the location a bit more before devising a plan. Perhaps with some recon we can determine how they watch the ship so as to figure out how to get into an advantageous position. We should weigh in with our particular skills and abilities so we can form an idea of our strengths.
I have a sharp eye, am a decent swimmer: better when I go as "The Beast", but stealth is not really my forte'. I have some healing magics at my disposal and several scrolls (longstrider, entangle, CLW, charm animal). My scimatar is sharp, my bullets hit hard, and while I am "The Beast" my strength increases but I cannot speak or use my hands to cast any spells.
Who wants to go next.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

"I am not concerned about the darkness. Though, unfortunately, I do not swim."

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Perhaps a boat then....we shall see when we recon the area, but for now we should know the strengths of our group's members.

Female Halfling Rogue1

"Well, Terin," says Lyssa, holding his eyes. "I may say I'm good with people."

Looking around the room, she adds, "I have some gift for languages, particularly the monstrous tongues, and I have a modest talent for illusion."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

I have a face that is difficult to forget. Perhaps if Harven investigated the dock by day, we could hit them that evening?

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Well we could all meander around down there during the day to see what we could see but that won't tell us the amount of light, men and resources they use at night. We already know the ships position in the harbor, I say we just go down scout it a bit and make our move after devising a quick plan. Waiting another night may give that cad, Vark, time to dispose of the cash or enact any plan he might have with regards to the stolen ship. I think we should make haste but not so much that we do something sloppy.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

"If you're asking for my capabilities, I will merely say that I have studied long and hard to learn to control and contain dark forces of raw energy. Forces that have surged through my own body, due to some accident of heritage or birth. Some day I hope to better understand what darkness in my family's past granted me these abilities, but for now, I am confident these abilities can help us secure Lavinia's ship."

"I agree that we should do some daytime surveilance, but we should do it singly, or in groups of no more than two. I would be glad to partner with you Bynoc, if you would have such as me for company."

Good idea terin! tonight is good.

Female Halfling Rogue1
GobboWizard wrote:
Good idea terin! tonight is good.

[Was that supposed to be an NPC?]

Male Whisper Gnome Scout 1 / Ranger 1

My strengths lay in stealth. I am also fairly handy with a bow.

Terin suggests a good plan.

not an npc, just me chiming in...

Perhaps we should split into two groups. One group of those skilled in diplomacy or fighting, the second composed of those skilled in stealth.

The combat group should openly aproach the boat and ask to speak to Vark, drawing the attention of the gaurds while the stealth group gets into place. Should violence be nessicary(sp?), the combat group should be on the boat and close enough to engage the enimies.

I would be in the combat group.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

I, too would be in the combat group. I also believe that means we need to procure 2 boats with which to approach. Our patron stated that the ship is anchored in the middle of the harbor. Stealth group circles around while the fighting group approaches head-on. I like this plan, it seems the wise way to handle the problem.

Sense Motive: 12+3 = 15

Eldin arches his eyebrow at Lavinia’s comment on her parent’s demise. It seems there is something deeper there… exactly what he cannot tell, but he pauses, lost in thought for several moments, only half listening to the tactics talk around him. At last he stirs to join the conversation.

“I am a priest of the Traveller, Fharlanghn, and as such have access to the clerical powers of healing, minor miracles, and keeping the undead at bay. Diplomacy is certainly one of my fortes, and I speak several languages. I am learned in esoteric matters of religion and the planes beyond, and I can survive on the land. I can swim if needs be, but not strongly. Thanks to my partly elven heritage, I can see well in conditions of low light, such as moonlight. I can defend myself, but I am not a strong fighter. If things did come to a battle, I would prefer to keep the rest of you on your feet, or engage in ranged combat if I must.”

He looks over the assemblage. “Whilst I perhaps must defer to the Lady Vanderboren in the matter of this Vark,” he bows in Lavinia’s direction, “and his unwillingness to negotiate, it troubles me to charge in and attack him by force prior to any negotiation. It may be that he is unwilling to listen to reason, but perhaps he will be swayed by the hint, or threat, of force, without us resorting to force itself? Sometimes the long road is more direct than the straight road…

“I will go with the group on this. If an assault of stealth and force is felt to be best, then I will assist as I may. However, my vote would be to at first try to negotiate, or threaten if negotiation is doomed to fail. If nothing else, an offer to negotiate may lend us some idea of what strength or defences Vark has aboard the Lady’s vessel. IF we go with the current plan, then I would vote that the ‘diplomatic and combat’ group be more than just a show of negotiation, but make a real effort to do so.”

