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Joshua J. Frost wrote:We've had a small set back with our Item Cards printer and, as such, this news is being indefinitely delayed. I hope to know more by the end of the month and will post once I can spill the beans.hey Josh -
is it bean-spillin' time yet?
The beans must soak longer. They're still all rigid. We likes 'em squishy.

Terry Dyer |

gig-gilf wrote:The beans must soak longer. They're still all rigid. We likes 'em squishy.Joshua J. Frost wrote:We've had a small set back with our Item Cards printer and, as such, this news is being indefinitely delayed. I hope to know more by the end of the month and will post once I can spill the beans.hey Josh -
is it bean-spillin' time yet?
You could always mash them up and make refried beans when it is all over with.

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I know that both Josh and I have commented that an announcement is just around the bend a few times in this thread but this time I mean it. :)
This announcment has traversed more bends in this thread than a Minotaur's Maze!
... oh, hi Jeff, I didn't see you around that corner ... nice horns!

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I didn't respond because I'm a bit underwhelmed, frankly. Supposing I wanted a complete collection of item cards, how exactly does this offer help me?
It's something at least, I know, but it's not really helpful to me personally...

gig-gilf |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:Finally!I'm surprised no one has responded to this yet.
.....well just like my Momma told me as a lad - if you don't have anything good to say.... (well you know the rest)-
But, in light of giving my *honest* opinion, and *constructive* criticism, here goes:
I agree with the posters just above:
- underwhelmed
- Supposing someone wanted a complete collection of item cards, how exactly does this offer help?
- It's something at least
(I don't agree here)... I'm of the opinion; If it's good enough to do, It's good enough to do *right* (ie release *full* sets of the Hero's Hoard and Relics of War)
I've actually purchased 14 sets of the booster displays for Hero's Hoard and Relics of War, so *I* already have complete sets.
I was just hoping for complete sets, so that others after me (who enjoy the Item Card line) would not need to purchase 14 booster display sets to get a *complete* set, like I had to do.
Paizo is great and their products are top of the line!
... But in my most sincere opinion, they *really* dropped the ball on this one, and the Item Card line in general :-(
So... You asked for a response, there it is (even if it hurts) just trying to offer my opinion and hopefully some constructive criticism.

Amaril |

Well, since we're all being honest, I'm underwhelmed, too. The items cards for the new edition have me curious and looking forward to them, but I honestly don't know what to expect. I'm not even planning on switching to 4e.
I'm still hoping for an eventual psionic items set. We steel need items for power stones, cognizance crystals, psicrowns, crystal weapons and universal items.
Since we're touching on the complete line of item cards, I'm a little underwhelmed by what I've seen of Adventure Gear 2 as well.

Terry Dyer |

Can you guys be a little more specific about what is underwhelming you about the line? We still have a little time to change the mix of cards for the Essentials box, and I'd love to hear your suggestions for the product.
IMHO, I and a few DMs in my circle have all the item cards except for the Hero's Hoard or the Relics of War. One because we just don't have the Disposable income that we once did and two on the Hero's Hoard we did not want to get the same cards that we had already gotten from the original Item card pack.
The main thing "we" are wanting is the cards that cannot be obtained by any other means but Ebay, trading, or just plain buying tons of boosters.
Maybe a combination of Hero's Hoard and Relics of War as the Essential box and this could be done twice to actually get a whole set but I also see that you are trying to get your first cards back out.

