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I was lurkylooing at the 1408 thread. It's true, the dearth of good horror flicks created of late, of which my esteemed colleagues speak, is quite hideous.
So what's the best horror flick ever? Feel free, of course, to not limit your choice to one, in the spirit of Halloween, and my own personal aura of chaos which even now burrows into this thread like worms yearning to fat on the last vulgar leavings of that one universal, inevitable conclusion.

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The Exorcist has to be up there. I was seven when I first saw it. My parents had gone to bed, it was late, I was alone, and I watched the entire thing. I slept with a light on for 2 weeks after that.
My Dad didn't help - when he asked why I was so freaked out the following night, and I told him, he responded "Why did you go and watch that? Don't you know it's based on a true story?"
So, for me, The Exorcist will always be special.

The Jade |

The Exorcist. Lots of possession films overprepare you for the this movie and can ruin its effect. But, if the Exorcist is the first movie on the subject you see... you'll be temporarily crippled. Especially after the first five minutes go from what looks like a happy 70's montage for soap commercial to a lurid knuckle-whitener.

kahoolin |

The Exorcist scared the crap out of me too as a youngster.
Anyone find that as they get older they get more grossed out by intense horror style violence? I mean I'm OK with gunfights, swords, action movie vioence. But movies like Saw and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the stuff I used to laugh at as a teenager just doesn't seem funny any more and I have no desire to watch it.
Oh no, I think I grew some empathy!

The Jade |

The Exorcist scared the crap out of me too as a youngster.
Anyone find that as they get older they get more grossed out by intense horror style violence? I mean I'm OK with gunfights, swords, action movie vioence. But movies like Saw and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the stuff I used to laugh at as a teenager just doesn't seem funny any more and I have no desire to watch it.
Oh no, I think I grew some empathy!
Same here! As a teenager there seemed to be some kind of value to the glamor of mindless and deformed death dealers. Years later and I can't stand the pointless terror and death. What happened?! Empathy is indeed a b~&*%.

Steve Greer Contributor |

When I was about 5 I saw a movie that scared the living crap out of me. Yeah, I was 5, so a lot of things scared the crap out of me. However, I remembered nearly every detail of that movie for over 30 years. I never saw it again from that time until about 2 weeks ago a friend and I were flipping through channels on my TV and I noticed that MOJO was playing it. I thought, "Let's check this out to see how lame it is now that I'm an adult." Guess what? Not lame! Still fricking scary!
Check out Black Christmas when you have a chance. The eye peering out from the crack in the door is just chilling and pretty much the big pay off.

Kruelaid |

Yes The Shining and Exorcist scared the s**t out of me, but the movie that left the greatest impression on me, and it was my first horror movie, was Salem's Lot (1979), which isn't really that great, but I was a pre-teen and watched it with my elder brother who had convinced me that it was true (it's just that adults didn't want to talk about vampires because it would scare us, he said).
The other movie that slapped me witless, having survived the previous three without any severe emotional trauma, was Alien.
Nothing seems to scare me anymore, but a fairly recent movie did get my pulse pounding, and it was The Eye (2002).
And God how I loved Event Horizon. That one really gripped me.

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the shining. :-(
You know after hearing so much about The Shining I honestly didn't find it that scary. A little creepy in some places, but I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be considering it was a combination of King & Kubrick.
My scariest movie isn't really a current movie, but when I was little I saw like 30 seconds of the Werewolf transforming in American Werewolf in London and couldn't sleep properly for months. It scared the crap out of me.
When I was about 5 I saw a movie that scared the living crap out of me. Yeah, I was 5, so a lot of things scared the crap out of me. However, I remembered nearly every detail of that movie for over 30 years. I never saw it again from that time until about 2 weeks ago a friend and I were flipping through channels on my TV and I noticed that MOJO was playing it. I thought, "Let's check this out to see how lame it is now that I'm an adult." Guess what? Not lame! Still fricking scary!
Check out Black Christmas when you have a chance. The eye peering out from the crack in the door is just chilling and pretty much the big pay off.
If this movie doesn't make your skin crawl... it's on TOO TIGHT!
Classic Quote =)
kahoolin wrote:Same here! As a teenager there seemed to be some kind of value to the glamor of mindless and deformed death dealers. Years later and I can't stand the pointless terror and death. What happened?! Empathy is indeed a b%~*@.The Exorcist scared the crap out of me too as a youngster.
Anyone find that as they get older they get more grossed out by intense horror style violence? I mean I'm OK with gunfights, swords, action movie vioence. But movies like Saw and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the stuff I used to laugh at as a teenager just doesn't seem funny any more and I have no desire to watch it.
Oh no, I think I grew some empathy!
I like to sit down today and have a good old laugh at modern slasher horror (as opposed to when I was younger and liked to sit down and not move a muscle for an hour and a half at old school slasher horror). What really gets me creepy scared are well done Thrillers. I sat down one day to watch Jeepers Creepers 2, The remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Gothika and you know what... the one that scared me the most was Gothika.
My favourite Horror Movie however is John Carpenter's version of The Thing... LOVE it! Is there any movie that combines John Carpenter and Kurt Russell that isn't pure gold (even though Escape from LA pushes it).
P.S. if any of you are interested, check out Mordum, a movie by August Underground. Toe Tag Pictures
My friend gave me a copy that started with one of the deleted scenes (the one with the girl in the bath) and I was freaked out.

