Things in Life That Suck

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There's still time to spin it! Tell her your doctor was adjusting the dosage on your allergy medication.

Sincerity is the key. Once you can fake that, you’re golden. (paraphrased from G. Marx)

Being trapped in the phantom zone kinda sucks.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
My birthday tomorrow. One year closer to death. I hate birthdays.

When you reach the age you are, your demise cannot be far.

Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.
Every time you take a breath you're that much closer to your death.
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.
All the candles on your cake are cities burning in your wake.
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.
Doom and gloom and deep dispair, people dying everywhere.
Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday.

Scarab Sages

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
My birthday tomorrow. One year closer to death. I hate birthdays.

"Another year closer to death" is my favorite phrase to use on birthday gift wrapping paper. One of these days I want to either purchase or have made a button with that phrase on it. Then I'll wear it on my birthday.

Happy Birthday by the way.

I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun,
But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun.
So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take,
Just blow out the candles, And have a piece of cake.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!

Liberty's Edge

mwbeeler wrote:
There's still time to spin it! Tell her your doctor was adjusting the dosage on your allergy medication.

Yeah. "Allergy" medication. Right.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
mwbeeler wrote:
There's still time to spin it! Tell her your doctor was adjusting the dosage on your allergy medication.
Yeah. "Allergy" medication. Right.

Happy birthday! Thanks for writing a wikipedia entry about me!

There's a birthday post from both Aber and I in here somewhere as well, but they keep poofing (nm, there they are again).

Wife went up for Thanksgiving with her parents today, since I'm working it for the fourth year in a row (so I don't have to work Christmas). Four days without my son, sux0rz.

Pam Anderson

Now I know what you are saying, that is a good thing. Well, let me tell you, if she aint doing it to me, that is what sucks.

Thanksgiving with very Christian Fundamentalist* cousins who have zero tolerance for D&D and my godless beliefs. It's an entire day spent avoiding saying anything offensive while they wear their uber christian shirts and say their uber christian things. Yipee. This year, I'll say whatever and I won't worry about offending them. They don't restrain themselves so why should I.

*Just to be clear and avoid causing insult; I have no problem with christainity or even fundamentalists, or any other religion; I have a problem with people trying to force their beliefs upon me.

Arctaris wrote:
while they wear their uber christian shirts

If you can't beat them...

My grandmother is in the hospital for tests relating to severe stomach pains, which have persisted for a while without her ever telling us. I'm not terribly worried yet because they have nothing conclusive and I generally don't freak out until someone or something provides me with proof that I SHOULD freak out. But it's not boding well.

James Keegan wrote:
My grandmother is in the hospital for tests relating to severe stomach pains, which have persisted for a while without her ever telling us. I'm not terribly worried yet because they have nothing conclusive and I generally don't freak out until someone or something provides me with proof that I SHOULD freak out. But it's not boding well.

I do hope that your Grandmother feels better, my friend! You also take care of yourself!

Yeah, I love that shirt and I might get it and wear it to all family gatherings (and I'll wear this shirt to funerals).

James Keegan wrote:
My grandmother is in the hospital for tests relating to severe stomach pains, which have persisted for a while without her ever telling us. I'm not terribly worried yet because they have nothing conclusive and I generally don't freak out until someone or something provides me with proof that I SHOULD freak out. But it's not boding well.

I hope your grandmother is okay. Sometimes its best to assume that everything will be fine until presented with evidence to the contrary.

Scarab Sages

Too bad I can't sue the city...

I grew up in Chicago and am now in Colorado -- I know how to drive on snow and ice. We are on "Cold Reporting" which basically means that the city is having so many accidents that the police department can't handle them all.

This morning I was one of the statistics. Very minor fender bender, but did the city put ANYTHING on the roads to help the drivers? Not at all. The road was an ice skating rink. I managed to pull over at an especially slick spot and just as I stopped another car clipped me.

Now I have to deal with insurance, getting the car fixed, and so on that I don't want to mess with because the city didn't have the foresight to spread out some sand in crucial spots.

In the half hour after my accident while I was exchanging information, there were three other accidents in the same place.

I wish we could sue the city.

Moff, damn man, I'm sorry. I feel for you. At least here they call in the cavalry with cinder trucks and deicers, and independently contracted snow plow drivers.

I used to love Thanksgiving and Christmas but the last few years has started to ruin it for me. In 2005, during Thanksgiving, my Grandmother was in the hospital for a broken hip. Last year, 2006, during Thanksgiving, she was in the hospital for breathing problems. Last Dec 28th, she passed away from the Alzheimers. I HATE THAT DISEASE!