gig-gilf |

Can you guys be a little more specific about what is underwhelming you about the line? We still have a little time to change the mix of cards for the Essentials box, and I'd love to hear your suggestions for the product.
Hey Eric-
Here’s my two cents:On the Essentials box:
Paizo has indicated that the Essentials box will *not* contain a *complete* set (as it were).
From the Item Description of the Essentials box:
“NOTE: GameMastery Item Cards: Essentials does not contain every card from Item Pack One and Hero’s Hoard.”
I think people want to see *complete* sets of *both* Hero's Hoard and Relics of War.
Now, I’m not sure how many cards are in each complete series (complete series of Hero's Hoard and Relics of War) – but for arguments sake let’s say there are 137 cards in the complete series of Hero's Hoard and 110 cards in the Relics of War series.
I think folks would like to see:
Complete Hero's Hoard set (with all 137 cards)
Complete Relics of War set (with all 110 cards)
On the New Beginnings set:
Orbs and Racial equipment sounds great! (I can’t wait!)
...But do we really need more wands & staves – There are already TONS of wands & staves in Item Card line (WAY over-represented already in my opinion).
On the Adventure Gear 2:
I think the customer base here on the boards have given some incredibly brilliant ideas on some VERY cool item cards and item card sets (in my business, I’d have to pay a professional consultant $200/hr to get top-notch ideas like those).
I think (I may very well be wrong), the vast majority of ideas are not being capitalized on.
Some of those item cards and item card set that have been mentioned on these boards are just fantastic! – But unfortunately probably will never see the light of day (again...I may very well be wrong).
With so many great/new products that Paizo is putting out (especially in the last 6 months) – it just feels like the Item Card line is the “the red-headed stepchild” of the bunch. To me, it doesn’t seam like it gets the quality attention it deserves – like the other lines do.
And Eric… Thanks for asking the community – hope I didn’t offend/step on toes or insult.
Just my honest opinion.

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Sorry, I know some people are going to hate this, but there are at least a few of us who ARE NOT interested in seeing these sets reissued in full. We worked our butts off buying and trading to get complete sets. Some folks ended up spending a fair chunk of change one way or the other. If it turns out to be available for $19.99 now, we wasted it.
My vote, if Paizo is going to do an Essentials set would be to make it a "Best of" from the first THREE sets, not just Item Pack One and Hero's Hoard. Item Pack One had 54 cards, but 34 are repeated in Hero's Hoard, so only 20 unique cards. Plus 110 from Hero's Hoard, that's 130. If Essentials has 110, that is practically a reprint of the whole set. But if you include the 110 cards from Relics of War, you've got 240 cards to choose from and you really are creating a "Best of" set.
If there are folks looking for IP1, HH or RoW cards that they haven't gotten yet (or don't end up in Essentials), I cannot suggest strongly enough that you just look at some of the trading threads here at Paizo. Folks have posted huge list of cards they're looking to get rid of. Some will sell them and some will do totally lop-sided trades - 4 or 5 of theirs for 1 of yours. I have so many extras that I've even sent people bunches for free just to help them get started. Seriously, it couldn't be easier. Read the posts, email somebody, throw your cards in a cardboard envelope with a buck in stamps, get fun stuff in the mail two days later. Try it.

Polevoi |

Can you guys be a little more specific about what is underwhelming you about the line? We still have a little time to change the mix of cards for the Essentials box, and I'd love to hear your suggestions for the product.
gig-gilf pretty much sums up my thoughts on it.
I want the complete set of Heroe's Hoard and the Complete set of Relics of War.
I already have Item Pack 1 so i wont be buying it a second time around just to get the other cards in the essentials deck.
Item Pack 1 already sold out once so it seems to be popular enough to hold its own weight and would likely sell just fine on its own a second time around.
btw, the Item Cards are a great idea!
I usually make my own by googling images for swords, armor, wands, etc. and then print them out--with the item details--onto index cards, fold them in half, and tape them so that the image is on the outside and the item description is on the inside. When the players cast identify on the item they get to open the card and see what they got.
Now with the item cards all i have to do is just print out the item discription and slip the card and the discription (with the print facing "inside" into a plastic sleeve; when they players identify the item they get to turn the description around and reveal what they've got.
--So thanks Paizo for making my job easier!

