Dasatana Shield bonus?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Not that I'm disagreeing (Been using the house rule for a while)

Arms and equipment guide wrote:
This pair of metal bracers can be worn in addition to some other types of armor to provide an additional armor bonus that stacks with both the foundation armor and any shield worn. You can wear dastanawith padded, leather, or chain shirt armor. You need the Armor Proficiency (light) feat to wear dastana without penalty.

So when the sage says it's a shield bonus that doesn't stack with shields, when was this revision made?

And are they still limited to the above light armor or any light armor?

Good question. IMC's, I allow them to continue to function just as before, since armor and shield bonuses were already separate, with dastanas falling inbetween.

I suspect the sage response labelling them a shield bonus was to prevent some ridiculous AC totals by having enhancement bonuses on armor, shield, *and* dastanas.

I like it, tho...

The Exchange

Being that it makes no mention of Studded Leather (another light armor) I would say they are only usable with the 3 forms of armor mentioned. HOWEVER....with all the newer armors that have been published since A&E Guide, I would try to add a few to the list like the leather scale and some others, just to expand the list somewhat. I believe they only limited it as a balance issue. I also believe that they shouldn't stack with shields, but that's just my opinion. Using a shield would cover one of them anyway so why do you get a bonus.
Besides, if you could use a shield OR Dastanas which would you choose? The one that allows you to get an AC addition(like a shield) and 2-weapon fighting or 2-handed weapon fighting or hold something and cast at the same time, of course. Dastana are much better than shields(unless you want the BIG shields). Allowing them to stack is just a bit much IMO. No balance.


Perhaps a fallacy on my part, but I have always held "leather armor" referenced in such a situation to include studded leather as well. I mean, studded leather is just leather armor with metal studs added.

Maybe we should hunt down the dastanas' creator and find out what s/he was thinking for the item and go from there.

Or, we could simply treat them as shields that allow you to use TWF, THF, or Archery without penalty. ;)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Doc_Outlands wrote:

Or, we could simply treat them as shields that allow you to use TWF, THF, or Archery without penalty. ;)

Which is what I've been doing. Avoiding some of the shield enhancements that would be silly (returning, dancing, etc) it seems to balance.

My concern is 'when was the change made' The text above is from the last printing of the dasatana. But the sage says it's a shield now. Did he read the Arms and Equipment Guide and make the decision or did he just decide 'poof, it's a shield now.'

With out my chainshirt, dastana and bastard sword (two handed wield) where would my Aasimar paladin be? Or my Human Anti-Paladin/Thayan Knight, Gnome Barbarian, Halfling Rouge, Elf Pirate....???

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