American Express

Customer Service

Is there any chance Paizo will begin accepting American Express in the near future?

I'm prepared to pay a surcharge to cover the increased transaction fee, but I really don't want to continue using my wife's Visa card or my father's MasterCard to shop and subscribe.


Christopher Adams wrote:

Is there any chance Paizo will begin accepting American Express in the near future?

I'm prepared to pay a surcharge to cover the increased transaction fee, but I really don't want to continue using my wife's Visa card or my father's MasterCard to shop and subscribe.

We looked at it a while ago, and it just didn't make sense, especially for the quantity of transactions we do. The fees are CRAZY expensive, and really only start to make sense when we're doing millions a day, like Amazon or something. We're certainly still open to them cutting us a deal, but that's just it with Amex - they don't HAVE to cut deals with little guys, so they rarely do :-) Keep checking, you never know!

Christopher Adams wrote:
We looked at it a while ago, and it just didn't make sense, especially for the quantity of transactions we do.

Crumbs. I got an AmEx gift card & picked out allllll the little mini singles I wanted only to be thwarted at the end! Still, I understand; sometimes brass tacks are brass tacks.

Former VP of Finance

Holy thread necromancy, Mordicai!

For the record, we routinely look into other options for payment. I have a request out to our bank/processor right now about what our current charges would be for American Express. I don't have high hopes, though.

Chris Self wrote:
Holy thread necromancy, Mordicai!

No wonder I had no idea who this Phil guy was.

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