This year, my aunt (Grandmaw's oldest daughter who's all of 67), who has something kin to A.L.S.(aka Lou Gerrigs Disease) was in the hospital the weekend before Thanksgiving. Took a turn for the worse on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and now the hospice nurses are there 24 hrs a day. We were told Friday night that she probably wouldn't make it through the weekend. She's still here but she's trying to help her family let go. She's talked to her son & daughter and let them know what flowers she wants in her casket spray, what dress she wants to wear and what funeral home to use. Her son & husband went Monday afternoon to the funeral home to make the arrangements. She's not taking the morphine but is on phenagrine for nausea. She threw up Sunday and hospice said to not feed her anymore. (someone please explain that) It's not like she was eating much, toast and water has been all she's tried since she got out of the hospital. She's like a 2nd mom to me, her daughter & I are like sisters, there's only a year between us. I flench everytime my phone rings.


I am sorry to hear that Tegan. I will put you and your family in my prayers.

Tegan wrote:
She threw up Sunday and hospice said to not feed her anymore. (someone please explain that)

You are in a delicate place now, and I don’t want to add to your tribulations, so don’t read this if you aren’t feeling up to it.

It's the hospice's way of quietly assisting suicide. The doctors may explain that the dying are more comfortable when not fed, but the truth is they can't euthanize, so instead they let your loved ones starve as the body begins to consume itself. It's pretty damn harsh, personally. If they were genuinely concerned about her nutrition or the potential for aspiration, they’d drop an IV (or insert a feeding tube) in to provide hydration and sustenance so the vomiting wouldn’t tax her already weak system.

Sharoth wrote:
I am sorry to hear that Tegan. I will put you and your family in my prayers.

Thank you Sharoth.

mwbeeler wrote:
Tegan wrote:
She threw up Sunday and hospice said to not feed her anymore. (someone please explain that)

You are in a delicate place now, and I don’t want to add to your tribulations, so don’t read this if you aren’t feeling up to it.

** spoiler omitted **

MWBeeler, I appreciate you not just putting that out there. I guess I knew the reason they do it but it's just never easy to accept, no matter who it's happening to. You'd think quality of life/death would come into the hypocratic oath somewhere. Another cruddy thing... I'm in the freakin' healthcare industry and I still think it sucks, maybe more so because of seeing both sides of it.

Insurance. Specifically, supplemental insurance that you would think would help pay for all the s$#% that your regular medical insurance does not. But nope. The only time I will ever get to see some compensation for the additional $17 I'm shelling out per paycheck (plus the $38 for medical and dental) is if I'm in an accident. Appendectomies do not qualify as an accident, therefore I'm stuck with a stack of medical bills that isn't covered.

*stabs insurance company*


Lilith wrote:

Insurance. Specifically, supplemental insurance that you would think would help pay for all the s*~# that your regular medical insurance does not. But nope. The only time I will ever get to see some compensation for the additional $17 I'm shelling out per paycheck (plus the $38 for medical and dental) is if I'm in an accident. Appendectomies do not qualify as an accident, therefore I'm stuck with a stack of medical bills that isn't covered.

*stabs insurance company*


Ouch! Yep. That does suck big time. Good luck with the medical bills, Lilith!

mwbeeler wrote:

I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun,

But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun.
So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take,
Just blow out the candles, And have a piece of cake.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!

In its 4.5 billion years, Earth has evolved from its hot, violent birth to the celebrated watery blue planet that stands out in pictures from space. But in a new book, two noted University of Washington astrobiologists say the planet already has begun the long process of devolving into a burned-out cinder, eventually to be swallowed by the sun.

By their reckoning, Earth's "day in the sun" has reached 4:30 a.m., corresponding to its 4.5 billion-year age. By 5 a.m., the 1 billion-year reign of animals and plants will come to an end. At 8 a.m. the oceans will vaporize. At noon – after 12 billion years – the ever-expanding sun, transformed into a red giant, will engulf the planet, melting away any evidence it ever existed and sending molecules and atoms that once were Earth floating off into space..

Tobus Neth wrote:
By 5 a.m., the 1 billion-year reign of animals and plants will come to an end.

Curse you, endless half hour! This is worse than waiting for the microwave to ding.

Condolences on your Aunt, Tegan.

well, today is my birthday so is kinda cool to read this birthday stuff; but I have to work today and that sucks, but I didnt really have any plans today so am not missing out on anything and that sucks even harder, but is cool that my friends are calling and had even one not badly sung birthday song by a dude who did it in the style of M.Monroe which was really funny, if the girl I am seeing doesn't call that is not going to just suck; that is gonna blow chunks though :)

Happy Birthday Valegrim! Sorry you ahve to work

Happy Birthday, Valegrim!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Happy Birthday Valegrim!

My heart goes out to you Tegan.

Medical bills suck. When I was 20 I was in the hospital for three weeks. No insurance. No family to foot it. It's fun starting life on your own in debt!

thanks all

ok; getting sick with some kind of funky head cold that just wont go away when you meet someone special who wants to come over to your house and you...uhm...seal your windows for winter..uhm, but your like hoping about stuff, but THIS DAMN HEAD COLD WONT QUIT! IT TOTALLY SUCKS!!!

