Length of a subscription and Internal Server Errors

Customer Service

So I finally decided to subscribe to Pathfinder and the Gamemastery Module Line, but one thing I could not figure out: How long does a subscription run? Until I cancel it? Somehow I wasn't able to discover an expiriation date.

After I placed the order some strange things happened. I went to the My Account page and into order histrory. After klicking on one of the links there I saw an Internal Server Error page. I ignored it using the back buttons in Firefox and wanted to browse paizo.com. But in doing so I quite often got to an Internal Server Error page.
After loggin out and in again everything is working fine now. Maybe you wanted to know about this :).


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Celeblas wrote:
So I finally decided to subscribe to Pathfinder and the Gamemastery Module Line, but one thing I could not figure out: How long does a subscription run? Until I cancel it? Somehow I wasn't able to discover an expiriation date.

Until you cancel it. No need to worry about it until you want to.

Celeblas wrote:
After klicking on one of the links there I saw an Internal Server Error page.

If that's the one that says that someone at Paizo has been notified, someone at Paizo actually has been notified: Gary. Sorry for the inconvenience—those are pretty rare these days.

Thanks for the fast answer. Do you guys actually have free days? :D

The Error page had no notice about someone being notified. It was just a blank page with "Internal Server Error" written in Times New Roman. Or maybe I missed some part of the message. I wasn't very interested in the error page after all.

All in all it was no big deal, just a bit confusing at first :).


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Actually I got notified 26 times for this one, but they were all from your session. Nobody else seems to have been affected, and I'm not seeing a good reason for the problem, so I think this time I'll chalk it up to sunspots or gremlins.

Well given the fact that I signed up for a Pathfinder and Gamemastery subscription it also might be the fault of the Pathfinder goblins or the Sandpoint devil :D.

Anyway. I had no further problems with paizo.com :).

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