Jeremy Walker Contributor |

There appears to be a glitch in Merlokrep's stats as he is indicated as fighter 2/sorcerer 4 but hat (3d10+6 plus 3d4+6 plus 3) hitpoints.
Yup, I have to take the blame for this one. It should read:
hp 37 (6 HD; 2d10+4d4+12)
It is possible for him to have 43 hp even with the correct HD, if he rolled really well, but his average hp should be 37.

Vivriel |

The slurk's statblock lists its AC as:
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 16
(+2 Dex, +3 natural)
Unless it has some quality I missed which allows it to have a better AC flat-footed than not, the ff AC should be 13.
Btw, why doesn't it have an Ecology section with an Advancement entry like the tatzlwyrm in D0?

The-Last-Rogue |

Btw, why doesn't it have an Ecology section with an Advancement entry like the tatzlwyrm in D0?
I was wondering the same thing. Two guesses:
1) It is a space thing. There is a lot of stuff in D1. There may not have been sufficient room for the ecology section
2) Paizo is still unsure how it wants to incorporate some of the finer points of the statblock, and as such there may be a little variance on the theme until they find 'the one'.
my guess anyways --
regardless of the statblock
I really do like the new monsters.

The-Last-Rogue |

What's the difference between having a climbing speed and a climbing extraordinary ability? Couldn't the same thing be represented by just giving it a climbing speed?
I imagine you are talking about the Slurk. Well aside from the Climbing ability allowing it to climb sheer surfaces, walk upside down, etc -- I believe in this case it also grants certain abilities similart to Stability -- I do not have it in front of me right now.

tdewitt274 |

What's the difference between having a climbing speed and a climbing extraordinary ability? Couldn't the same thing be represented by just giving it a climbing speed?
The slurk gains a +4 bonus on any saving throw or check to avoid being bull rushed, overrun, or otherwise forcibly moved.
Having a climbing speed doesn't give it the ability to resist Bull rush, overrun or forceable movement. So, it would be a different ability.

tdewitt274 |

The Hill Giant encounter needs to have 'Beer Goggles' added to his equipment list... A comely female Ogre? Also curious what the wedding ring is and what it's worth. I'm thinking a Barrel Hoop.
Heck, it'd probably be about the size of a bracelet for a human, torg for a halfling.

trellian |

trellian wrote:He gets a +4 on Bull rush-checks because he's got four legs.Forgot about that. So, in theory, the Slurk would have a +8 for Bull rush? Or would they stack?
I would think they would stack, yes. But I really don't think that would ever come up though.. bull-rushing something like that? Nah..

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

tdewitt274 wrote:I would think they would stack, yes. But I really don't think that would ever come up though.. bull-rushing something like that? Nah..trellian wrote:He gets a +4 on Bull rush-checks because he's got four legs.Forgot about that. So, in theory, the Slurk would have a +8 for Bull rush? Or would they stack?
It would be a really gross idea. Slimy.