By the way guys, I do like the current plan, but Eldin prefers to talk first and fight later - at least at this stage of the game.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Eldin, I like your idea for negotiations but I still would like the stealthier of us to sneak up on this ship of fools and be in a ready position to rain hell upon Vark and his men if he doesn't agree to settle this with words. Much as I would enjoy watching Lyssa's back, I would rather she be watching mine in this matter. I intend to approach directly with the other fighting men. I am no diplomat, so someone who is should also accompany us in the front if we wish this talk to succeed.

If we all agree, we should divide the team into stealth and brawn and prepare to set out.

Eldin turns to look at Terin, and nods in agreement. “Yes, it would perhaps be foolish not to be prepared for the worst. Agreed, if we go to talk, we ensure that our more stealthy compatriots are in a position to launch an attack if needs be.

“Now, if we need to procure some small boats, I have a modest sum of money that I could donate to the cause. Have we decided who is going to be involved in the ‘face’ team, and who in the ‘stealth’ team? I will of course be a member of the face team.”

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

I believe that Ballast, Bynoc, Eldin, and myself should all be in the 'Face' group.

Harven, Lyssa, and Anders should go with 'stealth', although alot of us could switch from one to the other team. I am naturally somewhat quiet, as is Bynoc (who can swim good).

If we don't show enough face we risk not having enough to show a good force. If we don't hold enough in reserve we risk having too little help to bail the 'face group' out.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

Being a fairly strong swimmer, I could always swim around the rear side of the boat and climb up in the event Vark refuses to see reason? You could use your ability to make light as a signal.

Otherwise, I'm willing to try whatever you come up with. Let's do this thing.

Male Whisper Gnome Scout 1 / Ranger 1

I will of course be in the stealth group. Although it appears by "stealth" you mean doesn't wear loud, clunking armor.


I suppose having backup is worth the extra risk of being found. What signal are we using for "It's all gone to hell"?

Eldin looks to the tall, metallic figure of Ballast, the horrific and scarred Bynoc, and the somewhat feral looking Terin. “Well, if these are to be my companions in the ‘face’ group, at least Vark will know we are serious…” he thinks to himself.

“What is to be the signal?” Eldin responds to the gnome. “I think it will probably the obvious – the sound of yelling or battle most likely. But we can arrange a more subtle signal if you prefer.

“As for the face group, I think we should at the least try to convince Vark to let us onto the boat – perhaps we can intimidate him into it should the negotiations seem to be failing. I do not relish the thought of trying to fight our way up the side of the ship and onto the deck should it come to that.”

I’m thinking, if our DM allows strength to be used in place of charisma for intimidate checks, we may have a decent chance of successfully using intimidate, it three members of the ‘face’ group ‘aid-another’ on one of our Intimidate checks? On the likely event that diplomacy fails.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1
Eldin Farstrider wrote:
I’m thinking, if our DM allows strength to be used in place of charisma for intimidate checks, we may have a decent chance of successfully using intimidate

I am 100% positive I've seen this as a feat somewhere, but I can't find it for the life of me, despite scouring through my books.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

The signal will be a load beastial roar. If I am in my beast-form then negotiations have failed. I don't believe anyone else in the group tends towards diplomacy so I thought the 'face' group should have enough muscle to prevent Vark from immediately killing the diplomats.

Bynoc, perhaps you are correct maybe you should go with the stealth group. The 'face' group could have Lyssa with us as she does seem to ooze diplomacy and she could aid in the negotiations. Also she is quite charming and lovely to view.

So what we have is Bynoc, Harven, and Anders sneaking into a decent position, ready to aid the rest of the party should things go awry. The face group looks like Ballast, Eldin, Lyssa, and myself. That should give the face group a bit of magic and some muscle if Vark decides to just overwhelm us with his men and kill us.

This plan sounds good.
Is everyone agreed?

Female Halfling Rogue1
Terin 'The Beast' Talonshift wrote:

Is everyone agreed?


Sorry, was traveling yesterday. Won't even try to catch up in detail.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1


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