Tyralandi's Favored Enemy

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Tyralandi has one level of ranger, but no listed favored enemy. I suppose it's yuan-ti, or humans...or what?

Hmm, didn't notice that omission. IMC, her favored enemy will be determined by whichever PC attacks her first.

Also, she has druid spells listed. Am I missing something?

She's a nymph I believe. Nymph's cast as 7th level druids. They gave her 1 level of ranger and the Thrall of Graz'zt Prc boosts druid caster levels.

office_ninja wrote:
Also, she has druid spells listed. Am I missing something?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yeah, she gets her druid spells from being a nymph and the thrall levels.

The missing favored enemy is an error. A glance back at her (lower level) stats from Dungeon #95, though, shows that her favored enemy is dwarves. Mostly because she thinks they're too ugly to deserve life, partially because their voices hurt her ears, and a little because they smell nasty. Plus, all that hair? Eew.

A little off subject but just wanted to know, when Tyralandi was being designed what type of demon sired her? Is she Grazzt's? I'm going to make her Grazzt's In my campaign. Damn she's a hottie!!!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

savagedave22 wrote:

A little off subject but just wanted to know, when Tyralandi was being designed what type of demon sired her? Is she Grazzt's? I'm going to make her Grazzt's In my campaign. Damn she's a hottie!!!


According to her more extensive history in Dungeon #95, her mother was a nymph, her father was an incubus. Her father likely doesn't know she exists, her mother died in childbirth (in a rather gruesome manner best left to the sealed section of Dungeon #95). She's attracted Graz'zt's attention after she basically took over a large sylvian forest and corrupted it into an evil empire of monsters.


corrupted? Liberated - surely>)

Richard Pett wrote:
corrupted? Liberated - surely>)

Heh...given her proclivities, violated might be the better term.;)

James Jacobs wrote:
savagedave22 wrote:

A little off subject but just wanted to know, when Tyralandi was being designed what type of demon sired her? Is she Grazzt's? I'm going to make her Grazzt's In my campaign. Damn she's a hottie!!!

According to her more extensive history in Dungeon #95, her mother was a nymph, her father was an incubus. Her father likely doesn't know she exists, her mother died in childbirth (in a rather gruesome manner best left to the sealed section of Dungeon #95). She's attracted Graz'zt's attention after she basically took over a large sylvian forest and corrupted it into an evil empire of monsters.

I knew this...must have had a brain fart or something? Maybe I will create a child from "Grazzt" and "Tyralandi", an adventure that takes place after the Savage Tide but Involving some of the main NPC's?


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