Ken Marable |

Sounds cool, I'll get it. Hopefully won't have too many wands and staves since there are plenty already as mentioned. Or if there are, make them very unique. For example, capitalize on warlocks becoming more core with overtly fiendish and fey designed items. Also, it would be great to include a variety of holy symbols and many items that could be implements even if they currently aren't. (I'll have to brainstorm and see if I can think of any examples of what I mean by this.)
I already have plenty from Item Pack 1 and Hero's Hoard, but I don't have a complete HH set. So if the ones included happen to match most of the ones I don't have, I'll pick it up. Otherwise, it's more of the eternal debate between my budget angel on one shoulder and the "new shiny" demon on the other. :)
Personally, these don't interest me as much, but I might be in the minority. Unless it's weird stuff, I don't really need cards for them. In my games, cards are for interesting stuff. So, depending on the weirdness/interestingness level of AG2, I'll probably pass just like I passed on AG1. Just not what I'm looking for.
In general, the cards I enjoy the most are the related ones - this sword goes well with this armor and these boots; or a staff, spellbook and robes; shadowy shortsword/dagger matching suit of leather armor and cloak; etc. There have been a few where character ideas popped into my head just looking at the items. So, the more of those you can fit in (without overdoing it, of course), the happier I'll be. For example, if the Second Darkness set has plenty of drow-y items, that would be great (but also potentially much too late for my current Underdark campaign, ah well).

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I understand why some people wouldn't want a 'full set' to be released. But, I think it should be.
The line didn't do well in part because the customers said 'this is a great idea. Don't make it random.' Paizo decided, after a couple of mis-steps, that the customers were right. Random packs aren't the way to go.
Now, I am certain as a company you appreciate the customers buying random assortments. That is better for you as far as profit margin goes. But it was a crazy idea.
I myself have spent plenty on collectible cards (not just Magic). For example, the D&D trading cards that were released oh so long ago were ones I liked to buy. I know that they released 'complete sets' at the end of the year. So, if you were willing to wait you could get a set without red borders or without foil prints. Long story short, I should have waited. I've been burned before, so I know how others would feel.
But, the customers asked for the full set and nothing else will really satisfy.

Amaril |

Boosters vs. Sets: I don't care enough. The only problem I had with the booster packs was the load of types of items within the sets. We didn't really need x number of different designs for potions, scrolls, and wands with a fixed representative number per pack. Personally, I was more interested in a larger variety (not necessarily quantity) of weapons and wondrous items.
Also, I'm not completely sold on complete sets. It seems that the only reason to have a complete set is to have a sense of completion. Do we honestly need to have every type of potion or scroll in the deck? The only thing I can see being frustrated with is not getting that single rapier, crossbow, or scimitar or the number of these items you want. This is why I suggest the weapons deck below.
With a complete deck, however, then you face the issue of having to buying multiple decks just to get multiples of one particular items, and then having multiples of items you will rarely or never use. Adventure Gear 1 was like this. I needed 4-5 backpacks, waterskins, holy water, antitoxins, etc. for my players, but I had no need for 4-5 whetstones, blocks and tackles, bags of marbles, etc.
Essentials Deck: I don't need more of what I already have because I purchased the set and tons of these boosters. Granted, I was given a complete display box as a gift, which I will always appreciate.
If someone is willing to purchase 110-card packs, they might as well by a display box of what's already available and get 22 additional cards including foil cards.
Adventure Gear 2: A horse? Fireworks? Perfume? I have never needed to track inventory for these items for any reason.
Pathfinder decks: I don't run Pathfinder adventures, and I don't need these cards. They're great for fans of Pathfinder, but I suspect that not many individuals not running Pathfinder adventures are buying these. Honestly, I have no need for a dogslicer.
Offer decks for the following (call packs whatever you want):
- Consumable magic items (scrolls, wands, potions, etc.): It seems people want these badly enough, but mostly for the sake of using the same potion designs for the same types of effects. Personally, I don't care. That's what the space on the back of the card is for. I'd rather spend my money on other things like item cards that I need.
- Weapons: Aim for a variety of weapon types rather than quantities of the same weapons with various descriptions). Finding enough of some of the less common weapons (i.e. - scimitars, rapiers, crossbows, etc.) is difficult.
- Psionic items: These have been left unfulfilled. I've requested this on a number of occasions, but I don't know if Paizo has any intentions of producing this set. If not, just say so, and I will stop asking.
- Permanent magic items: rings, rods, wondrous items, artifacts, etc.