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Anyone find that as they get older they get more grossed out by intense horror style violence? I mean I'm OK with gunfights, swords, action movie vioence. But movies like Saw and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the stuff I used to laugh at as a teenager just doesn't seem funny any more and I have no desire to watch it.
Typically I don't find horror movies scary. They may startle me or gross me out but rarely do they scare me. Movies like Apt Pupil and Arlington Road on the other hand. . . Those are the kind of movies I find disturbing.

Olaf the Stout |

I saw "The Exorcist" when it was rereleased in the cinemas about 6 or 7 years ago. I was 20 years old at the time and I really didn't find it scary at all. I don't know why that's the case. My Dad saw it when he was a teenager and he had to sleep with the light on for a while after that.
On the other hand, I saw "The Ring" (the American version) a couple of years later. That scared the crap out of me! I had trouble sleeping that night and was a little paranoid around TV's for a bit, especially a week after I watched it. I haven't seen "The Ring 2", although there is a little part of me that still wants to.
As a child I remember watching Steven King's "It" and being quite scared for weeks after. I also watched "Candyman" when I was about 13 and had trouble sleeping at night for a while afterwards. I blame that movie, other horror movies and similar urban myths for my dislike of looking in the mirror with the lights off.
Olaf the Stout

rugbyman |

Slow footed mutes that could only catch you if you fell or ghosts that never really touched you never got to me - but "Alien" sure did. Aside from the obvious - a man-eating, bug-like monster loose in a confined space - the scenery was dark and uncomfortable even when things were fine.
Great film. I lost many rem cycles to that gem.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Horror is, without a doubt, my favorite genre. I've been watching horror movies for most of my life, and that means that when you DO hit one that scares you, it's something special. :)
Of course, what scares person A is nothing to person B. So with that in mind, and for what it's worth, here's the movies that scared/frightened/creeped me out the most:
The Scariest of them all:
John Carpenter's The Thing
The Vanishing (not the crappy remake!)
The Blair Witch Project
The Ring (here, the remake's the scarier one!)
The Exorcist
And now the merely Scary:
The Shining
The Legend of Boggy Creek (I was young! Bigfoot's scary!)
The Haunting (again, not the crappy remake)
Jacob's Ladder
The Serpent and the Rainbow
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Again... no remakes)
The Wicker Man
The Last House on the Left
The Changeling
28 Days Later
Silence of the Lambs
The Devil's Backbone
Evil Dead
Dead Ringers
The Fly (this time, the remake wins!)
Nightmare on Elm Street (although this one's aged the worst of all these movies)
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead (original AND remake!)
I'm sure I missed a few, but those are the movies I'd say are the scariest ones.
To bring the subject full circle, I really REALLY loved "1408" (based on one of my favorite King stories, and one that helped inspire Dragon #336's "Not for the Living" article), but it wasn't really scary to me (still a great movie, though). The story was rather frightening, though.

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I saw "The Exorcist" when it was rereleased in the cinemas about 6 or 7 years ago. I was 20 years old at the time and I really didn't find it scary at all. I don't know why that's the case. My Dad saw it when he was a teenager and he had to sleep with the light on for a while after that.
On the other hand, I saw "The Ring" (the American version) a couple of years later. That scared the crap out of me! I had trouble sleeping that night and was a little paranoid around TV's for a bit, especially a week after I watched it. I haven't seen "The Ring 2", although there is a little part of me that still wants to.
As a child I remember watching Steven King's "It" and being quite scared for weeks after. I also watched "Candyman" when I was about 13 and had trouble sleeping at night for a while afterwards. I blame that movie, other horror movies and similar urban myths for my dislike of looking in the mirror with the lights off.
Olaf the Stout
I agree with Olaf about The Ring. It was very creepy and made it hard to sleep that night. It is a once only view however. Before my friend and I saw The Ring 2, we watched The Ring again and it was nowhere near as creepy and neither was the second.
It (omho the most true to story of Stephen King's movie translations)and Candyman both scared me as well (and I made my little sister watch Candyman with me the first time). We both got scared and turned it off after the first scene with the girls.

