XP and the Old fishery (spoilers)

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Last night we completed the old fishery and helped put down the anarchy that occurred after the news of the king death. We ended right after they gave back the brooch.

Now I have been reading journals of people who ran the campaign before (Blue_Hill and Brute squad07 thanks btw lol) and among these journals and logs they state that the party leveled up after the old fishery.

Where I only have them at 860. It is a 5 person party and I am using pathfinder conversions, with the fast xp chart. I feel like I am doing something wrong so I hope you guys can show me where I have made my mistakes.


Liberty's Edge

I am not sure exactly sure where either of my parties leveled. There are a lot of variables though and my notes are old and I am not remembering exact order of events. Spoilering it just in case.


There are the spiders in the ship, did the party encounter all of the encounters in the fishery? Did they encounter any Jigsaw Sharks? Did you give them experience for getting the kids to safety? (one of my groups made sure the kids were taken to an orphanage and I gave them full xp for "defeating" them)

I do believe that they leveled up at the queen, but not before having to negotiate the city streets full of Anarchy. They saved the nobleman (who in both games came back several times to be a source of help and information) they orchestrated the extinguishing of a building fire, they were neerly killed by a squad of Hellknights on horseback intent on returning the city to order through waves of charges against angry mobs. In the process they saved numerous people that the knights had run over or were about to. There was also an Otyugh encounter.

So as I said, lots of variables.

I suggest that you just let them sit and they will level soon enough. I often feel like level 1 is to short anyway, an extra encounter or 3 lets everyone have a slightly better chance of using all those nifty powers they have.

Yea I see what you mean BruteSquad, I thinking about having them sit at level 1, although during the anarchy, they did save many lives from imps, Hell Knights, and a failure of a student from Theumanexus college, who promised great things from your friendly neighborhood necromancer, if he incited the crowd to riot on the castle.

So my question is can the party do all the worlds meat, while being level 1 for the start of the quest and level half up way through it?


Liberty's Edge

All the worlds meat should be doable at level 1. Now, can things go wrong? Yes they can wind up with cold dice and you can wind up with hot ones. Crits at the wrong time can and will do in almost any one in this game. But Nothing in the game up to

the dead warrens
is really going to be out of their league with a little creativity, teamwork and/or luck.

When they encounter


it could be somewhat problematic if they are the kind who will not negotiate but instead drop the gauntlets and call for initiative right out of the gate.

I would let it ride. Now, if you go further and they seem to be falling behind you'll need to pull out some random encounters and some of the suggested pieces that weren't fleshed out.

Otyughs work well for this, as 1 of them is a chunk of xp and a threat but Parties do well when it is 4 or more on one.

Yea they are very close to level 2 so they should be fine, we play tonight so I will see if it was a good idea.

Thanks for the help.

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