
Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Scarab Sages

I just got my last print copy of Dungeon yesterday.


Farewell old friend.


Scarab Sages

It is a sad moment in gaming history. To commemorate the occasion I bought an issue for each of my players (not that they know yet), plus an additional one on top of my subscription that I plan to frame with Dungeon 150. It's the least I can do to honor this toppled monolith.

Anyone else doing anything special for the occasion?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

kessukoofah wrote:
Anyone else doing anything special for the occasion?

Yep. Subscribing to Pathfinder. Buying all of the Pathfinder Chronicles gazetteers, map folios, etc. Not touching WotC stuff with a 10' pole.

kessukoofah wrote:
Anyone else doing anything special for the occasion?

I'm going to roll around naked on mine. Then promptly order a fresh issue (yay, additional sales).

kessukoofah wrote:

To commemorate the occasion I bought an issue for each of my players

That's incredibly nice of you. Very cool.

Scarab Sages

mwbeeler wrote:

That's incredibly nice of you. Very cool.

Turns out I misread the person who started the post. I thought he said Dragon, not Dungeon. I bought a copy of THAT final issue for each of my players (more player appropriate I think). Though I am framing both final issues as I said, and I consider the ending of Dungeon just as sad.


Got my last issue yesterday as well.

Scarab Sages

Same here. It was ... sad.

Although, I have to say, as much as I would have preferred that neither magazine end its run, we probably wouldn't have Pathfinder and all the other New Stuff we're all salivating over. So this could all end well after all :)

Lilith wrote:


Got my last issue yesterday as well.

Lilith, you were Adam's first wife, so you should understand loss. This one of the signs of the eventual demise of WOTC's D&D. With each new, uncreative product that they put out every month, they drive another nail into the coffin of D&D. The death of the Dungeon and Dragon magazines is just the first step.

I think that D&D has to die in order to be reborn. Yes. WOTC is killing it and Paizo is trying to keep it alive. At some point they will hit the wall; they can't keep putting out the same crap every month forever. Maybe someone out there can explain how the licensing of D&D works. I wish that the Paizo people could take over D&D from WOTC, but is such a thing possible? Will WOTC have to murder and bury D&D before someone can save it? This would make a great adventure path...

Leafar the Lost wrote:
Lilith, you were Adam's first wife, so you should understand loss.

Sure, I understand it...doesn't mean I have to like it. ;)

Does anyone want to get a Dungeon magazine memorial tattoo with me?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
mwbeeler wrote:
kessukoofah wrote:
Anyone else doing anything special for the occasion?
I'm going to roll around naked on mine. Then promptly order a fresh issue (yay, additional sales).

Ummm, yeah, okay. :P

I haven't received mine yet, but it will still be a bummer that it's the last one. But Pathfinder and Gamemastery look great going forward. :)

My FLGS will be having two copies of Dungeon and two of Dragon waiting on me when they come in. One copy gets put away and the other gets read. After that one is worn out, the other copy comes out.

Plus, I am a Pathfinder and Gamemastery subscriber, so that should help Paizo keep alive!

kessukoofah wrote:
Anyone else doing anything special for the occasion?

Convincing my gaming group to let me run the final battle vs. Demogorgon as a one-off adventure. Ask them to advance their character to 20th, and letting the good times roll :)

I'll miss you Dungeon.
Long live Pathfinder!

Scarab Sages

Orcmonk220 wrote:

Convincing my gaming group to let me run the final battle vs. Demogorgon as a one-off adventure. Ask them to advance their character to 20th, and letting the good times roll :)

ooh...that's a good one. I'm gonna have to try and convince my group to let me do that now.

Scarab Sages

James Keegan wrote:
Does anyone want to get a Dungeon magazine memorial tattoo with me?

I totally would if I wasn't opposed to it. I will however see if I can commission a set of temporary ones. Might be nice to pass out once in a while.

James Keegan wrote:
Does anyone want to get a Dungeon magazine memorial tattoo with me?

I can't; I want to be buried in a Jewish cemetery. Mind you, I'm not Jewish; they just seem peaceful is all (plus I think that isn't entirely factual). I'm a huge fan of Yiddish, that has to be worth something.

Tiss a sad day here in Pennsylvania. Just received my last Dungeon. I have not taken it out of the polybag yet. May not for a while.

Ever the optimist though, Pathfinder #1 ships soon!


Just got my #150 yesterday. Damn, this magazine has been good to me. I'm going to miss the hell out of it. (my issue went straight into a magazine protector... it's my preeeeeecious!)

I will miss the "official content" label that Dungeon has long provided. I'm confident Pathfinder will carry on the adventure path format admirably, but I will miss that "official" designation, as well as the Greyhawk campaign adventures and other related materials that Dungeon was able to provide. I wish Mr. Mona, Jacobs, Vaughan, Pett, Baur, Kuntz, and others well in their future endeavors; and hope to see them in print many times to come.

Final Dungeon here also

I've been subscribing via normal post at different addresses since the early 1990's. Seemed like no matter where I moved, this rag always ended up in the new home. I'll be moving again in a few months, but for the first time without Dungeon and Dragon magazines following me.

Fortunately, maybe there will be new trade rags that may be just as homey :')

Final Dungeon received yesterday.

Still wowed by last issue, War of the Wielded is so awesome!

This issue STAP ends in such a great manner. Master's Thesis in adventure design, for sure.

Thanks, boys and girls, for such a great product. It will be missed.

Last Issue just came in.

Dungeon brought me to D&D, let's see where it's end will bring me.

Adieu Dungeon - to the gods.

Xian, Germany

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