Street names in Cauldron?

Shackled City Adventure Path

Hi all,

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but are the streets of Cauldron named somewhere? The avenues are labeled prominently on the maps of the city, but the streets that wind their way from city wall to Crater Lake are not.

There's Lantern Street (from the orphanage description), but what of the others?



Liberty's Edge

they are not to my knowlege.

I did see that someone posted an augmented map of Cauldron that was used for their campaign wherein the DM named many of the other streets.

I dont remember the name of the author though. I downloaded the map and have a copy of it.

But my point is, that the DM resorted to naming them himself.

Are you using the book or the Dragon magazines? If its the book, it has a big fold out map and that has all the major street names. Oddly enough, Lantern Street is not named on the map, though the orphanage is indicated.


Dedekind wrote:

Are you using the book or the Dragon magazines? If its the book, it has a big fold out map and that has all the major street names. Oddly enough, Lantern Street is not named on the map, though the orphanage is indicated.


Thanks, Dedekind. I am using the HC, but its fold-out map does not list the street names. The avenue names are listed (Ash, Lava, etc., but the street names are not.

Robert: Thanks for your response. I think you're correct, though I had hoped the Dragon adventures had them listed somewhere.

Ully wrote:

Hi all,

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but are the streets of Cauldron named somewhere? The avenues are labeled prominently on the maps of the city, but the streets that wind their way from city wall to Crater Lake are not.

There's Lantern Street (from the orphanage description), but what of the others?



I bid thee greetings, my friend,

to solve your problem, I strongly recommend checking out the site, look for Ed Hunters Cauldron Almanac, and enjoy, by the way, a multitude of excellent articles, game-aids and maps, some of contributors of this message-board, but all about our favorite adventure path.

log in and enjoy, Claremont the Elder, Lord Buckley

Lone Shark Games

lord buckley wrote:
look for Ed Hunters Cauldron Almanac, and enjoy,

Well, now that is quite excellent. Thanks for the pointer. I'd been through quite a lot of rpgenius but had apparently missed that!

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