The Exchange

Hey man, go with the flow. And GET SOME DECONGESTANT AND PARACETAMOL! You know it makes sense.

Good luck with, er, sealing your windows.

Paizo's D&D miniature prices.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

This doesn't quite suck, but it makes me sad.

As you probably already know, I'm currently in Happy Fun Land. One thing that made me leap with joy when I got here several months ago was walking into the PX, wandering back to the magazine section, and seeing the latest issues of Dungeon and Dragon. I didn't buy any of them, since I already had a subscription, but it still made me happy that we had this kind of material over here.

I was ecstatic when we had gotten copies of the Ecology Compendiums; I immediately bought it and spent the entire night reading through it in my trailer.

Now that the magazines are gone, I go back to the magazine section and stare sadly, for Pathfinder isn't quite a viable purchase for the PX to make.

This made me sad. And it's true. Pathfinder isn't a replacement for DRAGON. DUNGEON, maybe. It does have adventures. But DRAGON is lost forever...

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:
ok; getting sick with some kind of funky head cold that just wont go away when you meet someone special who wants to come over to your house and you...uhm...seal your windows for winter..uhm, but your like hoping about stuff, but THIS DAMN HEAD COLD WONT QUIT! IT TOTALLY SUCKS!!!

I had that head cold. IMHO, it wasn't a virus, it was a gateway to the paraelemental plane of mucus that opened in my nasal sinuses for 2 1/2 weeks straight.

An friend of mine's mom just died. He's the one who found her. Tomorrow is his birthday. Something is wrong with the world.

Liberty's Edge

Dirk Gently wrote:
An friend of mine's mom just died. He's the one who found her. Tomorrow is his birthday. Something is wrong with the world.

F+@%. I was just about to post the same thing. She was only thirty-nine. Shane only has his girlfriend now. Jeez...

I am sorry about both of your friends loosing their loved one. I wish them the best in these hard times. A relative dying is always hard, but it is even worse during the holidays. I will put them both in my prayers.

Loneliness is my companion
The face of sorrow is what I wear
There’s nothing here
No one to care
No one to hold me
The silence stretches on
Roaring in my mind
Filling every fibre of me with its neverending whispering
A choir of damned voices
Whispering… silently
Tempting… silently
Burgeoning with its peace
No worries
No pain
Only… silence… rest
I grow weary of this
This everchanging conflict
Life… Death…
Who cares
I did…
But now I’m not so sure anymore
A sound… a whisper
A whisper to awaken me
That damned longing
Keeping me awake
Never can I rest
Never can I find peace
Always this incessant whispering
Nagging… maddening… tempting…
Forever damning my soul
Draining my strength… my resolve
I am weakening
I feel it every day, every night
Just make the whispering go away
But to no avail, my attempts have been for naught
Chained to this miserable life
The chain my burden, my sole grasp on sanity
Condemned to wander this dark alley
The whispering surrounding me
Forever clawing at my mind
Forever clawing at my sanity
Raking my nerves
Consuming the warmth around me
I am so tired
So very weary
Must hold on to the chain
The very burden I now cling to
In misery my salvation lies

Two poems I wrote about 10 years ago. The thing that sucks? I could just as easily have written them 10 minutes ago.

Sharoth wrote:
I am sorry about both of your friends loosing their loved one. I wish them the best in these hard times. A relative dying is always hard, but it is even worse during the holidays. I will put them both in my prayers.

It's the same person. But yeah... not really much to say after something like that.

Going for the First Kiss and getting shot down; that sucks

Valegrim wrote:
Going for the First Kiss and getting shot down; that sucks

Oh, dang. Harsh!

I shaved off my mustache for the first official date with my wife, she was thrilled (it was a big gesture; I'd had it since fifth grade [maybe a little earlier]).

mwbeeler wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
Going for the First Kiss and getting shot down; that sucks

Oh, dang. Harsh!

I shaved off my mustache for the first official date with my wife, she was thrilled (it was a big gesture; I'd had it since fifth grade [maybe a little earlier]).

Man, I grew my beard at the beginning of high school and I thought I had bragging rights!

James Keegan wrote:
Man, I grew my beard at the beginning of high school and I thought I had bragging rights!

Italian-American on both sides. I’d post up a few pictures, but it’s been my policy to obliterate systematically any evidence of my childhood I come across.

Liberty's Edge

I still can't grow a beard. I'm 38.

Heathansson wrote:
I still can't grow a beard. I'm 38.


Liberty's Edge

Just not hirsute.

Heathansson wrote:
Just not hirsute.

Plus some Mange. ~grins~

Liberty's Edge

I thought that paladin whacked you, trouble trub.

Heathansson wrote:
I thought that paladin whacked you, trouble trub.

Why would a Paladin whack me? I am on the side of good, so he would have no excuse to add a silver dragon hide to his christmas list. Now a Blackguard would try it. And fail.

Liberty's Edge

Just like your Right Guard failed?

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