A new Magazine distribution method to consider...

Dragon and Dungeon Transition Discussion

Grand Lodge

Ok I know that ya'll are really busy right now and probably sick to death of us asking you about a new magazine. I know you have shared a lot of publishing "secrets" with us (that have amazed me!)

But let's face it, you guys make the BEST magazines in the gaming industry. While there is a viable alternative to Dungeon with Pathfinder, there is nothing for Dragon.

I know you have described the insanity of distributing to the big retailers and the waste that destroys profit.

But what about taking a smaller approach, like the one No Quarter (Privateer Press) has taken? They ONLY distribute through local game shops, so their waste is minimized and they don't even take subscriptions. Yes, it is a house organ, so the advertising is all for their own products, but surely by combining that with subscriptions you would have enough advertisers to cover the added costs. There would be no more Barnes & Nobles and others buying thousands of copies just to destroy them and waste your money.

Just curious...

And thanks for the best years of Draon and Dungeon magazines!

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