Issue #360?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

That's all I ask, I don't care what's in it. ;)

Ah well, thank you Paizo for making the magazines truly great. It's just too bad that WotC decided to end the magazine that's been around... oh, pretty much as long as the game itself.

I just wanted to add to the post. Thank you all for all your great work over the long years. I know on my part, everything you guys have done will be sorely missed. I really just cannot imagine this happening, it's almost tradition. Well, I won't rag the topic too much but THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!!!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been a reader of both mags forever, and a subscriber of Dragon from 112 to about 250 and of Dungeon from issue #2 to date...

I'll be sad to see them both go.

I'd love to get in a queue to get the last Dragon mailed to me - will you consider offering a preorder option for non-subscribers?

i think it was Alzrius who said on ENworld that a #360 would bring it... full circle. ;) aside from the obvious pun, that seems like a better number to end it on than #359 - and Dungeon gets to end it on a really cool number like #150, so hey why not? ;)

Liberty's Edge

BOZ wrote:
i think it was Alzrius who said on ENworld that a #360 would bring it... full circle. ;) aside from the obvious pun, that seems like a better number to end it on than #359 - and Dungeon gets to end it on a really cool number like #150, so hey why not? ;)

I like the coincidence (or is it...?) of Dragon ending on #359. It kindo-sortof-maybe-might could be seen as 'to be continued...' You know what I mean, not a true 'ending.'

i was also thinking that, if WotC keeps the name and numbering that *they* were thinking of claiming the full-circle thing by publising a Dragon #360. ;)

I started a "Thanks Paizo!" thread over at ENWorld which has since been merged with another thread about showing them continued support.

Anyway, if you want to chime in:

If you don't feel like heading over there, here were my thoughts...

Paizo, thanks for the Golden Age

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I returned from my sister's wedding this past weekend to the sad news of the death of my two favorite magazines. After I got over the initial shock, I immediately thought of what has made Dragon and Dungeon my go-to source for D&D material in the past few years.

I've been a long-time, on-and-off subscriber to Dragon (since around issue #54, I believe), and the magazine has never been better than since Erik and the current regime took the reins. I've looked forward every month to finding those little gems in my mailbox, and then ripping open the plastic and pouring through the pages like a kid in a candy store.

Just a few of things I'd like to thank you for...

Thanks for reviving the so-called "dead settings" that many of us love and far prefer to the current settings. Campaign Classics issues are true classics.
Thanks for the revival and continued support of Greyhawk.
Thanks for the Demonomicon, the best series of articles to ever grace the pages of the magazine.
Thanks for bringing back the Creature Catalog.
Thanks for Wandering Monsters.
Thanks for the Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide.
Thanks for Core Beliefs.
Thanks for the hundreds of great character options to appear in Class Acts.
Thanks for making the Ecology articles interesting again.
Thanks for allowing a venue for the beloved monsters from past editions that no longer grace the pages of Monster Manuals.
Thanks for remaining true to D&D canon and expanding it in exciting new directions.
Thanks for the Dragon Compendium...I wish you could've made many more.
Thanks for posting here frequently, even when threads were not the most welcome places for you to reply.
Thanks for treating contributers with respect. (It was a pleasure and an honor to contribute to your magazines)

So a big thank-you to Erik, James, Jason, Mike, Wes, Jeremy, other James, and all the rest. I wish you all the best and continued success. I look forward to whatever you guys come up with next.

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