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Horror is, without a doubt, my favorite genre. I've been watching horror movies for most of my life, and that means that when you DO hit one that scares you, it's something special. :)
Of course, what scares person A is nothing to person B. So with that in mind, and for what it's worth, here's the movies that scared/frightened/creeped me out the most:
The Scariest of them all:
The Blair Witch ProjectAnd now the merely Scary:
Evil Dead
I loved Se7en... Lust was my personal "creepiest moment".
The Blair Witch Project was mega scary the first time around (especially after reading the back story) but it was not scary at all the second time.Jaws scared me too as a kid, although not so much now.
Evil Dead (series) is my second favourite Horror movie (Ash/Bruce Campbell rocks). The first was scary with a bit of humour, the second was a little of column A and a little of column B and the third was more humourous.
See this. This... is my BOOMSTICK!

The Jade |

Anyone remember the Changeling?
Own it. Love it.
Blair Witch had me leaving the theatre, bored and grumbling.
Audition was a WONDERFUL spook. I was saying deedeedeedeedee for a year after. The Ring was fun and creepy (that killer student film really was killer). Hated Ringu. Hated Ring 2.
Along with Jacbos:
In the theater Alien effed me up as a kid. And Poltergeist was also a great scare.

tdewitt274 |

Anyone find that as they get older they get more grossed out by intense horror style violence?
Nope. I think this pretty much sums it up.
I don't put Saw, or any of the others, in the genre of horror. That article pretty hits it dead on.
There's a very visible line between Horror and Torture. Torture is the intent that makes you scared. Horror is the result that makes you scared. Think of Horror as the jump in your seat, not the Torture of sinking into your seat.
The movie that scared me as a kid was Night of the Living Dead and Strange Invaders.
NotLD is a classic. I can never get over the fact that all they had to do was walk away. Zombie, 3 MPH. Human, 5 MPH casual stroll. Stop wasting bullets! Walk away!
Strange Invaders, on the other hand, was a B movie at best. It took me years to track it down, but I finally found it. Aliens take over a town and suck the innerds from people for some odd reason (either can't remember or there wasn't a real reason). Imagine seeing a person deflate like a baloon!

mwbeeler |

Event Horizon.
I love that movie! Not scary; but I'm a big fan of San Neill, plus the zero-gravity fire was sweet. I love where he pulls his eyes out at the end (not to ruin for anyone).
As for my personal scariest movie ever: The Grudge. Oiy, thank goodness I'm married and don't have to sleep alone after seeing that. Cripes. Sadly, the Grudge 2 sucked SO much. The end clip with the sweatshirt is the only good part in the entire movie. Seriously, rent the thing, forward 2 minutes from the credits for the effect, and then return it.
Back in the day, Jaws was right up there too. I still find sharks terrifying, albeit beautiful and majestic. Oh course, the true story of the Indianapolis makes Jaws look like a sissy.
I'm with you 100% on the torture thing: Watching meat just puts me to sleep. If you have to resort to blood and gore, you probably aren't particularly creative and should write computer manuals instead. For those of you out there who want a torture movie that IS genuinely scary, try watching Marathon Man. Yeah, good luck going to get a tooth capped after THAT movie. Heh, "Is it safe?"
Cool, the "edit" feature is still active. I can't believe I forgot "Fire in the Sky." Hah! After we watched that while we were still dating, neither my wife or I would go near the patio door for a bit. Open spaces in the country = bad.

mwbeeler |

I got motion sickness in that film
Ditto. We even stayed back to back from whatever the first movie was to catch it (I forget now what it was we saw at the same time). Oh man, I was so ill after the spinning cameras. Blarg. That film was badong (for those of you "in the know").

Zynete RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |

I don't think I have much to add to the scariest movie since I get scared quite easily. I also tend to block out many of the scary movies that I've seen so I can't recall what my scariest movie has been. I tend to favor the comedy/horror (Evil Dead) since I can't handle straight horror.
However Dracula 3000 was especially scary for me since I wasn't sure it was ever going to end (if that counts). Although I liked how all the characters I disliked got killed and everyone else survived.
P.S. I now think the scariest horror film I can think of is Forum's Ate My Post!.