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I understand why some people wouldn't want a 'full set' to be released. But, I think it should be.
But, the customers asked for the full set and nothing else will really satisfy.
I totally agree here. The primary purpose of item cards is their use in your game. If you purchase them for their resale value, then I fear you're missing the point.
I recently purchased a Display box each of Hero's Hoard and Relics of War. I received most of the cards, doubled up on a few, and was missing a few, but overall, I wasn't too disappointed with the distribution.
I don't mind having duplicates of some items, for example, if you're using cards to track potion use, it makes sense for the four healing potions the party purchased at the herbalist to all look alike, or the swords used by a group of bandits to all be similar.
I regard Paizo's item cards in much the same way as D&D minis, in terms of utility. Sure you want to receive one of everything, so you have versatility; doubling up on some items can often be useful; and those weird items you never thought you'd find a use for ... now that you have one in your hand, it's amazing how ideas spring to mind, you work it into the story and find a creative use for it.
Having collected D&D minis for some time now, I look out for distinctiveness in creature/character pieces, something that gives them character, personality, purpose, making them individual. For example, I have more Orcs than I know what to do with, so I don't look forward to a set that gives me more generic Orcs, unless there's a demonic Orc, an Orc King, or an Orc Shaman.
The same is true for item cards. If I receive another wand or longsword, I hope it's something distinctive - serated, crystalline, firey/cold/electric/acidic, posessed etc, so I have distinctive items to represent specific treasures in adventures, or inspire me to create something unique and memorable, perhaps with a history or back-story.
And here is where I think item cards could really soar - representing every unique treasure featured in GameMastery or Pathfinder adventures. After all, these are what we'll be using them for.
Pathfinder decks: I don't run Pathfinder adventures, and I don't need these cards. They're great for fans of Pathfinder, but I suspect that not many individuals not running Pathfinder adventures are buying these. Honestly, I have no need for a dogslicer.
I posted this before reading Amaril's post, who raises some good points. Though I have to question why a Dogslicer, given a different name, couldn't represent a crude weapon in the hands of any savage humanoid? Maybe not a "must have" weapon for a player to want the card, but what if the characters were imprisoned without their weapons, and this was all they could find to defend themselves upon their escape route? Things like this can inspire story ideas. It might not happen often, but when it does, as a GM, you're prepared.

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Just wanted to throw out an additional piece of info we have to contend with in our design process...
You might note that we've recently had some problems with our card printer (that's why Adventure Gear 2 and the Critical Fumble Deck are so many months late). Well, we've found a new printer who will get us quality cards in a reasonable time at a reasonable price, but their standard sheet size is 110 cards (they can cut sheets in half, though). So we can do 55-card products and 110-card products, and that's it. (That's why the Essentials set leaves out some cards from the first two sets).
So by all means, keep giving us feedback—but your ideas have to fit the above restriction to be considered.

Amaril |

I posted this before reading Amaril's post, who raises some good points. Though I have to question why a Dogslicer, given a different name, couldn't represent a crude weapon in the hands of any savage humanoid? Maybe not a "must have" weapon for a player to want the card, but what if the characters were imprisoned without their weapons, and this was all they could find to defend themselves upon their escape route? Things like this can inspire story ideas. It might not happen often, but when it does, as a GM, you're prepared.
The dogslicer was just a single example, not a focused point of argument. In any case, I typically use item cards for magic items or items of at least masterwork quality (they can always be enhanced) with the exception of the Adventure Gear set.
Still, the point stands that the Pathfinder decks don't offer anything that compells me to purchase them, let alone multiple decks.

