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Too funny, man. But the guy playing Hennet in the later ones is just too creepy. I get the feeling there isn't any role-playing with that dude.
As both the writer/producer of the series and the actor who portrays Hennet, I can assure you that it is, indeed, all acting - I'm a role-player from about 1993 on, a big fan of playing against type, and I'm flattered that I come across as genuinely disturbed.
Also, perhaps disturbed that I'm genuinely flattered.
Regardless, I'm glad that such fine people as yourselves dig on my silly videos - and thank you for sharing the love. Without fans like yourselves, there would be no PSAs, and I sure do enjoy making them.
- the Boom,
1/3 of the CreativeJuices Team,
Writer and Producer,
Player of Hennet, Blackrazor and Pazuzu

Steve Greer Contributor |

Steve Greer wrote:Too funny, man. But the guy playing Hennet in the later ones is just too creepy. I get the feeling there isn't any role-playing with that dude.*grin*
As both the writer/producer of the series and the actor who portrays Hennet, I can assure you that it is, indeed, all acting - I'm a role-player from about 1993 on, a big fan of playing against type, and I'm flattered that I come across as genuinely disturbed.
Also, perhaps disturbed that I'm genuinely flattered.
Regardless, I'm glad that such fine people as yourselves dig on my silly videos - and thank you for sharing the love. Without fans like yourselves, there would be no PSAs, and I sure do enjoy making them.
- the Boom,
1/3 of the CreativeJuices Team,
Writer and Producer,
Player of Hennet, Blackrazor and Pazuzu
Ah, the freaky two-belts-around-his-bare-chest-guy himself. Just kidding. Yeah, you've created a new series of quotes for gaming tables.
I've taught my 2-year old now to say "Sneak Attack!" as she pummels my players with a plastic pretend sword. It's too cute!
One of my players went to school with the blonde-haired girl in the 2nd (or 3rd?) one that I referred to about caressing her melons and I guess she told him that you all were doing this as a university project (if I'm remembering right). Is that right?
Anyway, great stuff! Keep 'em coming!

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Yeah, you've created a new series of quotes for gaming tables.
If I've done nothing else of any real value with my life, I'm at least proud of that.
My people (the nerds) are a much-maligned and under-represented collective of brilliant scientist-poet-philosopher-kings, and the idea that I've improved the day-to-day existance of someone, especially at the gaming table, fills my dark heart with glee.
At the end of the day, people like Phil Foglio and Aaron Williams are the reason that I love my D&D so very much - no offense meant to the Monte Cooks & Jonathan Tweets of the world, of course - and I'd like to (to some small degree) benefit the world of gaming-related humor the way that they have.
Or at least raise the bar past "one more version of the Dead Alewives Sketch".
I've taught my 2-year old now to say "Sneak Attack!" as she pummels my players with a plastic pretend sword. It's too cute!
*grin* I could not possibly be more charmed by that.
One of my players went to school with the blonde-haired girl in the 2nd (or 3rd?) one that I referred to about caressing her melons and I guess she told him that you all were doing this as a university project (if I'm remembering right). Is that right?
See, now I'm trying to guess which breast-grabbing blonde girl you're referring to. Man, I love my hobby.
While we do use whatever college students and professors we can trick into helping us, it's just a labor of love. That is, none of us have recieved a damn thing for these films - college credit, money or otherwise.
But if my mom asks: yes, this is for school.

Fox_Reeveheart |

Where the hell were these girls when I was gaming? :(
THE ONLY GIRL WE EVER HAD PLAY WITH US Q_Q was a bulldyke lesbian... she wasnt fat... but when i first saw her I literally thought she was a guy for 3 hours. had this really really really short bleach blonde hair and looked like this jock guy i knew from school and there was NO femininity in her voice whatsoever. It wasn't until like hours later my buddies was pointing to her and I remember the words "she" being blurted out. Obviously I didn't say anything as to avoid creating an awkward moment o_o
but honestly I would kill to have a hottie like darlene at my games O_O rawr! hmm.... i do have a philipino hot chick friend....

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Where the hell were these girls when I was gaming? :(
. . .
but honestly I would kill to have a hottie like darlene at my games O_O rawr! hmm.... i do have a philipino hot chick friend....
Well, in your defense, most of the ladies in the vids don't actually PLAY the game - we live in a college town, and Wes is friends with a lot of women in the theatre department, so we've got a near-never-ending supply of lovely young gamer-friendly people who enjoy delivering badly-written dick-jokes on camera.
For example, the aforementioned Darlene.
Still, there ARE plenty of girls who game, if you know where to look, including some damn cute ones. For a few weeks, the Wednesday night 'Shackled City' game that I play in was dominated by women - four female players, three guy players and the male DM - which was super-fun. Sure, all but one of the girls at the table was dating or married to one of the male players or the DM, and the one who WASN'T dating someone at the table was dating a gamer in another town, but that just proves that some women love the gaming and LOVE the gamers.
I always try to point out to people that the only thing stopping you from knowing more girls who game is the antiquainted notion that women "don't game" or "can't game" or "wouldn't want to game" - given half a chance and a positive introduction, a good percentage of women really enjoy the D&D experience. Hell, my friend Kari runs a Sunday-night Forgotten Realms game for an all-male party, including her boyfriend, and we all enjoy the hell out of it.
My advice, worth about what you paid for it, is to find out if your female friend plays any games like 'Sims' - if so, she might actually be interested in D&D and not know it yet.
Best of luck.
- the Boom,
1/3 of the CreativeJuices Team,
Writer and Producer,
Player of Hennet, Blackrazor and Pazuzu