The Random Sh**e Thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Mmmmm, hot nurse ....

So, did you hit it off with her?

"Your name's Shiny? What a coincidence, that's part of my online tag on a Dungeons and Dragons website!"

er .... maybe not....

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

I noticed two things about said RN.

1. She was EXTREMELY attractive. Hot, even.
2. Her given first name was Shiny. I kid you not. It was on her name tag and everything.

Are you sure you weren't at a strip club?

It's a sign...

While sitting here waiting for someone to post I found some Chinese fortune telling thing that a friend sent me. It said that the song that told the most about what I think about life was Weird Al's 'White and Nerdy'.

Brazil is depressing. I'm at work researching dolls and toys from there. Instead I keep getting sites about murdered street children (Wait. That might be a Gamemastery mod...) and nothing about toys. Weird and depresing.

Liberty's Edge

There's this girl at work who today, as well as wearing all red and black, is wearing a boots / stocking combination that looks a LOT like the one depicted in the Tyralandi Scrimm (paizo Dungeon iconic) artwork.


Mothman wrote:

There's this girl at work who today, as well as wearing all red and black, is wearing a boots / stocking combination that looks a LOT like the one depicted in the Tyralandi Scrimm (paizo Dungeon iconic) artwork.


Where do you work, Moth?

Liberty's Edge

TwiceBorn wrote:

Where do you work, Moth?

I work for an architecture and interior design firm here in Sydney. The young lady in question is one of our interior designers - and in fact the namesake of the damsel in distress from our Age of Darkness game. Not that I'm obsessed or anything. No, really... ;-)

Mothman wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:

Where do you work, Moth?

I work for an architecture and interior design firm here in Sydney. The young lady in question is one of our interior designers - and in fact the namesake of the damsel in distress from our Age of Darkness game. Not that I'm obsessed or anything. No, really... ;-)

Are you kidding me? Gosia Troskie is someone's real name??? Heh...

Liberty's Edge

TwiceBorn wrote:
Mothman wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:

Where do you work, Moth?

I work for an architecture and interior design firm here in Sydney. The young lady in question is one of our interior designers - and in fact the namesake of the damsel in distress from our Age of Darkness game. Not that I'm obsessed or anything. No, really... ;-)
Are you kidding me? Gosia Troskie is someone's real name??? Heh...

Not the last name, but Gosia, yes. I wanted an unusual sounding name, and recalled a former colleague from my old workplace - who then started working here at my new office a few weeks after we started the game!

Mothman wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:
Mothman wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:

Where do you work, Moth?

I work for an architecture and interior design firm here in Sydney. The young lady in question is one of our interior designers - and in fact the namesake of the damsel in distress from our Age of Darkness game. Not that I'm obsessed or anything. No, really... ;-)
Are you kidding me? Gosia Troskie is someone's real name??? Heh...
Not the last name, but Gosia, yes. I wanted an unusual sounding name, and recalled a former colleague from my old workplace - who then started working here at my new office a few weeks after we started the game!

What nationality is the name "Gosia"? Never heard it before...

Random sh"te thread indeed... ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Random indeed.

It's Polish, but it's actually the short form of another name (that I can't pronounce) which is actually the polish form of "Margaret". (So we used to teasingly refer to our Gosia as Marge).

so...3 nude bikers in Serbia fined about 150 each for ludeness; hmm, they complained the weather was to hot to wear clothes. They could have gotten away with it Germany.

Silver Crusade

Valegrim wrote:
so...3 nude bikers in Serbia fined about 150 each for ludeness; hmm, they complained the weather was to hot to wear clothes. They could have gotten away with it Germany.

I'll have to try that excuse some time.

Liberty's Edge

Can anybody say.....road rash?

I am loving this.

Grand Lodge

And I love this. Man, this is the best news I've had in weeks!

Vattnisse wrote:
And I love this. Man, this is the best news I've had in weeks!

Ah yes, good times... :)

The Tigerpicks

As 'Nu-rave' breaks into the mainstream and sweeps across the nation all UK residents must break out the day-glo t-shirts, pop socks, smilies and slogan vests.

So you wanna be a vet/muppet doctor?

Liberty's Edge

I just got back from a 50-mile canoe trek in Canada with my Venture crew (the mutant offspring of the Explorers and Boy Scouts: a co-ed program for fourteen to twenty-two-year-olds that involves lots of strenuous excercise).

I was surprised to realize that the group was almost entirely gamers, including several Paizonians:
- Myself
- Dirk Gently
- AWED, and
- Rhyan Garrow, as well as:

-Andy the Game Crasher (see one-liners/Drizzt vs Elminster/place your rant here threads)
- one of the mastermind/concept artists behind Ollie Canal's World of Rym, and
- a master model-builder and wargamer that has three model airplanes in the Smithsonian

Sheesh the news is nuts; real life is two wierd to be believed and the news is not reported worth a damn; like today's excercism story where the police killed the grandfather performing the story; there is so much missing from that story that it is more like a punch in the mouth than a news story.

Valegrim wrote:
Sheesh the news is nuts; real life is two wierd to be believed and the news is not reported worth a damn; like today's excercism story where the police killed the grandfather performing the story; there is so much missing from that story that it is more like a punch in the mouth than a news story.