Amaril |

Just wanted to throw out an additional piece of info we have to contend with in our design process...
You might note that we've recently had some problems with our card printer (that's why Adventure Gear 2 and the Critical Fumble Deck are so many months late). Well, we've found a new printer who will get us quality cards in a reasonable time at a reasonable price, but their standard sheet size is 110 cards (they can cut sheets in half, though). So we can do 55-card products and 110-card products, and that's it. (That's why the Essentials set leaves out some cards from the first two sets).
So by all means, keep giving us feedback—but your ideas have to fit the above restriction to be considered.
I'm interested to know how Paizo views the suggestions, ideas, and issues I've presented above, including the idea of a psionic set.

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The dogslicer was just a single example, not a focused point of argument.
I used the single example you provided. I don't doubt there are other such examples. The concept remains the same.
Still, the point stands that the Pathfinder decks don't offer anything that compells me to purchase them, let alone multiple decks.
I'm interested to know how Paizo views the suggestions, ideas, and issues I've presented above, including the idea of a psionic set.
I think a Psionic set would be good. Psions always seem to miss out on the support given to the "core" classes. A Psionic deck might help inspire their inclusion in more games.
However, as Psionics aren't "core", a Psionic deck may have limited appeal among other customers. As the saying goes ... one customer's Psionic deck, is another customer's Pathfinder deck.

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I keep referring back to D&D miniatures comparisons.
Due to the random and collectible nature of the product, after a year or two, newcomers to the hobby started complaining that they could no longer get their hands on popular figures, and started requesting "reprints".
WotC stood by the policy that they would not reprint old figures, but they will release resculpts - new figures that fill the same or similar role. For example, instead of reprinting the Dire Wolf, they released a Vampiric Dire Wolf which could be used for the same purpose or as a close proxy.
The theory is that collectors of the first Dire Wolf won't want to purchase a set with the same figure again. If they keep releasing different, but quality figures, everyone will be WOWed, not just the newcomers.
I suggest keep on doing what you've been doing - releasing creative new decks. Keeping old decks in print while they're still in demand is a good idea, but not essential. New decks will appeal to more customers than reprints of old decks.

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I like the idea of 'specific' decks. I would seriously pay for a deck of 55 'swords'. It could have long swords, bastard swords, short swords, rapiers, scimitars, greatswords, etc. Then if I have a PC who happens to use a bastard sword, I can give him one from the deck. When he finds a magical bastard sword, I'd have another to give him.
For potions, I do think that there is a need to have several similar potions. There are a couple of ways to do it. Option 1 would be to release a set with 11 types of potions (5 per deck). Later you could do a potions (II). I'd favor that plan. Option 2 would be to have 55 unique cards, and I could buy multiple sets.

Brian McDaniel |

Can you guys be a little more specific about what is underwhelming you about the line? We still have a little time to change the mix of cards for the Essentials box, and I'd love to hear your suggestions for the product.
My least favorite part is the profusion of potions, wands and rings. In our campaign, using cards to track every magic item is too difficult, so we only use the cards for special items. And this usually translates to one-of-a-kind weapons/armor, or miscellaneous weird stuff. So I'd like to see more figurine, hourglass, necklaces, gemstones, abacus, book, sextant, drum, bell, panpipe, lantern, (tobacco) pipe, scrollcase, orb, box, skull, chest, bag, quill, sandals, etc. In other words, more weirdness, less potions.

Amaril |

For potions, I do think that there is a need to have several similar potions. There are a couple of ways to do it. Option 1 would be to release a set with 11 types of potions (5 per deck). Later you could do a potions (II). I'd favor that plan. Option 2 would be to have 55 unique cards, and I could buy multiple sets.
Which is exactly why a distinct set would be helpful. For those who do care about potions, the deck is available for purchase. Those who don't can choose to not buy the deck.

