New Armor Enhancement?


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

After looking up the rules for donning armor and the lengthy amount of time required to don most heavy and even medium armors, I had a thought:

What about a magical enhancement that could be placed on armor that would allow it to be fully donned with a command word as a full-round action? Should it also allow said armor to be removed just as quickly? How much would this cost? Would it be a +1 or +2 market modifier or would it have a set price like glamoured or shadow armor? This enhancement would be an incredible boon to heavy armor wearers, allowing them to awaken unarmored and be up and equipped for battle in mere seconds. It would also remove the inconvenience of removing and re-equiping armor when a character needs to accomplish something but wants to rid themselves of a troublesome armor check penalty in a pinch.

I don't have my books at my disposal right now but I beleive there are two enhancements that would do that. I think one does exactly that your asking requiring a comand word and I think that's about it. The other causes your armor to liquify and go into a jar or something.

Liberty's Edge

I find no such animals in the crystal keep list, which is not by a long shot infalliable

I would suggest that it should be pretty hefty of a power, maybe a +2 if it completely vanishes, or at least becomes so small as to be negligible

Alternatively if it folds into a belt or a bracelet or some such, then maybe +1, since it can still be taken away.

The Exchange

I believe there is an enhancement for shields that does that....MIC, I think.....*goes to look*.....found it. It works on armor to...
cost +2000gp
you can call(command word,standard action) your armor or shield to you from anywhere on the same plane and if you aren't wearing other armor or shield they appear on your body as if donned. Doesn't work if someone else has worn it since you last wore it.

I would say that another +2000gp would be able to do the opposite, i.e. removing the armor and stowing it in a certain location (maybe have a focus for where the stuff goes).

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Fake Healer wrote:

I believe there is an enhancement for shields that does that....MIC, I think.....*goes to look*.....found it. It works on armor to...

cost +2000gp

Thanks! What book is that in, Fakey?

Shadow Lodge

Magic Item Compendium.

Scarab Sages

So.. left my reply window open too long...


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Derekjr wrote:
Magic Item Compendium.

Ah, that would be why Fakey said 'MIC.' I just now realized that this is what it meant!

The Exchange

Fatespinner wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

I believe there is an enhancement for shields that does that....MIC, I think.....*goes to look*.....found it. It works on armor to...

cost +2000gp
Thanks! What book is that in, Fakey?

No problem, brother.


Tight. I could see this in a cartoon: the hero (Japanamation style) calls out a command word (maybe his armor's name). Action stops, the background changes as the camera swings around the hero. Armor appears levitating in pieces around the hero, and join together around the hero culminating in a flash of light. :)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I just keep imagining a Power Ranger style transformation.

My armor's command word is "blatherskite".

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Ahem, 'blathering blatherskite'.

Oh god, I'm a nerd. I just corrected a Duck Tales reference.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Anyone recall a fancy spell that does something like this? Did I dream it?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I think there is a psionic power in "Complete Psion" called Call Armor that summons an armor onto you. I don't recall a spell that does the same though. I think it was a low level power too. 1st to 3rd level I think.

Also I got the Duck Tales reference from Wikipedia while trying to prove to myself that I didn't imagine it. I did feel odd though that this show from my past is recorded in such detail.

Scarab Sages

Isn't there an armor special ability that transforms it to normal clothing on a command word? I think I remember seeing that in a Magic Items section somewhere.

:goes to look it up:

Liberty's Edge

Another option (for sleeping in armor, anyway), is the Restful Crystal, also from the MIC. 500 GP and your armor crystal slot gets you the ability to sleep in any type of armor without being fatigued.

And you can switch the crystal out when not sleeping.

Doug Sundseth wrote:

Another option (for sleeping in armor, anyway), is the Restful Crystal, also from the MIC. 500 GP and your armor crystal slot gets you the ability to sleep in any type of armor without being fatigued.

And you can switch the crystal out when not sleeping.

sweet-that would seem to solve the problem quite well...

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

grrtigger wrote:

Isn't there an armor special ability that transforms it to normal clothing on a command word? I think I remember seeing that in a Magic Items section somewhere.

:goes to look it up:

Glamered armor. It only looks like clothes.

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