
GobboWizard's page

70 posts (90 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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not an npc, just me chiming in...

Good idea terin! tonight is good.

hehe interesting...

sweetmeats? BWAHAHAHA!!!!

There is a disturbence in the force...

hehe sorry bout my fast posting... just craving some action hehe...

Finally! Combat Soon!

He is also the mightiest of enchanters.. some know him as... TIM!

Joke post

Like you didnt know anyway... :P

all 7 of you are in the atrium as of now, with lavinia

Holy cow my hands hurt after that!

Four figures walk past the atrium. The leader of this group, a jaunty male half elf in leather armor, with many daggers strapped to his outfit. He pops his head in and says, "Hmm. You must be the help Lavinia's bringing in to do the chores. Best of luck to ya!"


DC 10

these mercenaries are the Jade Ravens, a local adventuring group that works for Lavinia.

Note: you are all in the atrium now.

As Night falls, passes, then falls again (TOMORROW evening), Bynoc and Anders arrive nearly at the same time.

Kora answers the manor door and asks you to wait in the atrium until all the guests arrive.

The manor is rather large, and the atrium Kora leads you to is very comfortable.

Lyssa and Terin arrive several minutes later, but the others don't show up for quite a bit.

feel free to introduce yourselves to one another.


hehe... Kora is VERY entertaining to play.

well, ballast, the gnome, and that cleric dude (jk)are still AWOL, so they will arrive at the manor a bit late... possibly.

no problem. I'm new to the Invisible Castle myself..

everyone can make

Knowledge Local but dont bother if you don't have ranks.

DC 15

Lavinia's Parents were killed in a terrible fire

good job guys

thanks lyssa.

I think I did a good job making Kora more detailed than in the mag.
I based her off an old lady that used to live near me. she always made cookies.

Ok. getting off to a good start it looks like.

you might want to

a. make your avatar as the character.

b. make a knowledge check to see if you know lavina is in fact

DC 15


Thanks. I figure the hardest part is finding the right icon for them.

any of you can make an knowledge(nobility and royalty) check using invisible castle. the DC is 10, so untrained is fine.

on 10

the Vanderborens are a rich family

on 15

Lavinia is the oldest daughter

looks good mevers. 20 dex Holy @$%&!


ok, well now that every thing is finalized(pretty much) I will start as soon as well... now.

here you go. geTide&page=1#250433

You each recieve a letter from an old halfling woman. She hands you the letter and introduces herself as Kora.

It Reads

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in good health.
My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendance at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane tommorrow evening. I think that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invatation, and I hope to be speaking to you soon! - Lavinia Vanderboren

you can take the regional bonus feats, sure. make sure you include them in your backstory.

looks good.

ok just waitin on mevers.

trying to beat out mevers so you dont come last, eh? hehe...

sounds good.

no problem with the shackled city stuff.

sean, when will the warlock stats be ready?

and is mevers online?

seems like he will be last one done, which constitutes a booby prize.

sorry to spoil it.....

have a cookie

Cookie of Cookieness
Acts as a potion of Cure Light wounds

Warlocks are also prime candidates for Malcanthet's Naughty gift, being so demonic and whatnot. Im saying too much....

Go warlock. they are fun.

just wondering what class is your character sean(I know it isnt done yet)? Wizard? Sorceror? Warmage? Warlock? Pun-Pun?

sounds good sean.

Pretty Balanced Party:

Melee Tanks:
Bynoc(Half-Orc) Barbarian
Ballast(Warforged) Fighter

Sneaky Ranged Guys:
unnamed(at least not yet)(Whisper Gnome)Scout*

Divine Casters:
Eldin Farstrider (Half Elf) Cleric
Terin Talonshift (Wood Elf) Druid

Arcane Glass-Cannons:
unnamed (at least not yet)(No current race)(no current class)*

*No stats submitted yet.

Wow! I just got my 19 issues and my Dungeon 150! The final adventure(should we make it that far) will be a thrill to DM.

you can have affiliations if you want, but I dont like them much. Its more of a flavor thing anyway.

Ok! now we are only waiting on the scout and the mage.

o and...getting to 20 is easy in this campaign. IMHO, this AP gives almost too much xp...

you can drop the penalty with a decent backstory k?

That ONLY applies to him. if you want something, ask me. I can be a nice dude if you feed me a decent backstory....

Turn Undead is VERY useful in this first adventure. mmmm ravenous zombie pirates.....

Still waiting on(no rush)

Sean- Spellslinger
Mevers- Scout

sounds kewl. ok now we wait on just a few people....

the hide shirt is fine. thanks for the stats

Since FH is out till tommorrow night, it looks like he will finish his character last. take your time, no rush, considering we cant even start till tommorrow night. too bad he didnt have his stats already. I could have played him as a DMPC until he returned.

btw bynoc I cant see your languages, same as when lyssa posted her character.

Looks Good Bynoc. A full time Spell-Slinger would be cool. I've always been a fan of warlock/warmage/evoker.

as for a bandaid caster(cleric) sounds good also.

sounds good. I once met a farlaghn cleric player who tried to give apples to EVERYONE.

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