The Best (and Last) AP?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Hello, everyone. I've been a long-time reader of Dungeon, ever since the Shackled City series was implemented- While I'm sad to see the magazine go, I'm at least glad that it's going out with a bang. Kudos to the staff at Paizo, but the Savage Tide is, without a doubt, *the* best AP out there; While the Age Of Worms was a serious improvement over the, well, incoherent at times, Shackled City, I'm amazed at the consistent high quality of this (and the last half-year's) issues to date. While I'm not a subscriber, my players have been seriously awaiting every installment of the AP- In fact, I'm currently running two groups through the Savage Tide on alternate weeks, and it still doesn't get old.

Case in point; Group 2, also known as, initially, 'Have You Seen These Men?', the Sasserine Skulkers, and finally, the Hand Of Swords- Named, ironically enough, after the card suit. While their names have been withheld to protect the innocent (You know who you are, guys!) I'll relate some of their adventures here...

The Bard:

There's one in every group. The guy who adventures not for money, fame or power- Though that's all good, too- but for, well, the women. The unofficial leader of the group, this former 'masked adventurer' and playboy gambler thought of the group's 'gimmick', by leaving the Ace Of Swords at *every* crime scene. With maxed-out Charisma, high performance skills and devious use of magic, he's the 'official' leader and instigator...And is perhaps the purest definition of CN out there.

Here's the interesting part. He has a thing for 'bad girls', which rapidly became more and more amusing as the series goes on. By this adventure ('Enemy Of My Enemy', which we'll be starting next week) he's slept with Tyralandi (He took serious HP loss on that. As they say, it's getting out alive that's the problem), S'shara (!) (Yes, I'm serious. Charm Monster, Practiced Spellcaster, Mind Fog...And a natural 1 on the save) and *almost* with Red Shroud...Though his plan was thwarted by the Cleric's refusal to abuse Death Ward in such a way.

When this adventure comes up, I'm pretty damn sure he'll try to seduce Celeste, or Iggwilv- I'll definently need suggestions for how a thousand-year old witch-queen would respond, of course- though he *was* smart enough to refuse Shami-Amaoure's 'offer'.

The Paladin/Kensei:

Lavinia's childhood friend and protector, he returned to help her family, far too late to do any good...And ended up conscripting the party to help him. While he loves Lavinia, he's placed her on a pedestal, and made her the recipient of his oath- Lots of unfulfilled angst over there, folks. Of course, he's a fearsome fighter in combat, with his dual-wielding Sun Blade and Signature shortsword style. Most famous for dealing the killing blow to Cold Captain Wyther, after an epic final conflict, and 'calling Vanthus out'...Twice. And, amusingly enough, killing him in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY- Critical + Smite Evil - twice. He just hopes he'll stay dead this time...

The Wizard:

The geeky, but ultimately good-hearted Wizard, and governor-in-absentia of Farshore. Unlike the others, he's a married man; To the sorceress Liamae, in fact. His secret is that he isn't even from *this* plane- His mother was Zulshyn, his father a Warlock, and he's been on the run from her ever since. (Understandably enough, he doesn't want to go home.) A straightforward old-school blaster, his favorite spells are Horrid Wilting and a Sonic Meteor Shower.

The Fighter/Rogue/Tempest:

The lovable rogue of the group, he's a swashbuckler in all but name, and was drawn into the whole story, hoping to find his father- Who, it was later revealed, was one of the many sailors 'silenced' after delivering the Shadow Pearl to Sasserine. He's the superlative fighter of the group, with Telling Blow, twin Keen Scimitars, Improved Critical, and the Tempest PrC...He's found a kindred spirit in Harliss Javell, though he's a bit upset that he's no longer the Captain of the Sea Wyvern. For him, it's very, very personal.

The Cleric:

Again, there's always one in every group...But there's no-one quite like this guy. He was a rogue priest, expelled from his Order for 'liberating' temple supplies- And was gladly received by the church of the Laughing Rogue. A good, albeit unconventional man. His greatest creation is the Fool's Gold, several gold coins that radiate a consecrated effect- Perfect to counter the Vile damage done much later in the campaign. He's greedy, but not mindlessly so, and has used his new powers to pretty much take over the space vacated by the Lotus Dragons...And who knows? In a couple of years time, there might be a new, benevolent presence in Sasserine's underworld, supplied directly from Farshore...

Hmmm, I have to go for now, but again, thanks for everything, Dungeon. This is a truly epic campaign, and one we've had enormous fun with.

My order is (greater to lesser):

Age of Worms.
Shackled City.
Savage Tide.

Sounds like your group is definitely in to it though.

Shackled City group:
M human cleric (Corellan Larethian)/consecrated harrier/ruathar
F human paladin/monk/kensai/risen martyr
M dwarf fighter/dwarven defender
F human psion/rogue
M human wizard/cleric (Wee Jas)/mystic theurge

Age of Worms group:
M human wizard/cleric (Mak Thuum Ngatha)/alienist/fleshwarper
M human bard/monk/dragon disciple
M human fighter/exotic weapon master
M tiefling rogue/fighter/thief-acrobat
F human cleric (Pelor)/radiant servant of Pelor

Savage Tide group:
M human binder
M human barbarian/ranger/tempest
F human wizard/human paragon
M human cleric (Istishia)
M changeling beguiler

Age of Worms was my favorite, with Savage Tide a close second. Shackled City was okay but I would definitely place it third.

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