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Thanks to everyone for their feedback on the latest Item Card announcements.
It makes a lot of sense to me that people would prefer that we reissue complete sets of Hero's Hoard and Relics of War. It's true that these can be difficult to assemble one booster pack at a time, and I sympathize with customers looking for an inexpensive way to cut down the hassle. Clearly, packaging Item Card releases as complete sets is a superior way of getting cards to the customers, which is why we've taken that tactic with every release since Relics of War.
When we sat down to compile a list for Item Card Essentials, we wanted to "re-create" the "base set" experience of "Item Pack 1" with a larger set that gave customers a wider variety of magic items. We decided to make a "best of" collection featuring high-utility cards from Item Pack 1, Hero's Hoard, and Relics of War.
Essentials will include a variety of cards from the first three sets, but we've made an effort to _not_ include cards that appeared in both Item Pack 1 and Hero's Hoard, since we figured most people have enough of those cards already. Jason Bulmahn, who has built the set list for every Item Card set to date, tells me that there are only "about four" cards from Item Pack 1 in the set, and those were included because they represented "key" items that you'd want in a starter set, but that didn't appear in Hero's Hoard or Item Pack 1.
We believe that this new set will make an ideal first purchase for gamers who do not already have the first three sets while providing an easy way for long-time customers to augment their collection. I appreciate that for many of you full sets of Hero's Hoard and Relics of War would have been preferable, but there are still plenty of packs of those sets available.
Going forward, if a set goes out of print we plan to reprint it straight up, if it looks like it makes sense to do so. We faced that situation with Item Pack 1, and instead of a straight reprint we thought it made more sense to make the starter set for the line a more robust offering.
Amaril, the idea of a "weapons only" pack is quite likely a viable one. We've tossed it around a few times in planning meetings, and while it has yet to rise to the top, it may one day in the near future. I am very leery of doing a set of psionic cards for the same reason I am leery of doing a modern set. The cards would not be of use to the majority of our customers, and I suspect a lot of you would be complaining about a set you can't use. That said, I wouldn't be surprised to see things like "crystals" or other psionic items pop up in future sets. We know people do want this stuff, and we're looking at ways to get it in here and there.
I hope this post gives you guys an idea of our thinking about the Item Card line and specifically our planning for the Essentials set. I realize that this is not an ideal pick-up for some of you, but as a starter set for customers new to the Item Card line, we think this strategy works very well.
Thanks for your feedback and continued interest.
--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC

Amaril |

Amaril, the idea of a "weapons only" pack is quite likely a viable one. We've tossed it around a few times in planning meetings, and while it has yet to rise to the top, it may one day in the near future. I am very leery of doing a set of psionic cards for the same reason I am leery of doing a modern set. The cards would not be of use to the majority of our customers, and I suspect a lot of you would be complaining about a set you can't use. That said, I wouldn't be surprised to see things like "crystals" or other psionic items pop up in future sets. We know people do want this stuff, and we're looking at ways to get it in here and there.
Thanks for the reply, Erik. I am glad to hear about the weapons pack idea.
Regarding psionic cards, most universal items could be supported by cards that are relatively reusable as magic items. They don't even need to necessarily be labeled as psionic, just designed to accommodate those type of items. Crystal items can even help with things such as dragonshards for Eberron. A handful of cards (not necessarily a full set) labeled as a "crystal shard" or something similar helps to fulfill roles for any number of items magical or psionic.
Still it would be nice to have items labeled distinctly as dorjes, powerstones, and psicrowns as the d20 magic system gets support for wands, scrolls and staffs. I understand that Item Cards are supposed to be system neutral, but that's not so obvious when I see cards for distinct d20 body slots and a distinguishment between rods and wands.
In any case, I'll look forward to whatever psionic support we can get. Thanks again, Erik. :)

