Editors: Freelance Writing for Pathfinder

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Can I assume Paizo will want its freelancers to stay on board for Pathfinder?
When do you anticipate releasing writers guidelines?
Do you see as much freelance content as you had with Dungeon & Dragon mags?

Thanks to the editors at Paizo; you people are the most patient, easy-to-work-with editors I have ever encountered!

Here's to the future!

Yes, please put out your guidelines soon. One unlooked for blessing of the loss of Dungeon & Dragon and the advent of Pathfinder and Varisia is that it has really stimulated creative thoughts with me.

New monsters, new spells, other....you know..stuff.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Pete v.B. wrote:
Can I assume Paizo will want its freelancers to stay on board for Pathfinder?

Most of Pathfinder's content (and ALL of the adventures) will be done by freelancers, but they'll be commissioned from authors we've worked with and can trust to turn in quality work on time. An Adventure Path has too many components to risk much on unknown writers. That said, we'll certainly be using as many different authors as possible, and we'll remain on the hunt for new authors.

Pete v.B. wrote:
When do you anticipate releasing writers guidelines?

Soon. It's high priority, because we want to continue the process of discovering and "cultivating" new writers. We're discussing several venues, but don't have anything concrete worked out quite yet.

Pete v.B. wrote:
Do you see as much freelance content as you had with Dungeon & Dragon mags?

All of Pathfinder and the GameMastery modules will be written freelance, but again, they're mostly commissioned from authors we've worked with. As for how MUCH content... at first, I suspect there'll be less, since while we'll be close o the same amount of materail, but we'll be publishing fewer (and much longer) articles/products.

Cheers, mate.

It's been said on one of the other threads on this topic that the main current need is for Monsters!

James Jacobs wrote:

Pete v.B. wrote:
When do you anticipate releasing writers guidelines?

Soon. It's high priority, because we want to continue the process of discovering and "cultivating" new writers. We're discussing several venues, but don't have anything concrete worked out quite yet.

That is such a rare and encouraging sentiment to hear from people in the publishing industry -- duly noted and truly appreciated.

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