Reason #256 I hate the news. I watch it every once in a while, but I've decided that newspapers don't have commercials. Well, they have ads, but I can skip those. News channels suck: I want information, not entertainment. Not that your lame graphics and melodramatic scripts are entertaining.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I just got back from a 50-mile canoe trek in Canada with my Venture crew (the mutant offspring of the Explorers and Boy Scouts: a co-ed program for fourteen

I actually got a muscle from this trek. When I flex, you now see more than just a bulging tendon. Yay!

Tight Squeeze!


Liberty's Edge

There's rust in the dishwasher.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

We have a phantom ice cream truck in our neighborhood. We always hear it but never see the damned thing. I want a pink sherbet that looks like a foot with a gumball for the big toenail too, damnit!

Liberty's Edge

Am I sorry your sky went black,
put your knives in babies backs?
Am I sorry you killed the Kennedy's and Huxley too?

But I'm sorry Shakespeare
was your scapegoat
and your apples sticking into my throat
Sorry your Sunday smiles are rusty nails
and your crucifixion commercials failed
but I'm just a pitiful anonymous

And I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
we all just sing their song

Am I sorry to be alive
putting my face in the beehive?
Am I sorry for Booth and Oswald, pinks and cocaine too?

I'm sorry you never check
the bag in my head for a bomb
and my halo was a needle hole
I'm sorry I saw a priest being beaten
and I made a wish
but I'm just a pitiful anonymous

And I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
we all just sing their song
we all just sing their song

"the valley of death we are free
your father's your prison you see"

And I see all the young believers
Your target audience
I see all the old deceivers
we all just sing their song

you're just a copy of an imitation

Silver Crusade

Daigle wrote:
We have a phantom ice cream truck in our neighborhood. We always hear it but never see the damned thing. I want a pink sherbet that looks like a foot with a gumball for the big toenail too, damnit!

You're a stronger man than I am, Daigle. I'd still be running around the neighborhood looking for it.

Until I found it.


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

To tell the truth, I'm kinda scared. I mean, what would one do with a phantom ice cream truck if one was to locate it?

Silver Crusade

Daigle wrote:
To tell the truth, I'm kinda scared. I mean, what would one do with a phantom ice cream truck if one was to locate it?


Eat phantom ice cream?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Nah, I'll just let those dead kids down the street have it.

Liberty's Edge

Freddy Kruger's coming.

Silver Crusade

Heathansson wrote:
Freddy Kruger's coming.

He could use a manicure.

how does he eat with those things; same with edward scissorhand, least they showed He had problems.

Scarab Sages

kahoolin wrote: awesome is this mini? (The one with the toad obviously. Not the pirate, though he's pretty cool too I guess).

Not quite as awesome as THIS!

Do you think they got my good side...?

(Hope that works; I'm still new to this blogging lark...).

There is a truly HUGE spider under the bed! :( :O And I'm frightened.

name him; pets are less scarey; what kind of spider?

Valegrim wrote:
name him; pets are less scarey; what kind of spider?

Somesort of hunting spider I think. Its about an inch long and has short black fur -when it moves its very... 'darty' and looks like its missing frames of its animation out... erm... Wolf spider?! :O


Going to try and photo it! (Rather rubbish camera on my phone though.)

R-type wrote:
There is a truly HUGE spider under the bed! :( :O And I'm frightened.

Pfff. I've got a whole colony of 'em between my bed and my bedside table. They keep the buzzing things away. I like spiders better than buzzing things, spiders are quiet when they bite you in the middle of the night. I may wake up looking like a plague victim, but at least no stupid flies keep me up.

Here is little snap of the offender - Peter the Spider :) I've decided to let him/her stay, there a moth problem here and I could do with some eight legged help. Moths eat clothes and there is no frikken way thats happening!

It seems to be a male 'Tegeneria domestica' or common house spider. :) So much for my big bad wolf theory!


Warning some of the pics on this site will turn your heart into mush!

R-type wrote:
Here is little snap of the offender - Peter the Spider

Ain't she a beaut!

Liberty's Edge

R-type wrote:
It seems to be a male 'Tegeneria domestica' or common house spider. :) So much for my big bad wolf theory!

Yeah, I caught this absolutely huge spider in my bedroom a couple weeks back. It didn't look like any of the spiders we normally get, and I figured it as a Funnelweb. But I looked it up later, and it was more likely to have been a female Huntsman (much less deadly) ... probably a good thing as it turns out, seeing as I let it go in my neighbour's tree.

I'm driving myself out of my mind. In a stolen car. I hope the cops don't catch me.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Dirk Gently wrote:
I'm driving myself out of my mind. In a stolen car. I hope the cops don't catch me.

Did you steal the car from your inner child? Power Wheels don't do very well in high-speed chases.

Fatespinner wrote:
Dirk Gently wrote:
I'm driving myself out of my mind. In a stolen car. I hope the cops don't catch me.
Did you steal the car from your inner child? Power Wheels don't do very well in high-speed chases.

Nah, I stole it from the pending midlife crisis (It's pending for everyone under 35). It's a red convertable and its, uh... fast. Can you tell I know nothing about cars?

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