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While I never found The Shinning or The Exorcist scary, Alien scared the dog s@*+ out of me.
I still don't like clowns after watching It as a youngster.
Night of the Living Dead is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I didn't find it that scary.
While I did not find The Ring, The Grudge, or any of the Saw movies scary, I do like them alot. The Japanese versions of The Ring and The Grudge are much better than the American remakes (as long as you don't mind reading the movie) IMO. If you can find them, I highly recommend watchin them.

Taliesin Hoyle |

There are very few scary films that I have watched. I have only watched and enjoyed three, but all of them scared me witless.
Go to Don't Look Now..
Go to Angel Heart.
Go to The Thing.

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The Dark! Suspense, truely creepy, especially for anyone moving into an old house, and evil wins!

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I personally can't watch horror movies...I'm easily scared, which is ironic considering the same things that scare me I use in the game, so i've only seen three horror movies to completion, and two of them I'd classify more as comedies:
Scary: Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Funny: Army of Darkness and Jesus Christ: Vampire hunter, which is my personal favorite movie of all time. I mean, Jesus kicks a vampire up a tree! awesome...

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The Dark! Suspense, truely creepy, especially for anyone moving into an old house, and evil wins!
BTW. No gore in this movie. I think that for a movie to be truly scary it takes good writing, not gallons of gore splattered haphazardly about the screen.
They are not mutually exclusive but I rarely feel scared at a gore-fest movie. I usually find the suspense is "The evil axe-wielder jumps out from behind XXX to hack XXX in the XXX! *insert 3 gallons of insta-blood and some cheesy latex body part, rinse, repeat*
just an opinion.

Ultradan |

Jaws gave me nightmares for a long time (my babysitter took me to the movies with her friends to see it when I was only three, the hoar! I still don't know how they got me in there...).
The Blair Witch Project I found particulary scary in the fact that it was made to look like a real student documentary gone wrong. It was just creepy.
I had (still have a little) a fear of bees, so any movie with swarms of them gets me curled up in the sofa wishing I was elsewhere.
Poltergeist (the first one) I always thought was a little scary, until I saw it again not long ago. It turned out to be quite lame. lol.
The first Nightmare on Elm Street had quite a potential, but they turned the movie franchise into a farce.
The movies coming out lately are pretty good (The Ring, The Grudge, things like that).
I have found that THE SCARIEST thing I have ever experienced was the original survival horror games like the first Resident Evil and Silent Hill. I swear: There were times I had to turn off the damn console because my heart just couldn't take it anymore. GOD THOSE GAMES WERE SCARY!!!

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I have found that THE SCARIEST thing I have ever experienced was the original survival horror games like the first Resident Evil and Silent Hill. I swear: There were times I had to turn off the damn console because my heart just couldn't take it anymore. GOD THOSE GAMES WERE SCARY!!!
I agree some of them are quite scary, simply because they built the suspense like a good movie should; camera angles, spooky music at the right places, etc...
Reisdent Evil: When the zombie arms burst through the window in the police station that you had walked past a million times before freaked me out big time. As did the dog jumping through the interrogation room mirror... I had been in that room and there was nothing in there. I swear there is a hole in my inlaws roof from when I was playing in the dark in an empty house one night. I seriously had to turn the game off and turn on every light in the house and sit on the lounge with my back against the wall facing the door until someone got home.
Silent Hill: The first baby attck in the alley freaked me out. So did running around in the fog at first, then it just became annoying.

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Lets Scare Jessica to Death scared the crap out of me duing the lake scene. Mind you, i was a kid and half asleep on the couch when watching it. Damn you Creature Features!
Other scary movies ive seen...
Alien 1
Jaws I
Phantasm I
Evil Dead I
Evil Dead II
There are others, but these were especially effective in their intent to scare the audience(me).
From the Memories of Thoths pulsing mind

The Jade |

About Taliesin Hoyle's choices:
Go to Don't Look Now..
Saw it as a teenager and didn't understand it was even attempting to be scary. Although Mickey Rourke tackling Lisa Bonet is a bit chilling:
Go to Angel Heart.
Loved it, bought it, wasn't particularly scared by it (although being trapped in a remote station with a monster is always a littler scary):
Go to The Thing.

The Jade |

The Dark! Suspense, truely creepy, especially for anyone moving into an old house, and evil wins!
That movie was much fun.
There were a good few films which had me on the edge of my seat as a kid, though by modern standards, they might not be scary in the least:
Anyone remember Burnt Offerings? Saw it as a child and oo did that Chauffer give me da willies.
And this TV movie aired when I was a child and caused me freak out, though I saw it in my teens and was utterly affected: The Spell
When I was seven, though absolutely an absurd film, The Screaming Skull made me miss sleep one night. The only film to ever make me call for me mum.