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I applaud Paizo's effort to keep items from the first sets available in a "starter" pack, and keeping other sets in-print as they sell out. As I have recently purchased a display pack of each, I'm not likely to purchase the new starter pack myself, but it's a great pack for newcomers to start out.
We currently have holy symbols for Desna and Lamashtu - a symbol for each of Varisia's religions might be a good idea, maybe to co-incide with the release of Pathfinder Chronicles - Gods and Magic?
Still it would be nice to have items labeled distinctly as dorjes, powerstones, and psicrowns as the d20 magic system gets support for wands, scrolls and staffs. I understand that Item Cards are supposed to be system neutral, but that's not so obvious when I see cards for distinct d20 body slots and a distinguishment between rods and wands.
There has been some feedback regarding the abundance of rods/staves/wands, particularly as many of us collect pack after pack. It might be an opportunity to release a slot from each of these categories to Psi-like items, variety is always good.
Another thought is that it has been rumoured that Paizo might introduce Psionic support when one of Golarion's moons is opened up for adventure. Perhaps this might be the time to release a Psionic deck?

Varl |

Grr! My reply got erased! >:-(
Take two.
...must remember to copy....
Let's see. Where was I? Oh yes. Psionic item cards. A thought occurred to me (twice now) that, instead of releasing an entire set of psionic item cards, which I agree with Eric might not sell so well considering the smaller target audience that likes psionics, to create a very small number of cards (say 1-5) that are psionic item marker cards. These cards would "attach" to existing item cards from all sets and make the item psionic (insofar as much as the player and DM cares anyhow). Transparent psionic marker cards would be even better. Slide it in over the other card in the sleeve...viola! Instant psionic item. I don't know what set you might want to include these in, but I'd buy that set heavily should you decide to do this. Just a thought.

Amaril |

These cards would "attach" to existing item cards from all sets and make the item psionic (insofar as much as the player and DM cares anyhow). Transparent psionic marker cards would be even better. Slide it in over the other card in the sleeve...viola! Instant psionic item. I don't know what set you might want to include these in, but I'd buy that set heavily should you decide to do this. Just a thought.
I'm not too keen on this idea. Some psionic items are unique enough to warrant their own cards (i.e. - psychoactive skins, shards, cognizance crystals, power stones, etc.) and placing psionic X over existing cards for boots, psicrowns, and other things of that sort just seems cheesy.

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I've gotta say, the random release was a really bad idea. I know you guys have realized that non-random is the way to go, but random can be ridiculous. I haven't bought any of the Hero's Hoard, but I have been given several packs free with my Paizo orders. The most recent set of 11 cards had 1 that I did not already have. It included two cards in the same pack that were IDENTICAL.
I don't know how you do your randomizing, but if you can get two of the same card in one deck, that's not cool.
With 44 cards, there are only 29 cards I have at least one copy of. Meaning that 15 of my cards are duplicates of each other. And even though I have so few, there are several that I now have three of (including the one where I just received two of).
Now, I really do like these cards, and I'd really like to be able to use them for my players. The cards that I do have from this set are really good. I think that a reissue as a full set would be a good idea. If that were the case I very well might buy it, getting the other 71 cards I'm missing and a few more duplicates.

Varl |

I'm not too keen on this idea. Some psionic items are unique enough to warrant their own cards (i.e. - psychoactive skins, shards, cognizance crystals, power stones, etc.) and placing psionic X over existing cards for boots, psicrowns, and other things of that sort just seems cheesy.
Whatever. It was just an idea. It doesn't sound like you're going to get your unique psionic cards any time soon, though.

Bray Abbitt |
I haven't bought any of the Hero's Hoard, but I have been given several packs free with my Paizo orders. The most recent set of 11 cards had 1 that I did not already have.
I had exactly the same experience. I was just about to pick up some packs, but will probably stay away from the randomized ones