Demonicon of Iggwilv PrCs

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

So I am an avid Dragon reader, but I had a sort of "dark patch" where i missed a huge number of issues. I'm only now trying to catch up. I dont know what i was thinking...Anyways, I have the issues containing the Demonicon of Iggwilv articles about Demogorgon, Malcanthet, and Zuggtmoy. All threee of these articles have associated Thrall of (insert demon lord) prestige classes. I was wondering if all of them do. Because I just bought Hordes of the Abyss by WotC and i am really intrigued with Pazuzu and Fraz'Urbluu and i was wondering if the Demonicon articles about them contain prestige classes as well.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, both of those articles have "Thrall of" PrCs in them.

Thanks! Do they all?

Yup! Every Demonomicon contains an appropriate Thrall PrC.

Including, most recently, an updated Thrall of Demogorgon.

All the Thrall casses were special, though. The Thrall of Kostiche even beat me to an idea I was planning to use (a PrC that slowly deforms you as you take levels in it. Beautiful).

It didn't have a bad article, ever.

I loved the Demonomicon series and I'm going to miss it.

i think all of those PrCs involve some level of deformation.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Not all of them involve deformation, but they do all require evil characters. They're not really intended to be PC prestige classes, more like DM villain classes.

I'm still curious as to why the Thrall of Zuggtmoy PrC, which is designed primarily for Druids and Rangers, has the sole Feature of one level dedicated to increasing the toughness of undead you create (Raise the Rotten). Without multiclassing into Cleric for 5 levels, is there any way to get any use out of this?

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